u12206050 / figma-plugin-graphql

Figma plugin, add data to your elements straight from GraphQL
MIT License
9 stars 2 forks source link

Publish latest version to Figma to unblock using headers? #12

Open bignimbus opened 1 year ago

bignimbus commented 1 year ago

Hi @u12206050 👋🏻 thanks for a great plugin, just bought you a few coffees ☕ Would it be possible for you to publish the latest version to Figma? I'm blocked until I'm able to pass headers into my request. If not please let me know and I'd be happy to fork and publish myself to save you the effort, though it would mean having a "duplicate" in the Figma community plugins which is not ideal. Hope to hear from you :)

u12206050 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the coffee, I'll spend some time on it now and see if I can get it done.

u12206050 commented 1 year ago

So I've spent a couple of hours on this now, but due to outdated dependencies I have been unable so far to get it published. Will have to rewrite the entire thing in React to get it working properly.

PR is welcome if you are able to build it.

bignimbus commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update @u12206050 - can you help me understand the dependency issue a bit more? I haven't published anything to Figma before

bignimbus commented 1 year ago

@u12206050 is the dependency issue something on Figma's end? Like, they won't allow the plugin to be published without upgrading a certain package?

u12206050 commented 1 year ago

Hey, I can publish it if you get it to build again. The issue seems to be with the graphiql dependency, which has also undergone 2 major updates since the one we currently use. It actually supports now headers and variables, which means we don't need our own headers input.

Think easiest might be to rewrite the the main interface from Vue to React to better support graphiql, since most of the actual logic to populate figma will stay the same.

bignimbus commented 1 year ago

Ok that helps, thanks! I'll try to play around with it sometime soon to help resolve the build.

u12206050 commented 2 months ago

Were you able to get this working and create a PR for it?