When advertising is stopped (long press on SW2), the c209 will start advertising again with a short press. The LED does not flash.
This happens without setting isAdvRunning to true because btAdvUpdateAdvInterval() includes a call to btAdvStart() [see bt_adv.c].
The tag continues to advertise normally, cycling through the different rates, but the LED does not flash because isAdvRunning is still false.
Ugly solution would be to test isAdvRunning on line 132
if (type == BUTTONS_SHORT_PRESS)&&(isAdvRunning) {
When advertising is stopped (long press on SW2), the c209 will start advertising again with a short press. The LED does not flash. This happens without setting isAdvRunning to true because btAdvUpdateAdvInterval() includes a call to btAdvStart() [see bt_adv.c]. The tag continues to advertise normally, cycling through the different rates, but the LED does not flash because isAdvRunning is still false.
Ugly solution would be to test isAdvRunning on line 132 if (type == BUTTONS_SHORT_PRESS)&&(isAdvRunning) {