tz924 / cs116-lab10

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scripts-5.0.0.tgz: 47 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 9.8) #9

Open mend-bolt-for-github[bot] opened 2 years ago

mend-bolt-for-github[bot] commented 2 years ago
Vulnerable Library - scripts-5.0.0.tgz

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/elliptic/package.json

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4


CVE Severity CVSS Dependency Type Fixed in (scripts version) Remediation Possible**
WS-2021-0153 Critical 9.8 ejs-2.7.1.tgz Transitive 13.0.0
CVE-2023-26136 Critical 9.8 tough-cookie-2.5.0.tgz Transitive 18.1.0
CVE-2022-37601 Critical 9.8 loader-utils-1.2.3.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2022-37598 Critical 9.8 uglify-js-3.6.0.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2022-29078 Critical 9.8 ejs-2.7.1.tgz Transitive 13.0.0
CVE-2021-44906 Critical 9.8 minimist-1.1.3.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2021-26707 Critical 9.8 merge-deep-3.0.2.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2021-23383 Critical 9.8 handlebars-4.4.2.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2021-23369 Critical 9.8 handlebars-4.4.2.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2024-33883 High 8.8 ejs-2.7.1.tgz Transitive N/A*
CVE-2023-45133 High 8.8 traverse-7.6.0.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2022-46175 High 8.8 detected in multiple dependencies Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2020-7660 High 8.1 serialize-javascript-1.9.1.tgz Transitive 5.1.0
CVE-2020-36604 High 8.1 hoek-8.2.4.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2019-20920 High 8.1 handlebars-4.4.2.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2021-43138 High 7.8 async-2.6.3.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2020-13822 High 7.7 elliptic-6.5.1.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
WS-2020-0450 High 7.5 handlebars-4.4.2.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
WS-2020-0042 High 7.5 detected in multiple dependencies Transitive 5.0.1
WS-2019-0310 High 7.5 https-proxy-agent-2.2.2.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2024-37890 High 7.5 detected in multiple dependencies Transitive 13.0.0
CVE-2023-46234 High 7.5 browserify-sign-4.0.4.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2022-37603 High 7.5 loader-utils-1.2.3.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2022-25883 High 7.5 detected in multiple dependencies Transitive N/A*
CVE-2022-24999 High 7.5 qs-6.7.0.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2021-3803 High 7.5 nth-check-1.0.2.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2021-3777 High 7.5 tmpl-1.0.4.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2021-3765 High 7.5 validator-10.11.0.tgz Transitive 6.0.0
CVE-2021-33623 High 7.5 trim-newlines-2.0.0.tgz Transitive 12.6.0
CVE-2021-27290 High 7.5 ssri-5.3.0.tgz Transitive 5.1.0
CVE-2020-7753 High 7.5 trim-0.0.1.tgz Transitive 17.1.0
CVE-2020-7662 High 7.5 websocket-extensions-0.1.3.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2020-28469 High 7.5 glob-parent-5.0.0.tgz Transitive 18.0.0
CVE-2019-20922 High 7.5 handlebars-4.4.2.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2020-8116 High 7.3 dot-prop-4.2.0.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2020-28498 Medium 6.8 elliptic-6.5.1.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2024-39249 Medium 6.5 detected in multiple dependencies Transitive N/A*
CVE-2024-29041 Medium 6.1 express-4.17.1.tgz Transitive 13.0.0
WS-2019-0427 Medium 5.9 elliptic-6.5.1.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
WS-2019-0424 Medium 5.9 elliptic-6.5.1.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2020-7789 Medium 5.6 node-notifier-5.4.3.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2020-7598 Medium 5.6 minimist-1.1.3.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2020-15366 Medium 5.6 ajv-6.10.2.tgz Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2019-16769 Medium 5.4 serialize-javascript-1.9.1.tgz Transitive 5.1.0
CVE-2021-32640 Medium 5.3 detected in multiple dependencies Transitive 5.0.1
CVE-2020-7608 Medium 5.3 yargs-parser-10.1.0.tgz Transitive 12.0.0
CVE-2017-16137 Low 3.7 debug-3.2.6.tgz Transitive 5.0.1

*For some transitive vulnerabilities, there is no version of direct dependency with a fix. Check the "Details" section below to see if there is a version of transitive dependency where vulnerability is fixed.

