tzapu / WiFiManager

ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal
MIT License
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Can´t connect Nodemcu with WiFiManager #1045

Open wicherc opened 4 years ago

wicherc commented 4 years ago

Hardware: Nodemcu ESP8266 Lolin

**WiFimanager Branch/Release: 0.15.0


Hardware: ESP-12e, esp01, esp25

When I try to connect to the network, don´t recognize the previous ssid and pwd stored. Then the AP is created and when I select my ssid don´t connect. It´s the same at a cold start or under reset condition. If I change the router channel, from the options 1,6,11 or automatic, I get connected after some intents. The modem is SAGENCOM fast3890 and the connection can be for 1 or 20hrs and then fall down. Can help me? Regards

Settings in IDE

Module: NodeMcu Additional libraries: ESP8266WiFi.h DNSServer.h ESP8266WebServer.h WiFiManager.h BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h


`void setup() { Serial.begin(19200); Serial.println("Comienza"); WiFiManager wifiManager; // wifiManager.resetSettings(); wifiManager.autoConnect("cultivAr", "metrolAdmin"); if (!wifiManager.autoConnect()) { Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout"); //reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep ESP.reset(); delay(1000); } Serial.print("Conectado, ip: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());

Serial.println("Conectado"); Blynk.config(auth); Blynk.connect(); // Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass); }

void loop() {; }`

Debug Messages

Comienza 16:42:48.181 -> WM: 16:42:48.181 -> WM: AutoConnect 16:42:48.274 -> WM: Connecting as wifi client... 16:42:48.274 -> WM: Status: 16:42:48.274 -> WM: 6 16:42:48.274 -> WM: Using last saved values, should be faster 16:43:48.288 -> WM: Connection result: 16:43:48.288 -> WM: 255 16:43:48.288 -> WM: 16:43:48.288 -> WM: Configuring access point... 16:43:48.288 -> WM: cultivAr 16:43:48.288 -> WM: metrolAdmin 16:43:48.791 -> WM: AP IP address: 16:43:48.791 -> WM: 16:43:48.791 -> WM: HTTP server started 16:47:15.391 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal 16:47:15.672 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal 16:47:22.819 -> WM: Handle root 16:47:26.815 -> WM: Scan done 16:47:26.815 -> WM: DUP AP: TeleCentro Wifi .......................................... 16:47:26.915 -> WM: Claudio 16:47:26.915 -> WM: -16 16:47:26.915 -> WM: TeleCentro Wifi 16:47:26.949 -> WM: -75 .......................................... 16:47:27.086 -> WM: Sent config page 16:47:32.118 -> WM: WiFi save 16:47:32.118 -> WM: Sent wifi save page 16:47:33.107 -> WM: Connecting to new AP 16:47:33.107 -> WM: Connecting as wifi client... 16:47:33.107 -> WM: Status: 16:47:33.140 -> WM: 0 16:47:33.140 -> WM: [ERROR] WiFi.begin res: 16:47:33.140 -> WM: 6 16:48:33.137 -> WM: Connection result: 16:48:33.137 -> WM: 255 16:48:35.106 -> WM: Failed to connect. 16:48:35.106 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal 16:48:35.387 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal 16:48:36.930 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal 16:48:37.232 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal ------------ and each 1 sec --------------------- 16:54:06.950 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal 16:54:07.222 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal 16:54:37.009 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal 16:54:37.272 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal 16:55:06.926 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal 16:55:07.207 -> WM: Request redirected to captive portal

and so on

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

Do full erase

wicherc commented 4 years ago

Sorry, but how I can do this? I supose you don´t refer to the sketch. Can you help me, please? Thank you!

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

Arduino boards menu

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

Usually if you have connection failures when you have saved credentials it is corrupt memory a full flash erase will be needed to fix it, if it doesn’t repost

wicherc commented 4 years ago

Ok. Do you refer at this option? The next flash operation will erase all the memory? Untitled-2

Thanks a lot for your help

tablatronix commented 4 years ago


wicherc commented 4 years ago

I just do it, but it´s the same. If I don't make a change with the channel of my router I can't get connected. Thanks

tablatronix commented 4 years ago


you say you are using development? those serial logs do not look like dev

wicherc commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry, but can't understand about this logs. What is the diference btwn Master and Dev?

tablatronix commented 4 years ago


wicherc commented 4 years ago

Ok. Now I understood. I'm workink with the Code from Master branch

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

It might be a bug or corrupt flash , try develop branch let me know how it goes.

