tzapu / WiFiManager

ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal
MIT License
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Current WiFi Manager version does not allow to add credentials -> "No AP set" is shown only #1609

Closed AWSW-de closed 1 year ago

AWSW-de commented 1 year ago

Basic Infos

Current WiFi Manager version does not allow to add credentials -> "No AP set" is shown only


WiFimanager Branch/Release: Master

Esp32: Hardware: D1 mini ESP32 Arduino 2.1.0


Current WiFi Manager version does not allow to add credentials -> "No AP set" is shown only

After setting up a new ESP32 or deleting the set WiFi credentials with "WiFi.disconnect();" ... and "manager.resetSettings();" the user is not able to set the WiFi credentials in the captive portal page. The user is shown "No AP set" only.


Using an older version of the WiFi Manager library (tried 2.0.14-beta ~ October 2022 and one from ~ 2 weeks ago) fixes this problem.

Settings in IDE

Module: Wemos D1 mini ESP32


Additional libraries: // # - Adafruit NeoPixel // by Adafruit: // # - AsyncTCP // by me-no-dev: // # - ESPAsyncWebServer // by me-no-dev: // # - ESPUI // by s00500: // # - ArduinoJson // by bblanchon: // # - LITTLEFS // by lorol: // # - UniversalTelegramBot // by witnessmenow:

Thanks in advance :)

tablatronix commented 1 year ago

Hmm html is just missing? Ruhroh I bet that last commit broke it

tablatronix commented 1 year ago

Can you get any serial logs? And use a basic example? Thats alot going on

AWSW-de commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for your reply.

Just tested with your "Basic.ino" sketch from the current download. Result is the same: "No AP set..." A user from one of my WordClock projects reported the same result today.

Here is the serial output:

Brownout detector was triggered
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46
rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
ho 0 tail 12 room 4
entry 0x400805e4
*wm:No wifi saved, skipping 
*wm:AutoConnect: FAILED for  101 ms
*wm:StartAP with SSID:  AutoConnectAP
*wm:AP IP address:
*wm:Starting Web Portal 
E (3584) wifi:AP has neither DSSS parameter nor HT Information, drop it
E (3630) wifi:AP has neither DSSS parameter nor HT Information, drop it

Thanks in advance!

Blaxxun75 commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem. I also used the "Basic.ino" and the serial shows:

*wm:AutoConnect *wm:No wifi saved, skipping *wm:AutoConnect: FAILED for 23 ms *wm:StartAP with SSID: AutoConnectAP *wm:AP IP address: *wm:Starting Web Portal [ 39789][E][WebServer.cpp:649] _handleRequest(): request handler not found [ 39939][E][WebServer.cpp:649] _handleRequest(): request handler not found

Html shows only "No AP Set"


zheins commented 1 year ago

I'm getting this same issue using the non-blocking and basic examples, looks just like the screenshot above. I tested on a featherV2 and and edgebox-esp-100, both of which were working fine a few weeks ago on the same code. Thanks!

zheins commented 1 year ago

I'll also add that going back to commit 297123b resolved the issue for me.

Blaxxun75 commented 1 year ago

Hello, what Link do I have to give if I want a previous working version in ? I tried a lot but I always get an error. Only the Link below seems to work, but that's the current latest version

lib_deps =

Thank you

chriskinal commented 1 year ago

According to platformio.ini docs one can specify a particular tag like so:

tablatronix commented 1 year ago

Its already fixed

tablatronix commented 1 year ago


Blaxxun75 commented 1 year ago

According to platformio.ini docs one can specify a particular tag like so:

Hello, thank you very much!! Although i read the docs too i might have used the wrong version notation

AWSW-de commented 1 year ago

Its already fixed

Thanks a lot!

zheins commented 1 year ago


tablatronix commented 1 year ago

I made rc2 public, pio should use that as latest now? Let me make sure

tablatronix commented 1 year ago

well shoot looks like it still blocks beta versions ugh

Blaxxun75 commented 1 year ago

I was able to choose a network and enter the network password. But the ESP32 does not connect to the network...

Seirakos commented 1 year ago

I tried using the code from basic example, I first compiled and uploaded through arduino IDE, it worked fine, but then I tried to do the same through platformio, and I keep getting this error. *wm:resetSettings *wm:SETTINGS ERASED *wm:AutoConnect *wm:No wifi saved, skipping *wm:AutoConnect: FAILED for 22 ms *wm:StartAP with SSID: AutoConnectAP *wm:AP IP address: *wm:Starting Web Portal [ 23537][E][WebServer.cpp:649] _handleRequest(): request handler not found

tablatronix commented 1 year ago

wm:resetSettings wm:SETTINGS ERASED ??

Did you uncomment this? lol

Seirakos commented 1 year ago

Yes, I tried it without that uncommented and it was pretty much the same. Is there another dependency needed for using WifiManager on esp32 when working with PlatformIO? Arduino IDE works just fine but I can't stand the compile times there.

I was only able to base the code for platformIO on the examples given in the GitHub, but those were .ino files, but the examples that were shown in platformIO were all for 8266 so I was completely lost. I was not exactly sure if there was anything else needed since it just lets me compile, lol.

tablatronix commented 1 year ago

I mean thats not an error thats exactly what it is supposed to do, its says starting web portal, whats the problem?