See Test_038_SchemaAutoCreate.testSchemaAutoCreationBug_Issue_54().
If an auto-created schema cannot be commited because of a commit() failure (for example unique index clash) then a second attempt at auto-creating the schema causes an NPE during the next commit while serializing the instance that causes the auto-creation.
The reasons is that a call to refreshSchema() during the first failed commit does not properly refresh the schema. It fails to re-associate fields from super-classes and does not refresh the associated Java-Fields.
. If an auto-created schema cannot be commited because of a commit() failure (for example unique index clash) then a second attempt at auto-creating the schema causes an NPE during the next commit while serializing the instance that causes the auto-creation.The reasons is that a call to refreshSchema() during the first failed commit does not properly refresh the schema. It fails to re-associate fields from super-classes and does not refresh the associated Java-Fields.