Like i said this is a known issue when flash is corrupt so try that first. Also many bugs are fixed version to version in esp so try rolling back or using staging lib

wicherc commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I'll try using the develop branch and post here the results.

wicherc commented 4 years ago

Here the results: The dev version has a lot diferences with the log. Here the info from the portal: esp8266 Uptime: 1 Mins 29 Secs Chip ID: aa22b2 Flash Chip ID: 1458415 Flash Size: 4194304 bytes Real Flash Size: 4194304 bytes SDK Version: 2.2.2-dev(38a443e) Core Version: 2_7_0 Boot Version: 31 CPU Frequency: 80MHz Memory - Free Heap: 36392 bytes available Memory - Sketch Size: Used / Total bytes 354624 / 960832

Last reset reason:External System

WiFi Access Point IP: Access Point MAC: 86:0D:8E:AA:22:B2 SSID: Claudio BSSID: EC:BE:DD:A7:59:48 Station IP: (IP unset) Station Gateway: (IP unset) Station Subnet: (IP unset) DNS Server:(IP unset) Hostname: ESP-AA22B2 Station MAC: 84:0D:8E:AA:22:B2 Connected:No Autoconnect:Enabled

At the first intend the result was OK: Conectando WM: [1] AutoConnect WM: [2] Connecting as wifi client... WM: [3] STA static IP: WM: [2] setSTAConfig static ip not set, skipping WM: [1] Connecting to SAVED AP: Claudio WM: [3] Using Password: xxxxxxxxxxxx WM: [3] WiFi station enable WM: [3] enableSTA PERSISTENT ON WM: [1] connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult... WM: [2] Connection result: WL_CONNECTED WM: [3] lastconxresult: WL_CONNECTED WM: [1] AutoConnect: SUCCESS WM: [1] STA IP Address: Conectado, ip: Conectando a Blynk Conectado a Blynk WM: [3] unloading

After 4 HW resets, the reconnection was OK, but at the 5th the device couldn't reconnect and the log was: Conectando WM: [1] AutoConnect WM: [2] Connecting as wifi client... WM: [3] STA static IP: WM: [2] setSTAConfig static ip not set, skipping WM: [1] Connecting to SAVED AP: Claudio WM: [3] Using Password: xxxxxxxxxxx WM: [3] WiFi station enable WM: [3] enableSTA PERSISTENT ON WM: [1] connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult... WM: [2] Connection result: WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL WM: [3] lastconxresult: WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL WM: [1] AutoConnect: FAILED WM: [2] Starting Config Portal WM: [2] AccessPoint set password is VALID WM: [1] xxxxxxxxx WM: [3] WIFI station disconnect WM: [3] WiFi station enable WM: [2] Disabling STA WM: [2] Enabling AP WM: [1] StartAP with SSID: cultivAr WM: [1] SoftAP Configuration WM: [1] -------------------- WM: [1] ssid: cultivAr WM: [1] password: xxxxxxxx WM: [1] ssid_len: 8 WM: [1] channel: 1 WM: [1] authmode: 3 WM: [1] ssid_hidden:
WM: [1] max_connection: 4 WM: [1] country: CN WM: [1] beacon_interval: 100(ms) WM: [1] -------------------- WM: [1] AP IP address: WM: [3] setupConfigPortal WM: [1] Starting Web Portal WM: [3] dns server started with ip: WM: [2] HTTP server started WM: [2] WiFi Scan completed in 2185 ms WM: [2] Config Portal Running, blocking, waiting for clients... WM: [2] Portal Timeout In 175 seconds

And then the portal was out after 175secs and the device goes on autorestart Thanks

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

Yeah alot of changes have been made including extended logging which can be changed of course

wicherc commented 4 years ago

With this I can discard the flash corrupt?

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

The full erase is like a format

wicherc commented 4 years ago

If the full erase is made compiling the sketch and transferring it to the device with the option I signaled before in other post, I do it. Most deep reading docs and testing options I get more confused

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

Not sure how the arduino ide works, I guess it just does it all at once. I use platformio which uses esptool to erase flash

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

Yes it looks like it does whatever is selected, you can change it back to sketch, you only have to full erase when changing versions (as the partition may change )or if you have issues from a bug that corrupts the credential memory

wicherc commented 4 years ago

I compiled the program with the option of full erase and I made flash with this version. The result is the same. After several tests, I found a clue that I had previously followed and I have commented here. If at the time of connecting or resetting the device, I connect to the administration page of my router and modify the WiFi channel, then the device connects immediately. No matter which channel is selected, the connection is established just by changing this parameter. I cannot understand this as I am ignorant on this topic.

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

The development branch lets you set the country see the dev example this fixes issues with the esp using chinese channels. Might be related, else something is up with your router maybe it kust takes a while to allow you reconnect

wicherc commented 4 years ago

I was looking the country code for Argentina and are the same parameters than CN. I will try to connect in another place to use another router. Thanks for your support!

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

I think something might be flaky with your router, I remember someone was having issues on the esp library, they had to turn off some kind of multimedia traffic setting I forget what it was called but it caused connection issues

wicherc commented 4 years ago

All right. I dusted off an old 300Mbps router that I had saved. I have connected it as a repeater of the main router and to this I connected the ESP device. It has been working for two days. It has service outages from what I could detect, but here, the automatic reconnect code works perfectly. Obviously there is something suspicious in the first router and it is not the distance that it must cover to the device, because they are only 60cm. I greatly appreciate your patience and support of my doubts. At the moment I think we could close the case. Thank you.

tablatronix commented 4 years ago

Yeah try to find that issue, it was a setting on routers, some multimedia routing protocol that was causing issues. It might have been WMM

budi99ok commented 4 years ago

I had smooth connecting after changing WMM configuration. Prev WMM setting, optimize to 10 user.. realy hard to connect... (Tenda router) WMM