uBlockOrigin / uAssets

Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.
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cocomanga.com Anti-Adblock #11837

Closed erosman closed 2 years ago

erosman commented 2 years ago


I tried to reproduce the issue when...

URL(s) where the issue occurs


Describe the issue


Google translate:

The core code of the system failed to load. This may be because the browser advertisement filtering function has mistakenly blocked the website function code. Please turn off the advertisement filtering in the browser settings and then refresh the page!


No response

uBlock Origin version


Browser name and version

Firefox Nightly 99.0a1



✅ uBlock filters – Annoyances ✅ CHN: AdGuard Chinese (中文)


Previously: #11140, #11322

okiehsch commented 2 years ago

Already fixed in AdGuard Chinese. cocomanga.com##+js(nostif, checkSiteNormalLoad) works fine on my end.

erosman commented 2 years ago

It is still not working for me. I have posted the config to #11839

uBlock-user commented 2 years ago

Test on default settings/lists + all other extensins disabled.

erosman commented 2 years ago

Test on default settings/lists + all other extensins disabled.

The settings are default. I have no other extension that would interfere. (All other extensions are my own)

Have you tested on Nightly?

uBlock-user commented 2 years ago

I'm on Nightly, can't reproduce. Same on Chromium too.

mapx- commented 2 years ago

you could try


erosman commented 2 years ago

Is this how your looks too?



mapx- commented 2 years ago

use only uBO and test the filter above

uBlock-user commented 2 years ago

I have no other extension that would interfere. (All other extensions are my own)

Do you mind disabling them ? This is to prove this is not a uBO issue.

erosman commented 2 years ago

Do you mind disabling them ? This is to prove this is not a uBO issue.

I did that now... no change with uBO only.

Here is a copy of the log

Logger output ``` +1 @@||cocomanga.com/js/ad*/*.js ++ www.cocomanga.com 1 xhr https://www.cocomanga.com/js/ad_/ad2.js ``` ``` +1 www.cocomanga.com 3 image https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/favicon.png ``` ``` +1 www.cocomanga.com 1 image https://www.cocomanga.com/favicon.png ``` ``` +1 www.cocomanga.com 3 image https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/favicon.png ``` ``` +1 www.cocomanga.com 1 image https://www.cocomanga.com/favicon.png ``` ``` +1 ||exdynsrv.com^ -- www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://a.exdynsrv.com/fp-interstitial.js ``` ``` +1 ||exdynsrv.com^ -- www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://a.exdynsrv.com/fp-interstitial.js ``` ``` +1 *$script,3p,domain=cocomanga.com -- www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://couplestupidity.com/8c/0a/37/8c0a375d8544f78968ab9f8f99cb9fd7.js ``` ``` +1 ||exdynsrv.com^ -- www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://a.exdynsrv.com/ad-provider.js ``` ``` +1 ||exdynsrv.com^ -- www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://a.exdynsrv.com/js.php?t=17&idzone=3945126 ``` ``` +1 ||exdynsrv.com^ -- www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://a.exdynsrv.com/js.php?t=17&idzone=3945124 ``` ``` +1 ||exdynsrv.com^ -- www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://a.exdynsrv.com/nativeads-v2.js ``` ``` +1 /cdn-cgi/bm/cv/* -- www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/cdn-cgi/bm/cv/669835187/api.js ``` ``` +1 ||zz.bdstatic.com^ -- www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit/push.js ``` ``` +1 ||cnzz.com^$3p -- www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://s4.cnzz.com/z_stat.php?id=1280242613&web_id=1280242613 ``` ``` +0 ##+js(addEventListener-defuser, load, popMagic) www.cocomanga.com dom https://www.cocomanga.com/22449/1/65.html ``` ``` +0 ##+js(set-constant, atob, undefined) www.cocomanga.com dom https://www.cocomanga.com/22449/1/65.html ``` ``` +0 ##+js(no-setTimeout-if, checkSiteNormalLoad) www.cocomanga.com dom https://www.cocomanga.com/22449/1/65.html ``` ``` +0 ##+js(set-constant, __jsadsuccess, true) www.cocomanga.com dom https://www.cocomanga.com/22449/1/65.html ``` ``` +0 ##+js(set-constant, NativeAd, noopFunc) www.cocomanga.com dom https://www.cocomanga.com/22449/1/65.html ``` ``` +0 ##+js(addEventListener-defuser, contextmenu) www.cocomanga.com dom https://www.cocomanga.com/22449/1/65.html ``` ``` +0 @@||cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=cocomanga.com|cocomanga.com ++ www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/template/vfed/asset/js/global.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/template/vfed/asset/js/global.js ``` ``` +0 @@||cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=cocomanga.com|cocomanga.com ++ www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/template/vfed/asset/js/jquery.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/template/vfed/asset/js/jquery.js ``` ``` +0 /cdn-cgi/bm/cv/* -- www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/cdn-cgi/bm/cv/669835187/api.js ``` ``` +0 @@||cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=cocomanga.com|cocomanga.com ++ www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/js/dynamicjs.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/js/dynamicjs.js ``` ``` +0 @@||cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=cocomanga.com|cocomanga.com ++ www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/js/custom.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/js/custom.js ``` ``` +0 @@||cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=cocomanga.com|cocomanga.com ++ www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/js/jquery.cookie.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/js/jquery.cookie.js ``` ``` +0 @@||cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=cocomanga.com|cocomanga.com ++ www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js ``` ``` +0 @@||cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=cocomanga.com|cocomanga.com ++ www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/js/manga.read.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/js/manga.read.js ``` ``` +0 @@||cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=cocomanga.com|cocomanga.com ++ www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/js/common.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/js/common.js ``` ``` +0 @@||cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=cocomanga.com|cocomanga.com ++ www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/js/style.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/js/style.js ``` ``` +0 @@||cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=cocomanga.com|cocomanga.com ++ www.cocomanga.com 3 script https://cdn.cocomanga.com.cdn.cloudflare.net/ aliasURL=https://www.cocomanga.com/js/l.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 script https://www.cocomanga.com/js/l.js ``` ``` +0 www.cocomanga.com 1 doc https://www.cocomanga.com/22449/1/65.html ``` ``` +0 https://www.cocomanga.com/22449/1/65.html ```
uBlock-user commented 2 years ago

Something to try --

erosman commented 2 years ago

Does the log say anything?

erosman commented 2 years ago

I got it working. Since yesterday, Nightly has some issues with its caching which might be related. Just for info ....

It is possible that the caching issues has affected uBO and/or the page.

Ref: Various cached scripts on latest nightly fail with syntax errors

uBlock-user commented 2 years ago

Don't use uMatrix, it's been sunset since 2020.

erosman commented 2 years ago

Don't use uMatrix, it's been sunset since 2020.

What? Where is it?

Update; I see... What is the best alternative?