Open donsergiobejarano opened 3 years ago
I ran your sketch and it worked as expected for me. The only difference in my environment is the WiFimanager Branch. I have a clone of development.
*WM: [0] [ERROR] There was a problem starting the AP
This is coming from ESP lib, try upgrading or downgrading, or full erase your device
also this WM: [2] Config Portal Running, blocking, waiting for clients... WM: [3] -> *WM: [2] <- Request redirected to captive portal implies you are connected ?
This is a problem then with your captiveportal not working, goto the and see
Hi, it´s something wrong with the spaces.... I use underscore and works fine...
wifiManager.autoConnect("Access_Configuration_Page", "12345678"); or wifiManager.autoConnect("Access-Configuration-Page", "12345678");
Basic Infos
WiFimanager Branch/Release: 2.7.4
Hardware: ESP-12e
Core Version: 2.7.4 also tested 2.4.0
I configure AP name and password to access to config portal and always create an AP called "ESP-XXXXXX" without password where XXXXXX is a random number depending of ESP module. Default configuration, with fresh install (all updated) and deleted libraries, folders and cache folders.
Arduino IDE 1.8.13
Settings in IDE
Board: Generic ESP8266 Module builtin led: 2 upload speed 115200 cpu freq 80 mhz crystal freq 26mhz flashsize 1mb (fs 64k ota 470) (tried with anothers options) flash mode (tried dout and dio) flash frequency 40mhz reset method dtr (aka nodemcu) debug port disabled debug level nothing iwip variant v2 lower memory vtables flash exceptions: legacy (new can return nullptr) erase flash: only sketch (tried with the other two options) expressif fw nonos-sdk 2.2.1+100 (190703) ssl support all ssl ciphers port (the com port)
Module: Generic ESP8266 Module
Additional libraries: UniversalTelegramBot The other libraries are default on Arduino IDE install
Sketch (minimal test sketch)
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.autoConnect("Access Configuration Page", "12345678"); Serial.println("You are connected"); }
void loop() { }
* LOG ***** WM: [1] No Credentials are Saved, skipping connect WM: [2] Starting Config Portal WM: [2] AccessPoint set password is VALID WM: [1] 12345678 WM: [3] WIFI station disconnect WM: [3] WiFi station enable WM: [2] Disabling STA WM: [2] Enabling AP WM: [1] StartAP with SSID: Access Configuration Page WM: [1] SoftAP Configuration WM: [1] -------------------- WM: [1] ssid: ESP-510865 WM: [1] password:
WM: [1] ssid_len: 10 WM: [1] channel: 1 WM: [1] authmode:
WM: [1] ssid_hidden:
WM: [1] max_connection: 4 WM: [1] country: CN WM: [1] beacon_interval: 100(ms) WM: [1] -------------------- WM: [0] [ERROR] There was a problem starting the AP WM: [1] AP IP address: WM: [3] setupConfigPortal WM: [1] Starting Web Portal WM: [3] dns server started with ip: WM: [2] HTTP server started WM: [2] WiFi Scan completed in 2184 ms WM: [2] Config Portal Running, blocking, waiting for clients... WM: [3] -> WM: [2] <- Request redirected to captive portal WM: [3] -> *WM: [2] <- Request redirected to captive portal