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Support for NEO-F9P-15 Base & Rover #222

Closed michaelboeding closed 1 month ago

michaelboeding commented 3 months ago

It would be very beneficial to have a way to send the messages needed to configure and manage/use the NEO-F9P-15, specifically setting up a NEO-F9P in rover mode and base station mode.. Maybe this is located in a separate repo somewhere but I haven't found it. I also haven't found great documentation on all of the UBX messages for the NEO-F9P-15. https://content.u-blox.com/sites/default/files/documents/NEO-F9P_IntegrationManual_UBX-22028362.pdf

RobMeades commented 3 months ago

Hi Michael: all of the NEO-F9P message types should be there, though the link you have pasted above is to the integration manual rather than the interface manual, which can be found here:


I've had a quick scan through and didn't spot any missing UBX-CFG-VALXXX configuration messages, which would be the main source of issues: can you point me at the missing ones?

cturvey commented 3 months ago

The NEO-F9P would be the HPG 1.40 document for the NEO/ZED L1/L5 platform. Moving Base is not supported.

RobMeades commented 3 months ago

Apologies for the mis-direction, the link for the HPG 1.40, for completeness, is:


I think the UBX-CFG-VALXXX configuration message IDs there are all supported in ubxlib; @michaelboeding do let me know if that is not the case.

cturvey commented 3 months ago

Each FW tends to have it's own subset of VALKEYs, so different mix of UBX commands supported, and L1, L2 and L5 signal specific stuff. And then a whole heap of undocumented/undisclosed ones.

The GPS L5 was still in "testing" last I checked, but this doc might relate more to the F10N/F10T usage https://content.u-blox.com/sites/default/files/documents/GPS-L5-configuration_AppNote_UBX-21038688.pdf

My list of publicly disclosed ones, for reference, is here https://github.com/cturvey/RandomNinjaChef/blob/main/ubxkeys.txt

michaelboeding commented 3 months ago

Thanks for that @cturvey and @RobMeades . So basically everything I need to configure can just be sent over UBX messages? Are there any plans to make a more friendly API for maybe the Rover/Base station setup?

RobMeades commented 3 months ago

So basically everything I need to configure can just be sent over UBX messages?

Yes, for configuration see the pattern here.

Are there any plans to make a more friendly API for maybe the Rover/Base station setup?

It is not something I know anything about, so wouldn't know what shape the API would be: if you had a proposal I'd be happy to create it but, on the other hand, I don't have a test setup for this so it would likely make more sense for you to create something you would actually be able to test yourself.

michaelboeding commented 3 months ago

Got it - I'll write my own "friendly" APIs for this then using this format. And then I would be happy to share them with you to maybe integrate a version into ubxlib later on. I'm waiting on my second NEO-F9P-15 currently, once I have that I can test the whole system. I will also probably try to integrate some type of post processing via RTKLIB, which @cturvey pointed me to.

RobMeades commented 3 months ago

And then I would be happy to share them with you to maybe integrate a version into ubxlib later on

That would be excellent thank you. While we're talking, are you done with preview_cell_ppp_rmea? Would just like to have a tidy-up.

michaelboeding commented 3 months ago

Yes, sorry I meant to let you know about that. It has been working great!

RobMeades commented 3 months ago

Phew, one less thing to worry about :-).

RobMeades commented 1 month ago

Going to close this one as I believe you know how to proceed with it now. Please feel free to re-open this issue if there is more to discuss on the subject.