tzachshabtay / MonoAGS

AGS (Adventure Game Studio) reimagined in Mono
Artistic License 2.0
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Resource tree #290

Open tzachshabtay opened 6 years ago

tzachshabtay commented 6 years ago

(Crimson Wizard): @tzachs, BTW, do you think it may make sense to provide a "file tree" interface to iterate asset entries, instead of call "load" for them? (Not sure if it actually always loads for real though). In other words, instead of (or along with) IResourceLoader, have something like IResourceTree with dictionary of all assets and possibility to request their loading.

For instance, in AGS the engine has a full list of all assets in the package (not loaded to memory, just a list of their names and some info). It's not available in script API, but could be exposed there also in theory.

Hmm, I'd imagine this would need "Rescan" function, and listen for disk changes, because files on disk may get modified. Well, ones in package may change also, if its something like zip archive.

(Monsieur OUXX): I actually just did that with my AssetDefsFactory.Process(wildcard). Internally it's not a tree but that's the idea.

tzachs commented 6 years ago

@tzachshabtay I think you got the wrong tzach

ghost commented 6 years ago

@tzachs , lol, that text is copy/pasted from our forums, where tzachs is @tzachshabtay's name, and when copied here with @ sign it links to another github profile :)

Probably it even sends notification...

jeancallisti commented 5 years ago

If you want adopters you should mimic the AGS interface, or, even better, modern assets concepts such as the ones in Unity. So it means yes there should be a basic form of resources browser, in a way or another.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@jeancallisti IIRC this was about program interface (in code/script), not graphic interface.

tzachshabtay commented 5 years ago

Right, this issue is about a programmable API for iterating over the resources. There will definitely be some form of "asset/resource browser" in the editor.