tzapu / WiFiManager

ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal
MIT License
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Custom Parameter dont show #1659

Open woodenplastic opened 9 months ago

woodenplastic commented 9 months ago


When i use more than 20 custom Parameter the captive Portal doesnt work anymore and i have to refresh the Seite endlessly until the parameters randomly appear.

Is there any limits for parameters i have to keep in mind?

tablatronix commented 9 months ago

you are running out of memory, either in param storage or in the html string flush, There are some things we can do to reduce that but will require code changes

woodenplastic commented 9 months ago

i searched some other issues and i saw other people having this problem if i use a lot of custom html parameters. i saw branches with chunked respones but im not able to get it done because i lost oversight over all needed changes. is there a way you could show me how to do it?

tablatronix commented 9 months ago

Yeah no-one ever tested those, I will try to update them, I intended to add a dynamic param test to add a bunch to test memory, and these fixes and never got around to it. There is also the option to multipart flush the webserver output, not sure how though

woodenplastic commented 9 months ago

That would be lovely! I will do testing if you got something.

I am working on a example to show checkboxes and sliders with easy styling to contribute something. It seems to be a problem for many people. With the css updated this library is a capable solution for a lot of usecases.

woodenplastic commented 9 months ago

void WiFiManager::HTTPSend(const String &content) { server->sendHeader("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); server->send(200, "text/html", ""); // Send the initial HTTP headers

size_t contentLength = content.length(); size_t chunkSize = 256; // Adjust this value based on your requirements

for (size_t i = 0; i < contentLength; i += chunkSize) { size_t chunkEnd = min(i + chunkSize, contentLength); size_t chunkLength = chunkEnd - i;

// Send the chunk size in hexadecimal followed by CRLF
server->sendContent(String(chunkLength, HEX));

// Send the actual chunk data
server->sendContent(content.substring(i, chunkEnd));


// Send a zero-length chunk to indicate the end of the response server->sendContent("0\r\n\r\n"); }

that helped a lot for me, parameters show now 50% up in wifi (interestingly not in wifinoscan). Still captive portal not working.