u-blox / ubxlib

Portable C libraries which provide APIs to build applications with u-blox products and services. Delivered as add-on to existing microcontroller and RTOS SDKs.
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esp32c6 i2c m10 #243

Closed jimakos96 closed 1 month ago

jimakos96 commented 1 month ago

Hi I am using esp-idf to program the esp32c6 with the sparkfun sam-m10q using I2C . My configuration using the ubxlib is the following :

` uDeviceCfg_t deviceConfig ; uDeviceHandle_t devHandle = NULL; int32_t returnCode; int32_t guardCount = 0; MyContext_t context = {0};

deviceConfig.deviceType = U_DEVICE_TYPE_GNSS;
deviceConfig.deviceCfg.cfgGnss.moduleType = U_GNSS_MODULE_TYPE_M10;
deviceConfig.deviceCfg.cfgGnss.pinDataReady = -1;
deviceConfig.deviceCfg.cfgGnss.pinEnablePower = U_CFG_APP_PIN_GNSS_ENABLE_POWER;
deviceConfig.deviceCfg.cfgGnss.i2cAddress = 0x42;
deviceConfig.transportType = U_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_TYPE_I2C;
deviceConfig.transportCfg.cfgI2c.i2c = 1;
deviceConfig.transportCfg.cfgI2c.pinScl = 18;
deviceConfig.transportCfg.cfgI2c.pinSda = 19;

// Initialise the APIs we will need
uPortI2cInit(); // You only need this if an I2C interface is used
vTaskDelay( 6000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS );
// Open the device
returnCode = uDeviceOpen(&deviceConfig, &devHandle);
printf("Opened device with return code %ld.\n", returnCode);`

I am getting the error code -5 ,which i think has to do with the parameters in my setup. Could you tell me what may cause this error and how to fix it ?

RobMeades commented 1 month ago

Hi and thanks for posting, sorry you're having trouble with this.

From the code you have posted above it looks as though your deviceConfig is not a const type, which the compiler would naturally zero for you, hence you likely need to set it to 0 first, i.e.:

uDeviceCfg_t deviceConfig = {0};

...otherwise the fields that you are not populating in the structure could contain anything, which could cause U_ERROR_COMMON_INVALID_PARAMETER.

Give this a try and let us know how it goes.

jimakos96 commented 1 month ago

ok i tried that , now i am getting a crash from the error assert failed: periph_module_enable periph_ctrl.c:58 (periph < PERIPH_MODULE_MAX)

RobMeades commented 1 month ago

assert failed: periph_module_enable periph_ctrl.c:58 (periph < PERIPH_MODULE_MAX)

This is not a ubxlib file, not something I have ever seen before I'm afraid. Which version of ESP-IDF are you using? We test with version 5.0.3 and we have customers who are using 5.2 successfully with I2C.

You will likely need to find out what the values of periph and PERIPH_MODULE_MAX are and where the value for periph is coming from.

jimakos96 commented 1 month ago

i am using the ESP-IDF v5.2.1-dirty

RobMeades commented 1 month ago

Checking the ESP-IDF pages for ESP32C6, it says:

ESP32-C6 has 1 I2C controller (also called port), responsible for handling communication on the I2C bus. A single I2C controller can be a master or a slave.

ESP-IDF usually numbers ports from zero, so it might be that you only have I2C port 0, hence you might need:

deviceConfig.transportCfg.cfgI2c.i2c = 0;
jimakos96 commented 1 month ago

Thanks you this worked perfectly

RobMeades commented 1 month ago

I will close this now, please feel free to open a new issue if there is more to discuss.