u3a-siteworks-development / u3a-siteworks-core

The core plugins
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OP1054 Make featured images in the u3a event list grid view a clickable link #91

Closed nicktrosnant closed 1 month ago

nicktrosnant commented 2 months ago

proposed on the forum

In an ordinary query loop of posts it is possible to make the featured image (as well as the title) have a link to the post. Some people seem more willing to click on images than a title in blue. In the new grid format, could the featured image of the event have the same link as the title of the event? (If this were an option I would always choose it, so from my point of view it could just be the standard.)

mike99christie commented 2 months ago

That seems a good idea and we should probably have done so from the start. It is an easy and very small mod to the code of function display_event_listing.

mike99christie commented 2 months ago

implemented and merged into main.