tzachar / cmp-tabnine

TabNine plugin for hrsh7th/nvim-cmp
MIT License
286 stars 27 forks source link

Unknow message #66

Closed lopi-py closed 2 years ago

lopi-py commented 2 years ago

Hello! just installed and get this every keystroke, completion works good, however this is annoying image OS: Windows 10

tzachar commented 2 years ago

This is very strange. It indicates a bug somewhere in the communication to the TabNine process. Does it continue to happen after a while?

lopi-py commented 2 years ago

Yes, now that I see it well, it seems that it only does it on the first keystroke when typing a word

tzachar commented 2 years ago

Can you try updating the tabnine executable?

lopi-py commented 2 years ago

Still is happening

tzachar commented 2 years ago

can you apply the following patch and send the output?

diff --git a/lua/cmp_tabnine/source.lua b/lua/cmp_tabnine/source.lua
index fb42c38..402dd03 100644
--- a/lua/cmp_tabnine/source.lua
+++ b/lua/cmp_tabnine/source.lua
@@ -274,7 +274,8 @@ Source._on_stdout = function(_, data, _)
       elseif id == nil then
           -- ignore this message
       elseif Source.pending[id] == nil then
-        dump('TabNine: unknown message: ', jd)
+        dump('TabNine: unknown id:', id, ', message:', jd)
+        dump('Pending:', Source.pending)
         local ctx = Source.pending[id].ctx
         local callback = Source.pending[id].callback
lopi-py commented 2 years ago
"TabNine: unknow id:" 12 ", message:" '{"old_prefix":"l","results":[{"new_prefix":"languages","old_suffix":"","new_suffix":"","origin":"VANILLA"},{"new_prefix":"local","old_suffix":"","new_suffix":"","origin":"VANILLA"},{"new_prefix":"linters","old_suffix":"","new_suffix":"","origin":"VANILLA"},{"new_prefix":"list_extend","old_suffix":"","new_suffix":"","origin":"VANILLA"},{"new_prefix":"lua","old_suffix":"","new_suffix":"","origin":"VANILLA"}],"user_message":["Establishing connection to TabNine Cloud..."],"docs":[],"correlation_id":12,"is_locked":false}'
"Pending:" {
  [22] = {
    callback = <function 1>,
    ctx = {
      completion_context = {
        triggerKind = 3
      context = {
        bufnr = 1,
        cache = {
          entries = {
            ["get_offset:\\%(-\\?\\d\\+\\%(\\.\\d\\+\\)\\?\\|\\h\\w*\\%(-\\w*\\)*\\):lo"] = 1
          <metatable> = {
            __index = <1>{
              clear = <function 2>,
              ensure = <function 3>,
              get = <function 4>,
              key = <function 5>,
              new = <function 6>,
              set = <function 7>
        cursor = {
          character = 2,
          col = 3,
          line = 8,
          row = 9
        cursor_after_line = "",
        cursor_before_line = "lo",
        cursor_line = "lo",
        filetype = "lua",
        id = 22,
        option = {},
        prev_context = {
          bufnr = 1,
          cache = {
            entries = {
              ["get_offset:\\%(-\\?\\d\\+\\%(\\.\\d\\+\\)\\?\\|\\h\\%(\\w\\|á\\|Á\\|é\\|É\\|í\\|Í\\|ó\\|Ó\\|ú\\|Ú\\)*\\%(-\\%(\\w\\|á\\|Á\\|é\\|É\\|í\\|Í\\|ó\\|Ó\\|ú\\|Ú\\)*\\)*\\):l"] = 1,
              ["get_offset:\\%(-\\?\\d\\+\\%(\\.\\d\\+\\)\\?\\|\\h\\w*\\%(-\\w*\\)*\\):l"] = 1,
              ["get_offset:\\%([^[:alnum:][:blank:]]\\|\\w\\+\\):l"] = 1
            <metatable> = {
              __index = <table 1>
          cursor = {
            character = 1,
            col = 2,
            line = 8,
            row = 9
          cursor_after_line = "",
          cursor_before_line = "l",
          cursor_line = "l",
          filetype = "lua",
          id = 12,
          option = {
            reason = "auto"
          prev_context = {
            bufnr = 1,
            cache = {
              entries = {},
              <metatable> = {
                __index = <table 1>
            cursor = {
              character = 0,
              col = 1,
              line = 8,
              row = 9
            cursor_after_line = "",
            cursor_before_line = "",
            cursor_line = "",
            filetype = "lua",
            id = 11,
            option = {
              reason = "auto"
            time = 761083334
          time = 761084203,
          <metatable> = {
            __index = <2>{
              changed = <function 8>,
              clone = <function 9>,
              empty = <function 10>,
              get_offset = <function 11>,
              get_reason = <function 12>,
              new = <function 13>
        time = 761087336,
        <metatable> = {
          __index = <table 2>
      name = "cmp_tabnine",
      offset = 1,
      option = {}
tzachar commented 2 years ago

