uBlockOrigin / uAssets

Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.
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dragontea.ink: detection #16083

Closed Conall53 closed 5 months ago

Conall53 commented 1 year ago


URL address of the web page




Describe the issue

This site detects ad-block on the loading screen which is shown for every page.

This page not only violates human decency and ad-sense policy with the amounts of ads-shown in loading, pop-ups, pop-over, between content and everywhere, but also lied about implementing a paid subscription which would not show ads. I tried creating an account and seeing if you maybe only see it then but there was nothing. Also it is a giant PITA to navigate on mobile, because of the disgusting loading screen with adds and full size pop-ups it is just a bit short of unusable.


Screenshot(s) ![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/62668788/208870049-8c5aac26-5c08-4e92-b3fc-3fe52801b1cf.png)


```yaml uBlock Origin: 1.45.2 Firefox: 107 filterset (summary): network: 87938 cosmetic: 38705 scriptlet: 16608 html: 848 listset (total-discarded, last-updated): default: user-filters: 8-0, never ublock-filters: 32313-40, 20h.48m ublock-badware: 4211-0, 20h.47m ublock-privacy: 301-0, 2d.20h.54m ublock-abuse: 77-0, 2d.20h.53m ublock-unbreak: 1931-1, 20h.46m easylist: 63024-627, 4d.21h.2m easyprivacy: 30983-1739, 4d.21h.1m plowe-0: 3671-3, 1d.20h.50m urlhaus-1: 10154-0, 12h.45m filterset (user): [array of 8 redacted] trustedset: added: [array of 19 redacted] removed: about-scheme modifiedUserSettings: [none] modifiedHiddenSettings: [none] supportStats: allReadyAfter: 1111 ms (selfie) maxAssetCacheWait: 404 ms popupPanel: blocked: 16 blockedDetails: adlightning.com: 1 ampproject.org: 4 doubleclick.net: 2 google-analytics.com: 1 googlesyndication.com: 5 googletagmanager.com: 1 stpd.cloud: 2 ```
JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

Not fully fixable at the moment.

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

@Conall53 add this to your filter (it will fix all ads and the anti adblock)

dragontea.ink##body > div[style]:not([id]):style(position: static !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important)
dragontea.ink##html, body:style(overflow: visible !important;)
dragontea.ink##+js(nosiif, _0x)
dragontea.ink##style:has-text(.reading-content img):remove()
dragontea.ink##+js(rpnt, script, "}};, "}}; jQuery(document).ready(function(t){let e=document.createElement("link");e.setAttribute("rel"\,"stylesheet")\,e.setAttribute("media"\,"all")\,e.setAttribute("href"\,"https://dragontea.ink/wp-content/cache/autoptimize/css/autoptimize_325679dd9090b57747bdd165077b8cc2.css")\,document.head.appendChild(e)\,t(".dmpvazRKNzBib1IxNjh0T0cwUUUxekEyY3F6Wm5QYzJDWGZqdXFnRzZ0TT0nuobc").parent().prev().prev().prev();var a=1\,n=16\,r=11\,i="08"\,g=""\,c=""\,d=0\,o=2\,p=3\,s=0\,h=100;s++\,s*=2\,h/=2\,h/=2;var $=3\,u=20;function b(){let e=t(".entry-header.header")\,a=parseInt(e.attr("data-id"));return a}function m(t\,e\,a\,n\,r){return CryptoJSAesJson.decrypt(t\,e+a+n+r)}function f(t\,e){return CryptoJSAesJson.decrypt(t\,e)}function l(t\,e){return parseInt(t.toString()+e.toString())}function k(t\,e\,a){return t.toString()+e.toString()+a.toString()}$*=2\,u=u-2-2\,i="03"\,o++\,r++\,n=n/4-2\,a++\,a*=4\,n++\,n++\,n++\,a-=5\,r++\,i="07"\,t(".reading-content .page-break img").each(function(){var e\,g=t(this)\,c=f(g.attr("id").toString()\,(e=parseInt((b()+l(r\,i))*a-t(".reading-content .page-break img").length)\,e=l(2*n+1\,e)).toString());g.attr("id"\,c)})\,r=0\,n=0\,a=0\,i=0\,t(".reading-content .page-break img").each(function(){var e=t(this)\,a=parseInt(e.attr("id").replace(/image-(\d+)[a-z]+/i\,"$1"));t(".reading-content .page-break").eq(a).append(e)})\,t(".reading-content .page-break img").each(function(){var e=t(this).attr("id");g+=e.substr(-1)\,t(this).attr("id"\,e.slice(0\,-1))})\,d++\,$++\,$++\,u/=4\,u*=2\,o*=2\,p-=3\,p++\,t(".reading-content .page-break img").each(function(){var e\,a=t(this)\,n=f(a.attr("dta").toString()\,(e=parseInt((b()+l($\,u))*(2*d)-t(".reading-content .page-break img").length-(4*d+1))\,e=k(2*o+p+p+1\,g\,e)).toString());a.attr("dta"\,n)})\,d=0\,$=0\,u=0\,o=0\,p=0\,t(".reading-content .page-break img").each(function(){var e=t(this).attr("dta").substr(-2);c+=e\,t(this).removeAttr("dta")})\,s*=s\,s++\,h-=25\,h++\,h++\,t(".reading-content .page-break img").each(function(){var e=t(this)\,a=f(e.attr("data-src").toString()\,(b()\,k(b()+4*s\,c\,t(".reading-content .page-break img").length*(2*h))).toString());e.attr("data-src"\,a)})\,s=0\,h=0\,t(".reading-content .page-break img").each(function(){t(this).addClass("wp-manga-chapter-img img-responsive lazyload effect-fade")})\,_0xabe6x4d=!0});)