**In some cases, Remediation PR cannot be created automatically for a vulnerability despite the availability of remediation


Partial details (20 vulnerabilities) are displayed below due to a content size limitation in GitHub. To view information on the remaining vulnerabilities, navigate to the Mend Application.

WS-2021-0153 ### Vulnerable Library - ejs-2.7.1.tgz

Embedded JavaScript templates

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/ejs/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - webpack-bundle-analyzer-3.5.0.tgz - :x: **ejs-2.7.1.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

Arbitrary Code Injection vulnerability was found in ejs before 3.1.6. Caused by filename which isn't sanitized for display.

Publish Date: 2021-01-22

URL: WS-2021-0153

### CVSS 3 Score Details (9.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Release Date: 2021-01-22

Fix Resolution (ejs): 3.1.6

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 13.0.0

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2023-26136 ### Vulnerable Library - tough-cookie-2.5.0.tgz

RFC6265 Cookies and Cookie Jar for node.js

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/tough-cookie/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - jest-24.9.0.tgz - jest-cli-24.9.0.tgz - jest-config-24.9.0.tgz - jest-environment-jsdom-24.9.0.tgz - jsdom-11.12.0.tgz - :x: **tough-cookie-2.5.0.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

Versions of the package tough-cookie before 4.1.3 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution due to improper handling of Cookies when using CookieJar in rejectPublicSuffixes=false mode. This issue arises from the manner in which the objects are initialized.

Publish Date: 2023-07-01

URL: CVE-2023-26136

### CVSS 3 Score Details (9.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2023-07-01

Fix Resolution (tough-cookie): 4.1.3

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 18.1.0

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2022-37601 ### Vulnerable Library - loader-utils-1.2.3.tgz

utils for webpack loaders

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/loader-utils/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - thread-loader-2.1.3.tgz - :x: **loader-utils-1.2.3.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

Prototype pollution vulnerability in function parseQuery in parseQuery.js in webpack loader-utils 2.0.0 via the name variable in parseQuery.js.

Publish Date: 2022-10-12

URL: CVE-2022-37601

### CVSS 3 Score Details (9.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2022-10-12

Fix Resolution (loader-utils): 1.4.1

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2022-37598 ### Vulnerable Library - uglify-js-3.6.0.tgz

JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/uglify-js/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - jest-24.9.0.tgz - jest-cli-24.9.0.tgz - core-24.9.0.tgz - reporters-24.9.0.tgz - istanbul-reports-2.2.6.tgz - handlebars-4.4.2.tgz - :x: **uglify-js-3.6.0.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

Prototype pollution vulnerability in function DEFNODE in ast.js in mishoo UglifyJS 3.13.2 via the name variable in ast.js. NOTE: the vendor considers this an invalid report.

Publish Date: 2022-10-20

URL: CVE-2022-37598

### CVSS 3 Score Details (9.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Release Date: 2022-10-20

Fix Resolution (uglify-js): 3.13.10

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2022-29078 ### Vulnerable Library - ejs-2.7.1.tgz

Embedded JavaScript templates

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/ejs/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - webpack-bundle-analyzer-3.5.0.tgz - :x: **ejs-2.7.1.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

The ejs (aka Embedded JavaScript templates) package 3.1.6 for Node.js allows server-side template injection in settings[view options][outputFunctionName]. This is parsed as an internal option, and overwrites the outputFunctionName option with an arbitrary OS command (which is executed upon template compilation).

Publish Date: 2022-04-25

URL: CVE-2022-29078

### CVSS 3 Score Details (9.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2022-04-25

Fix Resolution (ejs): 3.1.7

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 13.0.0

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2021-44906 ### Vulnerable Library - minimist-1.1.3.tgz

parse argument options

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/gonzales-pe/node_modules/minimist/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - stylelint-9.10.1.tgz - postcss-sass-0.3.5.tgz - gonzales-pe-4.2.4.tgz - :x: **minimist-1.1.3.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

Minimist <=1.2.5 is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via file index.js, function setKey() (lines 69-95).

Publish Date: 2022-03-17

URL: CVE-2021-44906

### CVSS 3 Score Details (9.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2022-03-17

Fix Resolution (minimist): 1.2.6

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2021-26707 ### Vulnerable Library - merge-deep-3.0.2.tgz

Recursively merge values in a javascript object.

