tyx / ddd-sample-symfony

DDD Real world sample application built over Symfony
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Example with EventSourcing ? #2

Closed macintoshplus closed 9 years ago

macintoshplus commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to have an example with EventSourcing?

I know it is difficult to implement the EventSourcing on the Legacy.

What are the changes to the level of the reading model and loading the aggregate?

What else ?

tyx commented 9 years ago


I made another sandbox that works with ES some months ago : https://github.com/tyx/cqrs-php-sandbox

But I have not try yet to implement ES on legacy so quite hard to give an example.

Anyway I don't see any blocking point as you mention.

The legacy table could became your view/snapshot. So you could build your aggregate by running new events from this snapshot.

macintoshplus commented 9 years ago

Thank you !

The file organization is free! This gives me ideas to remodel my projects and have a better separation.