EDIT: Last updated: 27.8.2023. The last filter is just dragontea’s own de.cry.pt.ion code. EDIT: To make this work you need to enable trusted filters. To do this set the advanced setting trustedListPrefixes to ublock- user-

Zhongli0401 commented 1 year ago

for me it fixed it thanks

mapx- commented 1 year ago
dragontea.ink#@#+js(aeld, DOMContentLoaded, Adblock)
||dragontea.ink^$csp=style-src *
peace2000 commented 1 year ago
dragontea.ink#@#+js(aeld, DOMContentLoaded, Adblock)
||dragontea.ink^$csp=style-src *


Those filters work for about 25 seconds, then the site goes broken (graphical issues).


mapx- commented 1 year ago

I know but the page wont disappear and the "story" can still be read / seen

peace2000 commented 1 year ago

Conall53 add this to your filter (it will fix all ads and the anti adblock)

dragontea.ink##+js(nosiif, _0x)
dragontea.ink##+js(ra, style, body > div, stay)
dragontea.ink##html, body:style(overflow: visible !important;)

Is there a reason why this filterset can't be accepted as a solution?

I noticed that "Show more" button on Summary section doesn't work but are there other issues?

peace2000 commented 1 year ago

Replacing this:

dragontea.ink##+js(ra, style, body > div, stay)


dragontea.ink##body > div[style]:not([id]):style(position: static !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important)

Lessens the time how long the loading screen appears.

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

When you add the filter they will be not last long. I know no other filter thats why i only posted them here for the users.

big-cat-loaf commented 1 year ago

To you all, please do not use the fliters AdGuard – Ads when you go on this Site because the answer for the issue: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardFilters/issues/135575 was stpd.cloud and securepubads.g.doubleclick.net to completely to exclud which is of privacy reasons not recommanded.

logan-kling commented 1 year ago

Can anyone explain why the rules provided by @JobcenterTycoon work? Especially when the one's here don't. I want to understand these rules well enough to modify them to work for the built in adblocker on Brave now that they just seem to cause the site to stay on its loading screen forever. These rules did work for me on Brave about a month ago. Though you can see the navigation of the site at this loading screen. So, I think this loading screen might be different from the initial verifying loading screen that I'm assuming @peace2000 was talking about about.

What are nosiif and nostif? The second and third rules look like they're modifying js files, but I'm then confused by the third rule having CSS selectors. The fourth rule looks like it would block way too much by blocking the entire webpage. And the fifth rule looks like it cancels out the first rule from my layman's perspective.

big-cat-loaf commented 1 year ago

The website change something, now the pictures don't appear not any longer. So we need new rules.

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

The rules from https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/16083#issuecomment-1362103717 working fine for me.

big-cat-loaf commented 1 year ago

with uBlock Origin:

Screenshot: ![Screenshot 2023-07-25 105307](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/assets/100969549/33a57f4a-a147-44e7-b2e2-c0d487de2e87)

without uBlock Origin:

Screenshot: ![Screenshot 2023-07-25 105325](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/assets/100969549/51794b4d-86d8-46ca-99eb-ef777023b3b6)
JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

Ok can reproduce. I added a fix to uBO now https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/commit/bcd0121e30d09b30cdf6cb330290e1e105aea182 but dragontea.ink is a known circumventor so maybe the filter will not last long.

big-cat-loaf commented 1 year ago


big-cat-loaf commented 1 year ago

sorry just found a new issue with the code, to trigger this event you must scroll a minute or two

Screenshot 2023-07-25 115137

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

Works fine for me. Be sure no other adblocker/trackingblocker is enabled.