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/merge-deep/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - jest-puppeteer-4.3.0.tgz - jest-environment-puppeteer-4.3.0.tgz - :x: **merge-deep-3.0.2.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

The merge-deep library before 3.0.3 for Node.js can be tricked into overwriting properties of Object.prototype or adding new properties to it. These properties are then inherited by every object in the program, thus facilitating prototype-pollution attacks against applications using this library.

Publish Date: 2021-06-02

URL: CVE-2021-26707

### CVSS 3 Score Details (9.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2021-06-02

Fix Resolution (merge-deep): 3.0.3

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2021-23383 ### Vulnerable Library - handlebars-4.4.2.tgz

Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/handlebars/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - jest-24.9.0.tgz - jest-cli-24.9.0.tgz - core-24.9.0.tgz - reporters-24.9.0.tgz - istanbul-reports-2.2.6.tgz - :x: **handlebars-4.4.2.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

The package handlebars before 4.7.7 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution when selecting certain compiling options to compile templates coming from an untrusted source.

Publish Date: 2021-05-04

URL: CVE-2021-23383

### CVSS 3 Score Details (9.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2021-05-04

Fix Resolution (handlebars): 4.7.7

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2021-23369 ### Vulnerable Library - handlebars-4.4.2.tgz

Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/handlebars/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - jest-24.9.0.tgz - jest-cli-24.9.0.tgz - core-24.9.0.tgz - reporters-24.9.0.tgz - istanbul-reports-2.2.6.tgz - :x: **handlebars-4.4.2.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

The package handlebars before 4.7.7 are vulnerable to Remote Code Execution (RCE) when selecting certain compiling options to compile templates coming from an untrusted source.

Publish Date: 2021-04-12

URL: CVE-2021-23369

### CVSS 3 Score Details (9.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Release Date: 2021-04-12

Fix Resolution (handlebars): 4.7.7

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2024-33883 ### Vulnerable Library - ejs-2.7.1.tgz

Embedded JavaScript templates

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/ejs/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - webpack-bundle-analyzer-3.5.0.tgz - :x: **ejs-2.7.1.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

The ejs (aka Embedded JavaScript templates) package before 3.1.10 for Node.js lacks certain pollution protection.

Publish Date: 2024-04-28

URL: CVE-2024-33883

### CVSS 3 Score Details (8.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: Low - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2024-04-28

Fix Resolution: ejs - 3.1.10

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2023-45133 ### Vulnerable Library - traverse-7.6.0.tgz

The Babel Traverse module maintains the overall tree state, and is responsible for replacing, removing, and adding nodes

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/@babel/traverse/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - eslint-plugin-3.1.0.tgz - babel-eslint-10.0.3.tgz - :x: **traverse-7.6.0.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

Babel is a compiler for writingJavaScript. In `@babel/traverse` prior to versions 7.23.2 and 8.0.0-alpha.4 and all versions of `babel-traverse`, using Babel to compile code that was specifically crafted by an attacker can lead to arbitrary code execution during compilation, when using plugins that rely on the `path.evaluate()`or `path.evaluateTruthy()` internal Babel methods. Known affected plugins are `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime`; `@babel/preset-env` when using its `useBuiltIns` option; and any "polyfill provider" plugin that depends on `@babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider`, such as `babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3`, `babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2`, `babel-plugin-polyfill-es-shims`, `babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator`. No other plugins under the `@babel/` namespace are impacted, but third-party plugins might be. Users that only compile trusted code are not impacted. The vulnerability has been fixed in `@babel/traverse@7.23.2` and `@babel/traverse@8.0.0-alpha.4`. Those who cannot upgrade `@babel/traverse` and are using one of the affected packages mentioned above should upgrade them to their latest version to avoid triggering the vulnerable code path in affected `@babel/traverse` versions: `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime` v7.23.2, `@babel/preset-env` v7.23.2, `@babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider` v0.4.3, `babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2` v0.4.6, `babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3` v0.8.5, `babel-plugin-polyfill-es-shims` v0.10.0, `babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator` v0.5.3.

