tzapu / WiFiManager

ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal
MIT License
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Dedicated Parameter Page #1728

Closed ha11otronix closed 3 months ago

ha11otronix commented 3 months ago

I am using WiFiManager:- v2.0.17 Hardware :- ESP32

I wanted to show bunch of parameter that are hardcoded into system to a special page. I see that there is a way to show custom parameter but I see that comes under the wifi page. I do not want to configure wifi or save any new SSID or Password so I do not want to have that page at all.

Is there any way so I can show some custom parameters on dedicated page?

tablatronix commented 3 months ago

use setmenu(), or

// add params to its own menu page and remove from wifi, NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH setMenu!
    void          setParamsPage(bool enable);

There is no wya to mix it up though, its all or none unless you write your own route callback and make your own page.