tzachshabtay / MonoAGS

AGS (Adventure Game Studio) reimagined in Mono
Artistic License 2.0
28 stars 10 forks source link

Designer object #302

Closed tzachshabtay closed 6 years ago

tzachshabtay commented 6 years ago

Added the ability to drag, rotate, scale and adjust the pivot point on objects on the canvas, and added a toolbar with a play/pause button which switches between play and edit mode. When in edit mode, we can select the objects directly from the canvas (when in play mode, we can only select the objects from the scene tree). Also the game is now contained in a sub-window in the editor, so the game tree + inspector do not hide parts of the game.


The whole system was heavily inspired from Inkscape.


A lot has changed to support this, which include several breaking changes: