Closed tozehu closed 3 months ago
WiFimanager Master
Esp8266/Esp32: Esp32
Hardware: ESP32 wroom 32d
Core Version: vs code PIO
Espressif 32 6.8.1
[env:esp32dev] platform = board = esp32dev framework = arduino lib_deps = bblanchon/ArduinoJson@^7.1.0
After compiling and uploading to ESP32 using VS Code PIO IDE, when entering the Wi-Fi configuration page, the serial output shows the following error: [18356][E][WebServer.cpp:638] _handleRequest(): request handler not found
When using Arduino to upload, it works normally.
Module: NodeMcu-32
Additional libraries:
#BEGIN #include <FS.h> #include <Arduino.h> #include <WiFiManager.h> #include "AudioSampler.h" #include <WiFi.h> #ifdef ESP32 #include <SPIFFS.h> #endif #include <ArduinoJson.h> //--------定义常量--------- #define uS_TO_S_FACTOR 1000000ULL #define MUTEPIN 2 //触摸指示灯引脚 #define TOUCH_THRESHOLD 40 //触摸灵敏度阈值,越大越灵敏 #define TRIGGER_PIN 0 //触摸引脚,现用于触发Wi-Fi配置页面 char SERVER_IP[40]=""; char SERVER_PORT[7] = "8888"; IPAddress serverIP; // 用于存储转换后的 IP 地址 uint16_t serverPort; // 用于存储转换后的端口号 WiFiClient wifiClient; bool shouldSaveConfig = false; //-------定义变量---------- volatile bool wifiConnected = true; volatile bool mute = false; //volatile int statusLedState = LOW; volatile unsigned long sinceLastTouch = 0; volatile bool inited = false; // i2s配置 i2s_config_t i2sConfig = { .mode = (i2s_mode_t)(I2S_MODE_MASTER | I2S_MODE_RX), .sample_rate = 44100, .bits_per_sample = I2S_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16BIT, .channel_format = I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ONLY_LEFT, //.communication_format = // i2s_comm_format_t(I2S_COMM_FORMAT_I2S), .communication_format= //i2s_comm_format_t(I2S_COMM_FORMAT_I2S_MSB), i2s_comm_format_t(I2S_COMM_FORMAT_STAND_I2S), .intr_alloc_flags = ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1, .dma_buf_count = 4, .dma_buf_len = 1024, .use_apll = false, .tx_desc_auto_clear = false, .fixed_mclk = 0 }; // i2s pin配置 i2s_pin_config_t i2SPinConfig = { .bck_io_num = GPIO_NUM_14, .ws_io_num = GPIO_NUM_15, .data_out_num = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE, .data_in_num = GPIO_NUM_32 }; AudioSampler *audioSampler = NULL; WiFiManager wm; void configSaveCallback(); //void configModeCallback(); WiFiManagerParameter custom_SERVER_IP("server", "tcp server", SERVER_IP, 40); WiFiManagerParameter custom_SERVER_PORT("port", "tcp port", SERVER_PORT, 6); void configModeCallback(WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) { Serial.println("Entered config mode"); } /** * 将IP地址字符串转换为IPAddress对象。 * * @param str 指向IP地址字符串的指针,格式为 "dd.dd.dd.dd"。 * @return 返回一个IPAddress对象,如果输入字符串不符合格式,则返回一个全0的IPAddress对象。 * * 本函数使用sscanf函数从字符串中解析出四个整数,分别代表IP地址的四部分, * 然后将这四个整数组合成一个IPAddress对象返回。如果字符串不包含四部分整数, * 则返回一个全0的IPAddress对象表示转换失败。 */ IPAddress ConvertIP(char *str) { // 定义四个整数变量,用于存储分割后的IP地址的四部分 int ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4; IPAddress temp_serverIP; // 使用sscanf函数从str中解析出四个整数,如果成功解析出四部分,则继续执行, // 否则返回一个全0的IPAddress对象表示转换失败 if (sscanf(str, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &ip1, &ip2, &ip3, &ip4) == 4) { // 将解析出的四个整数组合成一个IPAddress对象,并返回 temp_serverIP = IPAddress(ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4); return temp_serverIP; } else { // 如果解析失败,返回一个全0的IPAddress对象 return IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0); } } /** 静音中断函数 */ void muteTouch() { if (millis() - sinceLastTouch < 1000) return; sinceLastTouch = millis(); mute = !mute; if (mute) { digitalWrite(MUTEPIN, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(MUTEPIN, LOW); } Serial.print("mutetouched"); } /** 发送缓冲数组到服务器方法 @param param */ void transmitTask(void *param) { AudioSampler *audioSampler = (AudioSampler *)param; //socket连接服务器 WiFiClient *wifiClient = new WiFiClient(); serverIP=ConvertIP(SERVER_IP); //serverIP = IPAddress(SERVER_IP); char* end; serverPort = (uint16_t)strtol(SERVER_PORT, &end, 10); // 将字符串形式的端口号转换为整数 //serverPort = atoi(SERVER_PORT); // while (!wifiClient->connect("", 8888)) { Serial.println("conver server ip:"+serverIP.toString()); Serial.println("conver server port:"+String(serverPort)); while (!wifiClient->connect(serverIP, serverPort)) { delay(100); } if (wifiClient->connected()==true) { Serial.println("tcp connected"); } wifiClient->setNoDelay(true); const TickType_t xMaxBlockTime = pdMS_TO_TICKS(100); unsigned long startTime; unsigned long endTime; while (true) { // 等待队列通知 uint32_t ulNotificationValue = ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, xMaxBlockTime); if (ulNotificationValue > 0) { //wifi连接上同时未静音才发送数据 if (wifiConnected && mute) { // Serial.print("start-->"); // startTime = millis(); // Serial.print(startTime); // Serial.print("---->"); //Serial.print("start send---->"); int sendNum = wifiClient->write((uint8_t *)audioSampler->getTransmitBuffer(), audioSampler->getTransmitPackageSize()); if(!wifiClient->connected()) { Serial.println("send error"); while (!wifiClient->connect(serverIP, serverPort)) { delay(100); } } // Serial.print("end-->"); // endTime = millis(); // Serial.print(endTime); // Serial.print("---->"); // Serial.print("total--->"); // Serial.println(endTime - startTime); } else { //未连接时情况tcp缓存 wifiClient->flush(); } } } } void wifiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event){ switch (event) { case SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_CONNECTED: wifiConnected = true; // led亮起 //digitalWrite(STATUSPIN, HIGH); break; case SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED: // 回调会多次执行,所以要判断一下 if (inited) { wifiConnected = false; //digitalWrite(STATUSPIN, LOW); ESP.restart(); } break; default: break; } } void initWifi() { wm.resetSettings(); // 初始化文件系统 // wm.resetSettings(); wm.setDebugOutput(true); //wm.debugSoftAPConfig(); //SPIFFS.format(); if (!SPIFFS.begin()) { Serial.println("mounting filesystem failed.. trying to format"); SPIFFS.format(); Serial.println("trying again to mount FS..."); } Serial.println("mounting FS..."); if (SPIFFS.begin()) { Serial.println("mounted file system"); if (SPIFFS.exists("/config.json")) { Serial.println("reading config file"); File configFile ="/config.json", "r"); if (configFile) { Serial.println("opened config file"); size_t size = configFile.size(); std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]); configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size); #if defined(ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR) && ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR >= 6 //DynamicJsonDocument json(1024); //auto deserializeError = deserializeJson(json, buf.get()); JsonDocument json; auto deserializeError = deserializeJson(json, buf.get()); serializeJson(json, Serial); if (!deserializeError) { #else DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject &json = jsonBuffer.parseObject(buf.get()); json.printTo(Serial); if (json.success()) { #endif Serial.println("\nparsed json"); strcpy(SERVER_IP, json["SERVER_IP"]); strcpy(SERVER_PORT, json["SERVER_PORT"]); } else { Serial.println("failed to load json config"); } configFile.close(); } } } else { Serial.println("failed to mount FS"); } // 添加WiFi管理参数 wm.setSaveConfigCallback(configSaveCallback); wm.setAPCallback(configModeCallback); // wm.setConfigResetCallback(configSaveCallback); IPAddress ip(192, 168, 145, 1); IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 145, 1); IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); wm.setAPStaticIPConfig(ip, gateway, subnet); wm.setConnectTimeout(120); wm.addParameter(&custom_SERVER_IP); wm.addParameter(&custom_SERVER_PORT); if (!wm.autoConnect("ESP32-AP")) { Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout"); delay(3000); ESP.restart(); delay(5000); } Serial.println("Init Config Wifi"); strcpy(SERVER_IP, custom_SERVER_IP.getValue()); strcpy(SERVER_PORT, custom_SERVER_PORT.getValue()); Serial.println("The values in the file are: "); Serial.println("\tSERVER_IP : " + String(SERVER_IP)); Serial.println("\tSERVER_PORT : " + String(SERVER_PORT)); if (shouldSaveConfig) { Serial.println("saving config"); #if defined(ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR) && ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR >= 6 //DynamicJsonDocument json(1024); JsonDocument json; #else DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject &json = jsonBuffer.createObject(); #endif json["SERVER_IP"] = SERVER_IP; json["SERVER_PORT"] = SERVER_PORT; File configFile ="/config.json", "w"); if (!configFile) { Serial.println("failed to open config file for writing"); } #if defined(ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR) && ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR >= 6 serializeJson(json, Serial); serializeJson(json, configFile); #else json.printTo(Serial); json.printTo(configFile); #endif configFile.close(); } Serial.println("local ip"); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); WiFi.onEvent(wifiEvent); } void configSaveCallback() { strcpy(SERVER_IP, custom_SERVER_IP.getValue()); strcpy(SERVER_PORT, custom_SERVER_PORT.getValue()); Serial.println("The values in the file are: "); Serial.println("\tSERVER_IP : " + String(SERVER_IP)); Serial.println("\tSERVER_PORT : " + String(SERVER_PORT)); /* if (shouldSaveConfig) { Serial.println("saving config"); #if defined(ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR) && ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR >= 6 //DynamicJsonDocument json(1024); JsonDocument json; #else DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject &json = jsonBuffer.createObject(); #endif json["SERVER_IP"] = SERVER_IP; json["SERVER_PORT"] = SERVER_PORT; File configFile ="/config.json", "w"); if (!configFile) { Serial.println("failed to open config file for writing"); } #if defined(ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR) && ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR >= 6 serializeJson(json, Serial); serializeJson(json, configFile); #else json.printTo(Serial); json.printTo(configFile); #endif configFile.close(); } */ Serial.println("Config Saved"); Serial.println("Should save config"); shouldSaveConfig = true; } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("\n Starting"); initWifi(); pinMode(TRIGGER_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(MUTEPIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(MUTEPIN, LOW); audioSampler = new AudioSampler(); TaskHandle_t transmitHandle; xTaskCreate(transmitTask, "transmitTask", 10240, audioSampler, 1, &transmitHandle); audioSampler->start(i2sConfig, i2SPinConfig, 2048, transmitHandle); touchAttachInterrupt(T0, muteTouch, TOUCH_THRESHOLD); inited = true; } void loop() { /* if (digitalRead(TRIGGER_PIN) == HIGH) { Serial.println("Triggered"); Serial.println(String(digitalRead(TRIGGER_PIN))); // wm.addParameter(&custom_SERVER_IP); // wm.addParameter(&custom_SERVER_PORT); delay(50); if (!wm.startConfigPortal("OnDemandAP")) { Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout"); delay(3000); ESP.restart(); delay(5000); } Serial.println("connected...yeey :)"); } */ } #END
[ 18356][E][WebServer.cpp:638] _handleRequest(): request handler not found
I have never figured out what this is, I have seen it mentioned in the esp repo also with the same question
Basic Infos
WiFimanager Master
Esp8266/Esp32: Esp32
Hardware: ESP32 wroom 32d
Core Version: vs code PIO
Espressif 32 6.8.1
[env:esp32dev] platform = board = esp32dev framework = arduino lib_deps = bblanchon/ArduinoJson@^7.1.0
After compiling and uploading to ESP32 using VS Code PIO IDE, when entering the Wi-Fi configuration page, the serial output shows the following error: [18356][E][WebServer.cpp:638] _handleRequest(): request handler not found
When using Arduino to upload, it works normally.
Settings in IDE
Module: NodeMcu-32
Additional libraries:
Debug Messages
[ 18356][E][WebServer.cpp:638] _handleRequest(): request handler not found