u8sand / Baka-MPlayer

The libmpv based media player
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Question regarding commandline commands, #314

Open FrostKnight opened 2 years ago

FrostKnight commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible, to add the newest mpv commands as options to baka-mplayer as options, for the newest release?

In particular, I wondered, if you could add:


So essentially, I am wondering if you can update baka-mplayer to use a newer version of mpv if you choose to use mpv as the part underneath, instead of mplayer.

If this is already done in the master base, let me know though.

Aka, I get a desync error, playing mp4 files that can only be solved this way.

This is the error btw that I get, also it happens whether the mp4 is on my comp or online:

[mpv]: (+) Video --vid=1 () (vp9 1920x1080 30.000fps) [mpv]: (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng () (opus 2ch 48000Hz) [mpv]: File tags: [mpv]: Uploader: Tuxic's Music N' Tat [mpv]: Channel_URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYkJFI3bd0nRlb9RdidfFTg [mpv]: AO: [alsa] 48000Hz stereo 2ch s32 [mpv]: VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 yuv420p [mpv]: Warning: property 'video-aspect' is deprecated, refer to 'video-params/aspect' and 'video-aspect-override'. [mpv]: [mpv]: Audio/Video desynchronisation detected! Possible reasons include too slow [mpv]: hardware, temporary CPU spikes, broken drivers, and broken files. Audio [mpv]: position will not match to the video (see A-V status field). [mpv]:

u8sand commented 2 years ago


It is possible to add mpv options directly to the bakamplayer.ini file (which is json formatted) under the mpv section. For example:

    "mpv": {
        "audio-device": "sndio",
        "msg-level": "status",

Be sure bakamplayer is closed while you modify this file.

In terms of using the latest version of mpv, bakamplayer should have no issues with the most up to date mpv library.

FrostKnight commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I tried to do this, but I ran into some issues, I think its because, I need to change the prefix within the executable itself.

Aka, my distro uses FHS.



I wish there was a way to do so, within this program.

I have tried many ways...

Also, I am not sure what the whole bakamplayer.ini is supposed to look like with my changes added.

Although it is probably more the fact, that a lot of stuff is located in /usr/bin/executable

The odd thing though, they still haven't fixed one part of it, perl.


u8sand commented 2 years ago

Perhaps this document clarifies things? https://github.com/u8sand/Baka-MPlayer/blob/master/DOCS/settings.md