Closed Toshibass closed 9 years ago
sorry it should say remove internet connection to Raspberry Pi .... Found this problem because my flows had a timed inject node, my internet connection went down and when it was reset node-red crashed/
hi, the blynk js library seems to do it s own thing regarding connection and reconnection and fail. I ve got a couple of tickets open with them that I hope they will fix shortly. early days still
added a pull request to blynk js library regarding this hopefully they will accept it in the mean time you could use my fork of the library
When you say "in the mean time you could use my fork of the library" how exactly would I do that ?
try wit this command
npm install tzapu/blynk-library-js
but you should do that wherever the folder of your node-red-contrib-blynk is
or if installed globally (most likely)
npm install -g tzapu/blynk-library-js
hi, no more need for that, blynk accepted and released a new version with the above included
OK I installed latest blynk library 0.0.22 and node-red-contirb-blynk library, it appears this fixes this issue, however before you close could you just confirm if latest node-red-contirb-blynk is still version 0.0.9 ?
hi, latest is 0.0.12 cheers
Here's another issue: can be replicated as follows: simple node-red flow - inject node with string 101 and blynk write node to v6 value widget , deploy.
remove internet connection to , press inject node , reconnect internet connection , node-red crashes as follows:
24 Oct 21:21:14 - [info] Node-RED version: v0.11.2 24 Oct 21:21:14 - [info] Node.js version: v0.12.7 24 Oct 21:21:14 - [info] Loading palette nodes 24 Oct 21:21:23 - [info] Settings file : /usr/lib/node_modules/node-red/settings.js 24 Oct 21:21:23 - [info] User directory : /home/pi/.node-red 24 Oct 21:21:23 - [info] Flows file : /home/pi/.node-red/new_file.json 24 Oct 21:21:23 - [info] Server now running at 24 Oct 21:21:23 - [info] Starting flows blynk server init bla bla New Blynk connection with key bla bla false Connecting to TCP: 8442 blynk virtual pin write init 9 24 Oct 21:21:23 - [info] Started flows Connected Authorized Blynk ready. bla bla Blynk connect event on node. input on virtual write 24 Oct 21:22:37 - [red] Uncaught Exception: 24 Oct 21:22:38 - Error: read ECONNRESET at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11) at TCP.onread (net.js:559:26)