Closed tojnya closed 2 years ago
The wrong pawn is stepping on d4. How do I make the pawn from e5 beat the one on d4?
\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{xskak} \pagestyle{empty} \parindent=0pt \begin{document} \newcommand\getmovestyle[1]{% \ifthenelse {\equal{#1}{N}}%knight move {\def\mymovestyle{[clockwise=false,style=knight]curvemove}}% {\ifthenelse {\equal{#1}{}}% castling {\def\mymovestyle{curvemove}}% {\def\mymovestyle{straightmove}}}}% \newchessgame \hidemoves{1.e4 e5 2. d4 d4 3.}% %\chessboard[setfen=\xskakgetgame{initfen}]% Show me the empty board. %% K - King, Q-Queen, R-rook, N-Knight, B-Bishop, P-pawn, \xskakloop{% \getmovestyle{\xskakget{piecechar}}% \chessboard[pgfstyle=\mymovestyle, color=blue, markmoves=\xskakget{move}, pgfshortenend=0.3em, arrow=to, coloremph, color=red, markstyle=circle, markfield=\xskakget{movefrom}, emphfields=\xskakget{moveto}, setfen=\xskakget{nextfen}] }% End of \xskakloop \end{document}
You have to use the standard pgn notation exd4
\hidemoves{1.e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3.}%
The wrong pawn is stepping on d4. How do I make the pawn from e5 beat the one on d4?