u8sand / Baka-MPlayer

The libmpv based media player
GNU General Public License v2.0
428 stars 93 forks source link

The installation link for Ubuntu doesn't work. #287

Closed toto6038 closed 3 years ago

toto6038 commented 4 years ago

The URL provided on http://bakamplayer.u8sand.net/installation.php for Ubuntu(Launchpad) seems not exist.

mc4man commented 4 years ago

I got rid of that ppa a long time ago If you want for 18.04, https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/bionic-media For 16.04 https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/xerus-media

Note that hwdec for nvidia is possible for these build via vdpau, if I update libmpv that will not be possible (or hard.. baka should add support for nvdec but don't see that happening as this project appears pretty much dead...