tzachshabtay / MonoAGS

AGS (Adventure Game Studio) reimagined in Mono
Artistic License 2.0
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Claim event #246

Closed tzachshabtay closed 6 years ago

tzachshabtay commented 6 years ago

Resolves #150

ghost commented 6 years ago

I might be missing something here, but the practical purpose of this system is still not clear to me. As far as I understand this, the idea of claiming event is strictly connected with precise order of sending that event, because as soon as there is any uncertainty in the order, the usefulness of claiming becomes dubiuos.

If there is no actual control over subscribers ordering, what are the use cases for the claim event? I have a concern that this might be an imperfect theoretical solution for something that will be solved differently in practice.

tzachshabtay commented 6 years ago

But there is control with the CallbackPriority parameter. So you'll have one subscriber with a low priority and one subscriber with a high priority, and you're guaranteed that the high priority subscriber will get the event first.

I doubt that somebody in practice will need more than 3 levels of sorting.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Imho the problem is not so much that the priority levels are limited, but that they are explicitly set with 3 predefined values. For example, someone writes a class library, where classes explicitly subscribe to events with highest priority, and you do not want them to have highest priority, how could you fix that without modifying the library code? Or vice-versa, I am using built-in engine's GUI classes, which all have default subscriptions, how may I increase their priority?

It's just that I am not sure how well this particular solution will solve the actual practical problem: controlling subsystems in your game, the way they receive events, when they receive them and when they don't, and so on. I've already changed my own mind several times on a solution that my game needs, and still not completely sure what's the best way to organize this. So, I have a concern that this feature may not be as useful in the end, but still add certain "overhead".

This is why I was asking what are the use cases for "claim event", maybe it is something different from what I am thinking about?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I realize I sound bit chaotic there.

What I'd like to propose is to create a number of practical use cases ("on paper", or in the actual code) and see whether this "claim event" feature is actually working in these cases.

tzachshabtay commented 6 years ago

Well, one practical use case we know of is the one you had for your game, and this PR can solve it (right?). I don't have any more practical use cases in mind, but this PR aims to target scenarios similar to what you had, a conflict between 2 subscribers. If both subscribers are from your game, than you have full control on who goes first. If one of the subscribers is from the engine with default priority, then while you can't increase their priority, you can put your event in the low priority which guarantees the engine events come first or in high priority which guarantees the engine events come last.

Intuition tells me that this will account for most scenarios in which you need something like this.

If you have a conflict with a high priority library subscriber, then yes, this won't solve it, and you'll have to find another solution.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Well, if you think it will work by default...

I have an uneasy feeling about this, to be honest. This adds another layer of complexity, but does not work as a universal solution. Which means that if one will have a custom method to control events sending, this feature will be a "dead weight".

Unfortunately I have nothing to suggest as an alternative for engine API right now. In my game eventually I used a workaround similar to claim event, but there I had a very explicit control over order in which events are dispatched.

tzachshabtay commented 6 years ago

Yes, while I agree it's not a universal solution, I think in practice this will work fine for the vast majority of cases, and the added complexity is small.

I'm merging it in, we can always revisit it later if we come up with something better.