This indicates that TabNine is retuning the same completion result twice. Lets try the following to make sure:

diff --git a/lua/cmp_tabnine/source.lua b/lua/cmp_tabnine/source.lua
index fb42c38..69cf2cc 100644
--- a/lua/cmp_tabnine/source.lua
+++ b/lua/cmp_tabnine/source.lua
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ function Source.complete(self, ctx, callback)
+  dump('pushing id:',
   Source.pending[] = { ctx = ctx, callback = callback }
@@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ Source._on_exit = function(self, code)
   if not bin then
+  dump('clearing ids')
   Source.pending = {}
   Source.job = fn.jobstart({ bin, '--client=cmp.vim' }, {
     on_stderr = nil,
@@ -274,10 +276,11 @@ Source._on_stdout = function(_, data, _)
       elseif id == nil then
           -- ignore this message
       elseif Source.pending[id] == nil then
-        dump('TabNine: unknown message: ', jd)
+        dump('TabNine: unknown id:', id, ', message:', jd)
         local ctx = Source.pending[id].ctx
         local callback = Source.pending[id].callback
+        dump('poping id:', id)
         Source.pending[id] = nil

         local cursor = ctx.context.cursor
mosheavni commented 2 years ago
+        dump('TabNine: unknown id:', id, ', message:', jd)
+        dump('Pending:', Source.pending)

Happens to me also. I changed the files for your request, here are the messages:

"clearing ids"
"clearing ids"
"pushing id:" 67
"pushing id:" 67
"poping id:" 67
"TabNine: unknown id:" 67 ", message:" '{"old_prefix":"","results":[{"new_prefix":"Install","old_suffix":"","new_suffix":"","origin":"LOCAL","detail":"51%"},{"new_prefix":"Install packer","old_suffix":"","new_suf
fix":"","origin":"LOCAL","detail":" 6%"},{"new_prefix":"Install pack","old_suffix":"","new_suffix":"","origin":"LOCAL","detail":" 6%"},{"new_prefix":"Install package","old_suffix":"","new_suffix":"","origin":"LOC
AL","detail":" 3%"},{"new_prefix":"Install site","old_suffix":"","new_suffix":"","origin":"LOCAL","detail":" 2%"}],"user_message":[],"docs":[],"correlation_id":67,"is_locked":false}'
"Pending:" {}
tzachar commented 2 years ago

can you please try f2ea9c0 ? it should solve the problem.

mosheavni commented 2 years ago

can you please try f2ea9c0 ? it should solve the problem.

Definitely helped. Waiting for this to be merged :) Thank you @tzachar !

tzachar commented 2 years ago

Lets use it for a couple of days, if there are no issues, I will merge it.

mosheavni commented 2 years ago

Lets use it for a couple of days, if there are no issues, I will merge it.


tzachar commented 2 years ago

merged. thanks for your help

lopi-py commented 2 years ago

Sorry delay. Yep that works, tysm