big-cat-loaf commented 1 year ago

Hier is the Video as prove of my bug. Sorry I must use a 3rd party Video host because of 10 Mb limit. https://streamable.com/1xbs4v ( Video is only 2 days online)

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

@MasterKia can you reproduce? For me it still works perfectly.

MasterKia commented 1 year ago

Works fine (tested on Chromium).

big-cat-loaf commented 1 year ago

I think I know why the sceen is only showes up on my side. I tested it out without a adblocker and two 4 different browsers and it turns out the website owner hates me specifically. The propretly block my defice :(

SatoshiHP commented 1 year ago

sorry just found a new issue with the code, to trigger this event you must scroll a minute or two

Screenshot 2023-07-25 115137

Website loads fine but after about 15 seconds browsing I get the same screen

CambaCambaCambaCambaCambaCamba commented 1 year ago

if i remove everything dragontea in "my filters" theres no blue anti-adblocker showing but as soon as i add a cosmetic filter like removing the footer, the blue anti-adblocker shows

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

Please test

dragontea.ink##+js(nosiif, _0x)
dragontea.ink##+js(ra, style, body > div, stay)
dragontea.ink##html, body:style(overflow: visible !important;)
dragontea.ink##+js(rpnt, script, "}});, "}}); window.setTimeout(function(){let t=document.querySelectorAll(".reading-content .page-break.no-gaps img");for(let e=0;e<t.length;e++){let a=t[e].getAttribute("id").toString();entschluesselteid=CryptoJSAesJson.decrypt(a\,"releasethestormy888")\,t[e].setAttribute("id"\,a)\,a=t[e].getAttribute("data-src").toString()\,t[e].setAttribute("data-src"\,CryptoJSAesJson.decrypt(a\,"releasethestormy888"))\,t[e].classList.add("wp-manga-chapter-img")\,t[e].classList.add("img-responsive")\,t[e].classList.add("lazyload")\,t[e].classList.add("effect-fade")}}\,1e3);)
SatoshiHP commented 1 year ago

Please test

Works for me, thanks.

big-cat-loaf commented 1 year ago

to the Quick fixes?

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

Added. Force update the filterlist to get the fix directly (will be avaiable in 5-10 minutes).

SatoshiHP commented 1 year ago

Sorry. On further inspection it seems that while the website does load, the images are now in the wrong order.

big-cat-loaf commented 1 year ago

I can confirm @SatoshiHP Statement. Yes, the images are in wrong order.

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

Fixed now. The images are unsorted by default which i didn’t saw. The filter i added sorting the images now.

HelloJustADev commented 1 year ago

@JobcenterTycoon My old friend! Good to see you again. Ready for another 3 month waste of time where you get patched every day? Looking forward to it.

CambaCambaCambaCambaCambaCamba commented 1 year ago

site is messed up again

ItsADevAgain commented 1 year ago

Hello. I don't mind you guys privately sharing filters, I don't even patch those. But publicly deploying circumventions to encryption and such will be patched immediately, as @JobcenterTycoon knows from last year.

If you keep filters private I'll even code you a proper back door. Up to you guys, @JobcenterTycoon knows I'll patch anything publicly deployed daily.

SatoshiHP commented 1 year ago

Yes, I can also confirm the website seems to be broken again. I hope it could be fixed on a more permanent basis, but it seems this will just start another war between the adblocker and the developer. We can not expect the volunteers of this amazing project to continuously create filters to bypass the ads on one fringe website. I want to thank the people who have worked countless hours to help circumvent these ads for their work, and if any testing needs to be done I would be glad to help.

On another note, and I hope this is not considered too much off-topic, I've contacted TappyToons, Tapas and Webnovel about DT's making money of publishing their licensed works through these ads and donations. Furthermore, I've notified ko-fi about DT's making use of their service to make money using somebody else's licensed work and have have also contacted DT's registrar, GoDaddy, about this abuse. I'm also in the proces of contacting MangaToon and Webcomics and plan to contact the original publishers like Acqq, BiliBiliI, qiyi and KuaiKan, and their ad agency if possible of course.

Again, I'd like to thank you for your hard work, and if this is too off-topic, feel free to remove it. I wouldn't want to stand in the way of your work.