Publish Date: 2023-10-12

URL: CVE-2023-45133

### CVSS 3 Score Details (8.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Local - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: Low - User Interaction: None - Scope: Changed - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2023-10-12

Fix Resolution (@babel/traverse): 7.23.2

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2022-46175 ### Vulnerable Libraries - json5-2.1.0.tgz, json5-1.0.1.tgz

### json5-2.1.0.tgz

JSON for humans.

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/json5/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - babel-preset-default-4.6.0.tgz - core-7.6.0.tgz - :x: **json5-2.1.0.tgz** (Vulnerable Library) ### json5-1.0.1.tgz

JSON for humans.

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/loader-utils/node_modules/json5/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - thread-loader-2.1.3.tgz - loader-utils-1.2.3.tgz - :x: **json5-1.0.1.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

JSON5 is an extension to the popular JSON file format that aims to be easier to write and maintain by hand (e.g. for config files). The `parse` method of the JSON5 library before and including versions 1.0.1 and 2.2.1 does not restrict parsing of keys named `__proto__`, allowing specially crafted strings to pollute the prototype of the resulting object. This vulnerability pollutes the prototype of the object returned by `JSON5.parse` and not the global Object prototype, which is the commonly understood definition of Prototype Pollution. However, polluting the prototype of a single object can have significant security impact for an application if the object is later used in trusted operations. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to set arbitrary and unexpected keys on the object returned from `JSON5.parse`. The actual impact will depend on how applications utilize the returned object and how they filter unwanted keys, but could include denial of service, cross-site scripting, elevation of privilege, and in extreme cases, remote code execution. `JSON5.parse` should restrict parsing of `__proto__` keys when parsing JSON strings to objects. As a point of reference, the `JSON.parse` method included in JavaScript ignores `__proto__` keys. Simply changing `JSON5.parse` to `JSON.parse` in the examples above mitigates this vulnerability. This vulnerability is patched in json5 versions 1.0.2, 2.2.2, and later.

Publish Date: 2022-12-24

URL: CVE-2022-46175

### CVSS 3 Score Details (8.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: Low - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2022-12-24

Fix Resolution (json5): 2.2.2

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Fix Resolution (json5): 2.2.2

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2020-7660 ### Vulnerable Library - serialize-javascript-1.9.1.tgz

Serialize JavaScript to a superset of JSON that includes regular expressions and functions.

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/serialize-javascript/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - webpack-4.8.3.tgz - uglifyjs-webpack-plugin-1.3.0.tgz - :x: **serialize-javascript-1.9.1.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

serialize-javascript prior to 3.1.0 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary code via the function "deleteFunctions" within "index.js".

Publish Date: 2020-06-01

URL: CVE-2020-7660

### CVSS 3 Score Details (8.1)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: High - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2020-06-08

Fix Resolution (serialize-javascript): 3.1.0

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.1.0

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2020-36604 ### Vulnerable Library - hoek-8.2.4.tgz

General purpose node utilities

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/@hapi/hoek/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - jest-puppeteer-4.3.0.tgz - jest-environment-puppeteer-4.3.0.tgz - jest-dev-server-4.3.0.tgz - wait-on-3.3.0.tgz - joi-15.1.1.tgz - :x: **hoek-8.2.4.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

hoek before 8.5.1 and 9.x before 9.0.3 allows prototype poisoning in the clone function.

Publish Date: 2022-09-23

URL: CVE-2020-36604

### CVSS 3 Score Details (8.1)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: High - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Release Date: 2022-09-23

Fix Resolution (@hapi/hoek): 8.5.1

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2019-20920 ### Vulnerable Library - handlebars-4.4.2.tgz

Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/handlebars/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - jest-24.9.0.tgz - jest-cli-24.9.0.tgz - core-24.9.0.tgz - reporters-24.9.0.tgz - istanbul-reports-2.2.6.tgz - :x: **handlebars-4.4.2.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

Handlebars before 3.0.8 and 4.x before 4.5.3 is vulnerable to Arbitrary Code Execution. The lookup helper fails to properly validate templates, allowing attackers to submit templates that execute arbitrary JavaScript. This can be used to run arbitrary code on a server processing Handlebars templates or in a victim's browser (effectively serving as XSS).

Publish Date: 2020-09-30

URL: CVE-2019-20920

### CVSS 3 Score Details (8.1)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: High - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Changed - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: Low - Availability Impact: Low

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2020-10-15

Fix Resolution (handlebars): 4.5.3

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2021-43138 ### Vulnerable Library - async-2.6.3.tgz

Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/async/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - source-map-loader-0.2.4.tgz - :x: **async-2.6.3.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

In Async before 2.6.4 and 3.x before 3.2.2, a malicious user can obtain privileges via the mapValues() method, aka lib/internal/iterator.js createObjectIterator prototype pollution.

Publish Date: 2022-04-06

URL: CVE-2021-43138

### CVSS 3 Score Details (7.8)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Local - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: Required - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2022-04-06

Fix Resolution (async): 2.6.4

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
CVE-2020-13822 ### Vulnerable Library - elliptic-6.5.1.tgz

EC cryptography

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/elliptic/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - webpack-4.8.3.tgz - node-libs-browser-2.2.1.tgz - crypto-browserify-3.12.0.tgz - create-ecdh-4.0.3.tgz - :x: **elliptic-6.5.1.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

The Elliptic package 6.5.2 for Node.js allows ECDSA signature malleability via variations in encoding, leading '\0' bytes, or integer overflows. This could conceivably have a security-relevant impact if an application relied on a single canonical signature.

Publish Date: 2020-06-04

URL: CVE-2020-13822

### CVSS 3 Score Details (7.7)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: High - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: Low

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Release Date: 2020-07-02

Fix Resolution (elliptic): 6.5.3

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
WS-2020-0450 ### Vulnerable Library - handlebars-4.4.2.tgz

Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/handlebars/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - jest-24.9.0.tgz - jest-cli-24.9.0.tgz - core-24.9.0.tgz - reporters-24.9.0.tgz - istanbul-reports-2.2.6.tgz - :x: **handlebars-4.4.2.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

Handlebars before 4.6.0 vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. Prototype access to the template engine allows for potential code execution, which may lead to Denial Of Service (DoS).

Publish Date: 2020-01-09

URL: WS-2020-0450

### CVSS 3 Score Details (7.5)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: None - Integrity Impact: None - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Release Date: 2020-01-09

Fix Resolution (handlebars): 4.6.0

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
WS-2020-0042 ### Vulnerable Libraries - acorn-5.7.3.tgz, acorn-6.3.0.tgz

### acorn-5.7.3.tgz

ECMAScript parser

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/acorn/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - webpack-4.8.3.tgz - :x: **acorn-5.7.3.tgz** (Vulnerable Library) ### acorn-6.3.0.tgz

ECMAScript parser

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/acorn-globals/node_modules/acorn/package.json,/ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/webpack-bundle-analyzer/node_modules/acorn/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - jest-24.9.0.tgz - jest-cli-24.9.0.tgz - jest-config-24.9.0.tgz - jest-environment-jsdom-24.9.0.tgz - jsdom-11.12.0.tgz - acorn-globals-4.3.4.tgz - :x: **acorn-6.3.0.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

acorn is vulnerable to REGEX DoS. A regex of the form /[x-\ud800]/u causes the parser to enter an infinite loop. attackers may leverage the vulnerability leading to a Denial of Service since the string is not valid UTF16 and it results in it being sanitized before reaching the parser.

Publish Date: 2020-03-01

URL: WS-2020-0042

### CVSS 3 Score Details (7.5)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: None - Integrity Impact: None - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2020-03-01

Fix Resolution (acorn): 5.7.4

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Fix Resolution (acorn): 5.7.4

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](
WS-2019-0310 ### Vulnerable Library - https-proxy-agent-2.2.2.tgz

An HTTP(s) proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTPS

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /ctf-spring2022/www/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/node_modules/https-proxy-agent/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) - puppeteer-1.20.0.tgz - :x: **https-proxy-agent-2.2.2.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 7f949f4f48089e4e1ea7eb0b2482120d3327d7c4

Found in base branch: master

### Vulnerability Details

"in 'https-proxy-agent', before v2.2.3, there is a failure of TLS enforcement on the socket. Attacker may intercept unencrypted communications.

Publish Date: 2019-10-07

URL: WS-2019-0310

### CVSS 3 Score Details (7.5)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: None - Availability Impact: None

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2019-10-07

Fix Resolution (https-proxy-agent): 2.2.3

Direct dependency fix Resolution (@wordpress/scripts): 5.0.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](