tzachar / cmp-tabnine

TabNine plugin for hrsh7th/nvim-cmp
MIT License
286 stars 27 forks source link

Error cmp-tabnine with Lazy.nvim #99

Closed fabianmolinab closed 1 year ago

fabianmolinab commented 1 year ago
  return {
    lazy = false,
    dependencies = "hrsh7th/nvim-cmp",
    build = "./",
    config = function()
      local tabnine = require('cmp_tabnine.config')
        ignored_file_types = {
          ["aerial"] = true,
          ["checkhealth"] = true,
          ["dap-repl"] = true,
          ["dapui_breakpoints"] = true,
          ["dapui_console"] = true,
          ["dapui_hover"] = true,
          ["dapui_scopes"] = true,
          ["dapui_stacks"] = true,
          ["dapui_watches"] = true,
          ["lspinfo"] = true,
          ["mason"] = true,
          ["nerdterm"] = true,
          ["noice"] = true,
          ["notify"] = true,
          ["null-ls-info"] = true,
          ["qf"] = true,
          ["TelescopePrompt"] = true,

Nothing happens when running :CmpTabnineHub

at startup gives this message => cmp-tabnine: Cannot find TabNine installed. Please run

tzachar commented 1 year ago

First, please pull latest version. Next, attach the output of running the script by hand.

fabianmolinab commented 1 year ago

I can now resolve the error by going to the plugins directory and running manually. I think the error is from Lazy not running the script after installing the plugin.

tzachar commented 1 year ago

Strange. If so, then this is a Lazy issue. Anyway, it works for me...