tzapu / WiFiManager

ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal
MIT License
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Spurious IP Address #809

Open W4KRL opened 5 years ago

W4KRL commented 5 years ago

Basic Infos


WiFimanager Branch/Release:


Hardware: ESP-12e, esp01, esp25

ESP Core Version: 2.4.0, staging


When running the AutoConnectWithFeedbackLED example, the device spins up instead of This has happened with every example I tried. Also used some fresh D1 Minis with same result. Also used release version 0.14 with same results.

Settings in IDE (Arduino 1.8.8)

Module: LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini

Additional libraries:



// LED will blink when in config mode

include //

//for LED status


Ticker ticker; int LED = BUILTIN_LED;

void tick() { //toggle state digitalWrite(LED, !digitalRead(LED)); // set pin to the opposite state }

//gets called when WiFiManager enters configuration mode void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) { Serial.println("Entered config mode"); Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); //if you used auto generated SSID, print it Serial.println(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID()); //entered config mode, make led toggle faster ticker.attach(0.2, tick); }

void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200);

//set led pin as output pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // start ticker with 0.5 because we start in AP mode and try to connect ticker.attach(0.6, tick);

//WiFiManager //Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around WiFiManager wm; //reset settings - for testing // wm.resetSettings();

//set callback that gets called when connecting to previous WiFi fails, and enters Access Point mode wm.setAPCallback(configModeCallback);

//fetches ssid and pass and tries to connect //if it does not connect it starts an access point with the specified name //here "AutoConnectAP" //and goes into a blocking loop awaiting configuration if (!wm.autoConnect()) { Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout"); //reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep ESP.restart(); delay(1000); }

//if you get here you have connected to the WiFi Serial.println("connected...yeey :)"); ticker.detach(); //keep LED on digitalWrite(LED, LOW); }

void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Debug Messages

WM: Connection result: WM: 4 WM: WM: Configuring access point... WM: AutoConnectAP WM: password WM: Custom AP IP/GW/Subnet WM: AP IP address: WM: <===== expected WM: HTTP server started WM: Handle root WM: Request redirected to captive portal WM: Handle root WM: Request redirected to captive portal WM: Handle root WM: Request redirected to captive portal WM: Handle root WM: Handle root WM: Handle root WM: Handle root WM: Info WM: Sent info page

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

I saw this in another issue hmmm

domingosl commented 5 years ago

My ESPs always spins up the as the captive portal, is it not the desired behavior?

I remember a year back an older version of this library worked on by default. I just assume that the latest versions use instead.

pieman64 commented 5 years ago

Mine is also

Joeboyc2 commented 5 years ago

I've seen this behaviour also with a sketch that im currently working on, but it is not consistent, 9 times out of 10 I will see

I'm not aware of a way to force this other ip so cant say why it happens

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

It should always be that is the default ip

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

erase flash , this is probably corrupt flash problem

pieman64 commented 5 years ago

I have previously erased the flash and it still comes back at

AFAIK when I send the bin file out to the world they also use 244.1.

domingosl commented 5 years ago

I can also confirm, all my ESPs on the latest version of WiFiManager (Master) runs on 244.1

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

are you confirming this by actually accessing it , or serial output ?

tablatronix commented 5 years ago


domingosl commented 5 years ago

are you confirming this by actually accessing it , or serial output ?


tablatronix commented 5 years ago

I cannot make sense of this, some docs on the net clearly say that 244.1 is the def ip in softap, I have never ever seen this ip. Other things say

screen shot 2019-01-17 at 8 16 56 am
tablatronix commented 5 years ago

I think 244.1 is the ip if the custom ip struct from flash or softapconfig is invalid, so I still think this sounds like some kind of flash corruption or esp bug.

another possibility is that master branch is setting ipconfig when it was not set or supposed to and corrupting it.

can you reproduce on development branch ?