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

Thr site working fine for me with the lastest filter (for now).

I hope it could be fixed on a more permanent basis

Could be but only with private filter.

SatoshiHP commented 1 year ago

It indeed works with the latest filter, thanks. After about 15 to 20 seconds the page reloads quickly when reading a chapter, but it works fine after that. Too bad a more long term fix is not possible without private filters. Thanks again.

ItsADevAgain commented 1 year ago

@SatoshiHP Every single translation group out there finances the translations with ads and donations. Are you going to report every group? Or are you just salty that DT have a developer who patches uBlock when you circumvent scraper security?

DT respects DMCA and publishers are well aware of the thousands of translation groups out there. I don't know why you care I patched your encryption circumvention? I explained why, and said I don't mind at all if you filter privately (and won't patch those) as long as the filters aren't published, and even offered you an ad-free backdoor in the code. All I care about is blocking the thousands of DDOS bots, aggregator site bots, and manger reader app bots that plague the site.

If you find translation groups so egregious for wanting a tiny amount of financial compensation for the hours they spend translating comics (they barely make anything for their time), then shouldn't you find all the aggregator sites and reader apps that just steal smaller groups' translations and monetise those even more egregious? If you were being morally genuine?

Hope you understand. Let me know if you want an ad free back door.


thu2468 commented 1 year ago

I believe it broken again

ItsADevAgain commented 1 year ago

@JobcenterTycoon if you make them a simple filter that sets an URL param, global JS var, cookie or cache storage to ublock = true, then post it here, I'll have it disable all scripting so anyone with the private filter can just use the standard ublock rules on Dragontea.

Then you can just give it out to anyone complaining about security on Reddit or Github. I'll leave it open as long as it isn't published in the app (and doesn't get spammed by bots).

ItsADevAgain commented 1 year ago

@JobcenterTycoon Or we can just waste each other's time with several patches a day. I'd rather not bring back the honeypot iframes and ad images. You know they made you give up last year, and know you have no filters that I can't patch around. The only place another war is heading is me eventually decrypting the site images server-side via ad server callbacks, which you won't be able to filter at all.

Your patches don't provide a stable user experience on DT anyway, so if I'm offering uBlock users a private filter to browse DT ad free, what's the point of us wasting time? A war doesn't help your users. And it doesn't help DT users as it will slow the server.

I am paid to patch you. So why don't we just make peace and reach a compromise?

ItsADevAgain commented 1 year ago

By the way, you had ads loading in your last filter set. A targeted ad refresh via GPT glitches your injected CSS. I could have just reflowed the entire page and loaded every advert. But I patched you the normal way because I'm nice. Shall we keep going back and forth or just make these people a filter to browse ad-free?

peace2000 commented 1 year ago

@ItsADevAgain The idea of this topic is how to block ads for dragontea.ink. Please don't post off-topic comments here.

ItsADevAgain commented 1 year ago

@peace2000 I am on topic because you can't block adverts on a site with a professional developer actively patching all public filters, usually within an hour, to prevent scraper bots and DDOSers. You especially can't block ads if I move the decrypt auth server-side.

"The idea of this topic is how to block ads for dragontea.ink" - I'm offering a custom filter that blocks all adverts as long as it's pasted as a custom filter. That's on topic, isn't it?

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 year ago

I updated the private filter https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/16083#issuecomment-1362103717

gwarser commented 6 months ago

This makes the Cloudflare check page blank:

##html:not(:has(link[href="https://dragontea.ink/xmlrpc.php"], link[href="/cdn-cgi/styles/challenges.css"])) > body:not(.page-template)