u8sand / Baka-MPlayer

The libmpv based media player
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Wayland mpv overlay in second window bug #313

Open danilw opened 2 years ago

danilw commented 2 years ago

Bug - in Wayland playing video always in second window in Baka-MPlayer. mpv-examples/libmpv/qt/ also have this bug.

Fix - file src/mpvhandler.cpp add to line 31:

mpv_set_option_string(mpv, "gpu-context", "x11egl");   // xWayland Sway fix

(x11egl or x11, because mpv use it) it seems for now, tested Apr 2023, it work only with x11egl

Other way to fix, more code to change - look on mpv-examples/libmpv/qt_opengl/ copy this method of overlay integration.

danilw commented 1 year ago

Something changed in Wayland and it seems MPV window integration to Baka-MPlayer works only when gpu-context is x11egl.