tzapu / WiFiManager

ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal
MIT License
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WiFi settings are not saved if ESP32 is restarted in SaveConfigCallback #1711

Closed rusty-labs closed 3 months ago

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

Basic Infos


WiFimanager Branch/Release: Master


Hardware: Heltec wifi-lora-32-v3

Core Version: 2.4.0, staging


Steps to reproduce

Settings in IDE

Module: Heltec wifi-lora-32-v3


void saveConfigCallback()


                                 { saveConfigCallback(); });



        std::vector<const char *> wm_menu = {"wifi", "exit"};

        bool res = wm.autoConnect(_SSID);
tablatronix commented 4 months ago

I suspect breakafterconfig i will test

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

Yeah, if I don't use setBreakAfterConfig my callback is not even called

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

Ok there're multiple issues

Settings are not saved if no successful connection occurred,

  ret = WiFi.begin(ssid.c_str(), pass.c_str(), 0, NULL, connect);

So I toggled off wm.setSaveConnect(false); I assume if user saves settings, settings should be saved no matter what, and connection procedure should be out of this block

ret = WiFi.begin(ssid.c_str(), pass.c_str(), 0, NULL, false);
// Try to connect here

Other issue is within the UI Opening configuration portal second time shows my previously selected SSID in gray color and I assumed I don't need to select it again, so I changed only password. However on the next bootup SSID is empty while the updated password is there

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

I uploaded the fix addressing UI issue and saving empty ssid

tablatronix commented 4 months ago

Yeah there is a other issue about that thanks Its already saves if its placeholder. I will think of a better way to represent this like disable until clicked or something

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

For the sake of consistency it'd be better to use value instead of a placeholder, since custom parameters are using values I also checked behavior on my router in client mode, and it also keeps SSID as a value even if it's wrong

tablatronix commented 4 months ago

Custom params can also use placeholders. Connect fails never save but it ahould not overwrite if ssid was blank. I thought I just fixed this but maybe it was bad or not pushed. Thanks

tablatronix commented 4 months ago

I used placeholder because I do not want wifi args resubmitting if only changing params. This way they do not get sent in plain text everytime you save, if not needed. Also we cannot populate password.

hmm I thought this fixed this

0e2016879b66dc3b4f200b1d91fde5ae9a501f37 9df7acdeeb6a7f614cdcba4a3f8c117ab7c23718

Also why are you restarting in the callback function anyway? saveConfigCallback() and not using return or status? Just Curious

I wonder if wifi_ssid is not populated becuase esp32 wifi was not init or connected yet

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

Sending SSID in a plain text is totally fine. #

saveConfigCallback() and not using return or status? Just Curious Yeah, I can restart after connection complete too, I just prefer callbacks, in case if I want to use non-blocking mode etc.

I believe the root cause of these problems is that WiFi_SSID and _ssid are not synced, should be setter/getter instead

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

Password has the same problem

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

Ok I fixed all the issues above in my fork

I did some other fixes but I think these 3 should be sufficient to solve the problem

tablatronix commented 4 months ago

What browser? Ssid and pass empty should do nothing

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

It has nothing to do with a browser

  1. _ssid = server->arg(F("s")); returns empty ssid, because it's a placeholder not a value
  2. handleWifiSave() makes _ssid empty
  3. connect=true
  4. processConfigPortal saves empty _ssid to flash
tablatronix commented 4 months ago

I still dont understand this issue, or see it.. Where is your example failing?

     if(_ssid == "" && _pass != ""){
      _ssid = WiFi_SSID(true);
      // skip wifi if no ssid
      if(_ssid == ""){
        #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL
        DEBUG_WM(WM_DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("No ssid, skipping wifi save"));

Empty ssid should not be saved, unless you change pw but it should use WIFI_SSID, what is the test case that this returns "" ? What wifi mode are you in when saving by chance?

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

Ok I got your latest changes Your fix doesn't work if I provide incorrect SSID and correct Password first, and then after restart provide correct SSID But for the steps I described above it works

Btw this code shouldn't be called if _connectonsave = false Also I don't understand why if(_aggresiveReconn && _connectRetries<4) _connectRetries=4; If I set _connectRetries = 2, why all of a sudden it becomes 4 ? Why do you even need _aggresiveReconn ?

Overall the logic is becoming too tangled, the code needs a cleanup, too many states contradicting each other

tablatronix commented 4 months ago

It says it in the source

    bool          _aggresiveReconn        = true; // use an agrressive reconnect strategy, WILL delay conxs
                                                   // on some conn failure modes will add delays and many retries to work around esp and ap bugs, ie, anti de-auth protections

It will probably be removed from prod, or optional, but it resolved almost 100% of connection failures reported n issues


Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 8 55 19 AM

tablatronix commented 4 months ago

I will remove it and see if the bug is fixed, and see if I can move this into a workaround check for specific versions and or failure codes. Without it this was causing a absolute failure of esp connection sucess on restarts

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

_aggresiveReconn is always true and there is no public setter for this, instead you can just _connectRetries = max(connectRetries, 4); at least the logic would be explicitly expressed instead of some hidden bool state But I'd get rid of it too, those who have troubles with a connection can increase number of retries in a client code The library code shouldn't fix specific problems, it should provide an interface to do so Also delay(1000); should be after wifiConnectNew, otherwise execution is just delayed for nothing

tablatronix commented 4 months ago

The delay is necessary for this failure mode

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

Delay yes, but _aggresiveReconn no, if it's always true

rusty-labs commented 4 months ago

Btw delay not needed, you already have _connectTimeout which is not used, set _connectTimeout = 1000 and it will work as a delay

tablatronix commented 4 months ago

They function differently. Timeout is not the same as delay for reconnect. I added both those options after that test was implemented as a result of its feedback.

i just need to decide how to reimplement it better so its not always required.

E (5966) wifi:Association refused temporarily, comeback time 1048 mSec

real-bombinho commented 3 months ago

I have version 2.0.17 and it seems this is not fixed in this version by the looks of?

I am just porting some working stuff from ESP8266 to the ESP32 and it keeps forgetting the WiFi credentials on each restart on the ESP32.

tablatronix commented 3 months ago

@real-bombinho please create a new issue with some information, unrelated to this issue

tablatronix commented 3 months ago

Your fix doesn't work if I provide incorrect SSID and correct Password first, and then after restart provide correct SSID But for the steps I described above it works

Is this really a issue? who does this?

tablatronix commented 3 months ago

Closing unless you can provide how to reproduce and provide logs. I tested this as much as I can and have no issue