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选题:冯诺伊曼 相关 #1

Open tzdxyz opened 11 months ago

tzdxyz commented 11 months ago

简单介绍著名的科学家 冯诺伊曼的一生,以及最后的死亡。

tzdxyz commented 11 months ago

约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann,1903年12月28日—1957年2月8日),出生于匈牙利布达佩斯,匈牙利裔美籍数学家、计算机科学家、物理学家和化学家,美国国家科学院院士,生前是普林斯顿高等研究院教授 [1]。

约翰·冯·诺依曼于1921年进入柏林大学;1923年进入瑞士苏黎世联邦工业大学学习化学;1926年从苏黎世联邦工业大学毕业,同年获得布达佩斯大学数学博士学位;1927年至1929年在柏林大学任兼职讲师;1929年转任汉堡大学兼职讲师;1930年首次前往美国,成为普林斯顿大学客座讲师;1933年担任普林斯顿高级研究院教授;1937年当选为美国国家科学院院士;1943年至1955年担任洛斯·阿拉莫斯国家试验室顾问;1954年至1957年担任导弹顾问委员会主席;1957年2月8日在华盛顿沃尔特·里德医院逝世,享年53岁 [4]。

约翰·冯·诺依曼早期从事算子理论、共振论、量子理论、集合论等方面的研究,后期转向研究自动机理论研究 [6]。

来自 百度百科

tzdxyz commented 11 months ago

感想: 用单一的标准或者头衔很难衡量冯诺伊曼的贡献。很难界定 冯诺伊曼。

tzdxyz commented 11 months ago


我大致这样认为(由于问题太复杂了,所以我只能说大概是这样):数学的所有思想都来 源于经验,虽然这些思想的形成历程很长、很模糊。但是,数学思想一旦创生了出来,它就 具有了自己的生命,而且就像真正的生命一样具有创造力。这种形式的生命主要由纯粹的审 美动机支配,而几乎同经验世界脱离了关系。然而,在这里,我想特别强调的一点是……如 果一个数学主题已经远离了所有的实证源头,而且仅仅跟一些非常‚抽象‛的领域有交叉的 时候,这个数学主题就会濒临衰退了……无论这一阶段何时来到,唯一补救的办法就是在它 的源头处重生:重新注入或多或少的实证经验。

来源:自复制自动机理论第一部分翻译稿 by 东方和尚 src:

tzdxyz commented 6 months ago

参考资料: [1] 百度百科 [2] 维基百科 [3] Britannica von-Neumann [4] ias: von-neumann [5] 集智 冯诺依曼 维基百科中文翻译

tzdxyz commented 6 months ago

Von Neumann was born in Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire),[13][14][15] on December 28, 1903, to a wealthy, non-observant Jewish family. His birth name was Neumann János Lajos. In Hungarian, the family name comes first, and his given names are equivalent to John Louis in English.[16]

He was the eldest of three brothers; his two younger siblings were Mihály (Michael) and Miklós (Nicholas).[17] His father Neumann Miksa (Max von Neumann) was a banker and held a doctorate in law. He had moved to Budapest from Pécs at the end of the 1880s.[18] Miksa's father and grandfather were born in Ond (now part of Szerencs), Zemplén County, northern Hungary. John's mother was Kann Margit (English: Margaret Kann);[19] her parents were Jakab Kann and Katalin Meisels of the Meisels family.[20] Three generations of the Kann family lived in spacious apartments above the Kann-Heller offices in Budapest; von Neumann's family occupied an 18-room apartment on the top floor.[21]

On February 20, 1913, Emperor Franz Joseph elevated John's father to the Hungarian nobility for his service to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[22] The Neumann family thus acquired the hereditary appellation Margittai, meaning "of Margitta" (today Marghita, Romania). The family had no connection with the town; the appellation was chosen in reference to Margaret, as was their chosen coat of arms depicting three marguerites. Neumann János became margittai Neumann János (John Neumann de Margitta), which he later changed to the German Johann von Neumann.[23]

src: [2]

tzdxyz commented 5 months ago

Von Neumann was born in Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire),[13][14][15] on December 28, 1903, to a wealthy, non-observant Jewish family. His birth name was Neumann János Lajos. In Hungarian, the family name comes first, and his given names are equivalent to John Louis in English.[16]

He was the eldest of three brothers; his two younger siblings were Mihály (Michael) and Miklós (Nicholas).[17] His father Neumann Miksa (Max von Neumann) was a banker and held a doctorate in law. He had moved to Budapest from Pécs at the end of the 1880s.[18] Miksa's father and grandfather were born in Ond (now part of Szerencs), Zemplén County, northern Hungary. John's mother was Kann Margit (English: Margaret Kann);[19] her parents were Jakab Kann and Katalin Meisels of the Meisels family.[20] Three generations of the Kann family lived in spacious apartments above the Kann-Heller offices in Budapest; von Neumann's family occupied an 18-room apartment on the top floor.[21]

On February 20, 1913, Emperor Franz Joseph elevated John's father to the Hungarian nobility for his service to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[22] The Neumann family thus acquired the hereditary appellation Margittai, meaning "of Margitta" (today Marghita, Romania). The family had no connection with the town; the appellation was chosen in reference to Margaret, as was their chosen coat of arms depicting three marguerites. Neumann János became margittai Neumann János (John Neumann de Margitta), which he later changed to the German Johann von Neumann.[23]

src: [2]


冯诺伊曼在 1903年12月28日 出生于匈牙利王国,布达佩斯,一个富有的,非传统(non-observant)的犹太人家庭。它的原名为 Neumann János Lajos,姓是 Neumann,名在英文中和 John Louis 相同。

他在三个兄弟中排行老大,他的两个弟弟是 Michael 和 Nicholas。他的父亲,Neumann Miksa (Max von Neumann) 是一位银行家并拥有法律博士学位。他于1880年代末从佩奇搬到布达佩斯。Miksa 的父亲和祖父都出生于北匈牙利的普普仑县的翁德(现在是斯泽伦斯镇的一部分)。冯诺依曼的母亲是 Kann Margit。Margit 的父母是来自Meisels 家族的 Jakab Kann 和 Katalin Meisels。Kann 家族的三代人住在布达佩斯 Kann-Heller 办公室楼上的宽敞公寓里。冯诺依曼的家庭占据了最顶层的18个房间的公寓。

在1913年2月20日,奥匈帝国皇帝 弗朗茨·约瑟夫提拔冯诺伊曼的父亲为匈牙利贵族,表彰其为奥匈帝国的杰出服务。由此,诺伊曼的家庭获得了世袭称号 Margittai,意思是“of Margitta”(中文:来自马尔吉塔的……,今罗马尼亚的马尔吉塔)。这个家庭和这个镇子没有任何联系,这个称号是参考玛格丽特(Margaret)而选择的,他们选择的家族纹章描绘了三朵雏菊(marguerite)。从此,Neumann János变为了 margittai Neumann János (英文:John Neumann de Margitta),后来,他将名字又改为 Johann von Neumann。

感想: 冯诺依曼的父亲发家是靠儿子的姥爷和姥姥?

tzdxyz commented 5 months ago

冯诺依曼家族公寓 src:


公寓门 src: 公寓门

公寓门前的纪念牌:src: 公寓门前的纪念牌

tzdxyz commented 3 months ago
