u2man / Handwriting-Recognition-STM32F429

Handwriting recognition using STM32Cube AI with STM32F429
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Some variables are not defined #1

Open liewcc opened 5 years ago

liewcc commented 5 years ago

I download your code and try to compile it under MDK., and it is full with errors.

I think you have removed certain portion of your code and make it unreadable. But what is your purpose of doing that if you want to upload and publish the code for other's reference (like the orignator of this code who has given full commend of what he has written)?

u2man commented 5 years ago

Hi, thank for comment

First, I've upload all my code, the portion of the code had been removed. Then, maybe you should try compile with TrueStudio, you can download it at www.atollic.com, it's free. If you want to compile with MDK, I suggest you re-create the project using STM32CubeMX. You can open STM32F429Disco AI Test.ioc then change the IDE to MDK. Or you can create new project with STM32CubeMx, with MCU STM32F429, then import for IO configuration from my ioc file. Then you just need copy my source (src and inc folder) to your project. Then compile.