W4KRL commented 5 years ago

I have cleared the SPIFFS several times and tried using earlier versions of WiFi Manager back to 0.9 all with the result that the AP comes up as

Two screen captures are attached showing the captive screens. BTW, is there any way to suppress the IP address forms? screenshot_20190118-144253_chrome screenshot_20190118-144759_chrome

Here is serial output from the development version running the AutoConnectWithFeedbackLED example:

WM: [1] AutoConnect WM: [2] Connecting as wifi client... WM: [2] Custom STA IP/GW/Subnet/DNS WM: [1] STA IP set: (IP unset) WM: [3] WIFI station disconnect WM: [1] No saved credentials, skipping wifi WM: [2] Connection result: WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL WM: [3] lastconxresult: WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL WM: [1] AutoConnect: FAILED WM: [3] WIFI station disconnect WM: [3] WiFi station enable WM: [2] Disabling STA WM: [2] Enabling AP WM: [1] StartAP with SSID: ESP_3400ac WM: [1] Custom AP IP/GW/Subnet: WM: [0] [ERROR] softAPConfig failed! WM: [2] AP has anonymous access! WM: [1] AP IP address: Entered config mode ESP_3400ac WM: [3] setupConfigPortal WM: [1] Starting Web Portal WM: [3] dns server started with ip: WM: [2] HTTP server started WM: [2] WiFi Scan ASYNC started WM: [2] Config Portal Running, blocking, waiting for clients... WM: [2] WiFi Scan ASYNC completed in 2205 ms WM: [2] WiFi Scan ASYNC found: 4 *WM: [2] NUM CLIENTS: 0

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

Clearing spiffs is not a full flash erase.

W4KRL commented 5 years ago

I ran EraseEsp8266Flash by Ken Taylor It seemed to work. Then immediately ran AutoConnectWithFeedbackLED. Surprisingly, it happily connected to my router! Obviously, Ken's sketch did not erase everything. Can you recommend a way to erase flash without resorting to esptool?

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

you need to full erase from esptool or arduino ide

W4KRL commented 5 years ago

Please tell me how to do it using the Arduino IDE.

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

google it, its in the board menu, I do not use arduino

domingosl commented 5 years ago

I don't think this is a flash problem or corrupted memory. I have several ESPs, new and old ones, all of them go to 244.1 with the lasted WiFiManager and ESP8266 Community (lasted on Arduino IDE version 2.5.0-Beta-2

There is no reference in Master of WiFiManager to "" but there is one in the ESP8266 Arduino ( that makes me think of a race condition of something between WiFiManager and the ESP core.

domingosl commented 5 years ago

I also see the IP extra fields (Static ip, Static DNS, ...) in the config page as mentioned by @W4KRL and there is no auto-redirect to the captive portal on Windows and Android (Works on Mac and IOS) as I mentioned in this other issue: that might be related with this.

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

I am fairly certain it is corrupt flash or a bug, as this ip comes from esp lib when ip is invalid.

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

You see the ip config form? That is odd as it should only show if you are setting config, so maybe it is a I said above that stable version is setting apconfig mistakinly, but I wont fix or investigate it until it is confirmed in development branch

domingosl commented 5 years ago

I'll try the dev branch ASAP. BTW, how stable is that branch?

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

soso, I would say still alpha as I do not get much feedback about usage that is not bugs, but it is tested and used

pfeerick commented 5 years ago

I'm still on the master branch... i.e. v0.14.0, but this may explain why serial output on the clock project I'm working on changed when I moved from v2.4.2 of the ESP8266 core to the 2.5.0 betas... With no changes to the code, 2.5.0 added the *WM: Custom STA IP/GW/Subnet and IP unset notation.

From 2.4.2:

Build date/time:         Jan 25 2019 / 20:21:50
Core version:            2_4_2
SDK version:             2.2.1(cfd48f3)

*WM: AutoConnect
*WM: Connecting as wifi client...
*WM: Using last saved values, should be faster
*WM: Connection result:
*WM: 3
*WM: IP Address:
*WM: freeing allocated params!

From 2.5.0 beta 2:

Build date/time:         Jan 25 2019 / 21:01:06
Core version:            2_5_0_BETA2
SDK version:             3.0.0-dev(c0f7b44)

*WM: AutoConnect
*WM: Connecting as wifi client...
*WM: Custom STA IP/GW/Subnet
*WM: (IP unset)
*WM: Using last saved values, should be faster
*WM: Connection result: 
*WM: 3
*WM: IP Address:
*WM: freeing allocated params!
tablatronix commented 5 years ago

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

It appears that evaluating an ipaddress no longer returns false is not set or null due to changes in ipaddress for ipv6 support. There is now an isset method but it is new so no idea what to do here

damianargento commented 5 years ago

Hi! Did you found any solution for this? I have exactly the same issue, I've already erased flash, and even reinstaled all libraries and arduino ide but is still connecting to and showing "IP unset" fields.

tablatronix commented 5 years ago

How did you erase?