uBlockOrigin / uAssets

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multiup.io: ads #19903

Closed ave9858 closed 7 months ago

ave9858 commented 9 months ago


URL address of the web page





Sometimes when clicking a link on multiup, I am redirected to a NordVPN ad instead of the file.

Other extensions used



Screenshot(s) ![image](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/assets/112294121/412204b5-8c1b-41cf-8e8c-7ec0bac656b2)


```yaml uBlock Origin: 1.52.2 Firefox: 117 filterset (summary): network: 104812 cosmetic: 39693 scriptlet: 18590 html: 1053 listset (total-discarded, last-updated): default: user-filters: 0-0, never ublock-filters: 35751-48, 1m ublock-badware: 7876-0, 1m ublock-privacy: 586-0, 1m ublock-unbreak: 2170-2, 1m ublock-quick-fixes: 234-89, 1m easylist: 71185-711, 1m easyprivacy: 33183-717, 1m urlhaus-1: 11155-0, 1m plowe-0: 3721-1, 1m filterset (user): [empty] userSettings: [none] hiddenSettings: [none] supportStats: allReadyAfter: 2581 ms maxAssetCacheWait: 13 ms popupPanel: blocked: 0 extended: ##.text-center.bg-info ##.mfp-ready ##div.col-md-4:nth-of-type(1):has-text(Usennet) ##.panel-featured-success.panel-featured-bottom.panel-featured-t… ##div.text-center:has(a[class="btn btn-success"][href^="abp:subs… ##+js(replace-node-text, script, /.*createElement.*/, var AG_onL… ##+js(abort-current-script, decodeURI, decodeURIComponent) ##+js(no-setInterval-if, .submit) ```
mapx- commented 9 months ago


multiup.io##+js(replace-node-text, script, /.*location\.protocol.*/, var AG_onLoad=function(func){if(document.readyState==="complete"||document.readyState==="interactive")func();else if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded"\,func);else if(document.attachEvent)document.attachEvent("DOMContentLoaded"\,func)}; AG_onLoad(function(){var e=document.querySelectorAll(".panel-footer > form[action] > button[link]")\,b=document.querySelectorAll(".panel-footer > form[action]")\,c=new RegExp(/mega\./);if(e.length===b.length)for(var f\,g=0;g<b.length;g++)f=e[g].getAttribute("link")\,b[g].setAttribute("action"\,f)\,b[g].setAttribute("target"\,"_blank")\,b[g].querySelector("input[name=\"link\"]").remove()\,c.test(f)||b[g].setAttribute("method"\,"GET");const h=a=>{a.preventDefault();var b=a?.currentTarget?.getAttribute("link");b?window.open(b):a.currentTarget.removeEventListener("click"\,h)};var i=document.querySelectorAll("button[link^=\"https://drive.google.com/\"]");i.forEach(a=>{a.addEventListener("click"\,h)})}))
ave9858 commented 9 months ago


I'm seeing this while loading multiup after adding that filter to "My filters". I don't remember ever seeing that message before with ublock. I also notice multiup takes much longer to load than before, making it hard to test. After the slowdown it seems to work. Removing the filter causes the speed to go back to normal, and the ad returns.

mapx- commented 9 months ago

eh, FF is slower, did you test in chrome ?

mapx- commented 9 months ago


ave9858 commented 9 months ago

eh, FF is slower, did you test in chrome ?

I tested only in firefox, but I've never seen this issue before and it significantly slows down page load. I'll test the final fix in firefox and brave.

ghajini commented 9 months ago

eh, FF is slower, did you test in chrome ?

I tested only in firefox, but I've never seen this issue before and it significantly slows down page load. I'll test the final fix in firefox and brave.

@ave9858 update filters with current stable build you will see links unlocked like this image simply copy link & open in new tab

when ublock origin is updated to new stable build, this will work more adequately as fix has landed in dev build

ave9858 commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I can see those links now. Only other issue is the popups quickly created by the site and removed during page load by ublock, but I'm not sure if that can be fixed or not.

ghajini commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I can see those links now. Only other issue is the popups quickly created by the site and removed during page load by ublock, but I'm not sure if that can be fixed or not.

just wait for next stable build

krystian3w commented 9 months ago

We do not need use AG_onLoad=function(func) if these fuction do not exist at all.

krystian3w commented 9 months ago

Also maybe these can be unlocked #7897, fyi @dhana-exe

dimisa-RUAdList commented 9 months ago

infinite loading: https://multiup.io/download/e1237ac9314ec41a8ff2ea613aa383e9/Somerville.part01.rar

mapx- commented 9 months ago


ghajini commented 9 months ago

which browser? ubo version? usenet is fake one

mapx- commented 9 months ago

last on chrome for example

however, the link


redirects to crap https://go.bluelinknow.com

mapx- commented 9 months ago

yeah, clicking download leads to 1 download fake usenet item

dimisa-RUAdList commented 9 months ago

Google Chrome 117.0.5938.132 Firefox 118.0.1

uBO 1.52.2/1.52.3b2

https://multiup.io/download-fast/e1237ac9314ec41a8ff2ea613aa383e9/Somerville.part01.rar ~> clicking "Download" ~> https://multiup.io/en/mirror/e1237ac9314ec41a8ff2ea613aa383e9/Somerville.part01.rar ~>

Screenshot(s) ![Скриншот 2023-10-01 в 13 00 37](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/assets/20126984/02cc595b-6ae4-4c47-bfe6-bc4eb27b4f75)
ghajini commented 9 months ago

how does it look when you disable ubo?

mapx- commented 9 months ago


a normal page looks like this 1: https://multiup.io/en/mirror/ffb331d29164b4885647553c3634613c/Bald3ursGa3te-Update4.1.1.3686210-elamigos.part1.rar

yours contains only a fake item (usenet)

dimisa-RUAdList commented 9 months ago


how does it look when you disable ubo?

https://multiup.io/en/mirror/e1237ac9314ec41a8ff2ea613aa383e9/Somerville.part01.rar ~>

Screenshot(s) ![Скриншот 2023-10-01 в 13 32 24](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/assets/20126984/e1624fdc-3830-4665-8390-3940fd50dac7)
ghajini commented 9 months ago



ubo dev build

eg link= https://multiup.io/en/mirror/ffb331d29164b4885647553c3634613c/Bald3ursGa3te-Update4.1.1.3686210-elamigos.part1.rar

Screenshot(s) ![image](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/assets/20338483/11f0d2fa-dd27-494c-871a-fb582ef41b04)


your link = https://multiup.io/en/mirror/e1237ac9314ec41a8ff2ea613aa383e9/Somerville.part01.rar

Screenshot(s) ![image](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/assets/20338483/aee5233d-6d14-4762-9ca6-58c5aa9d0708)

your link is broken , i don't know ,try another links

dimisa-RUAdList commented 9 months ago

@ghajini I get to this page: https://multiup.io/en/mirror/e1237ac9314ec41a8ff2ea613aa383e9/Somerville.part01.rar, when I click "Download" here: https://multiup.io/download/e1237ac9314ec41a8ff2ea613aa383e9/Somerville.part01.rar

mapx- commented 9 months ago

@dimisa-RUAdList you completely ignored the reason, explained twice above

dimisa-RUAdList commented 9 months ago

Ok, I didn’t immediately realize that this link doesn’t lead anywhere other than a fake. It seemed to me that there was a way to get the correct link. I reported the review to the person who originally reported the issue, and he confirmed that the other links were fine.

ave9858 commented 7 months ago

I'm seeing redirects through https://multinews.me/produit/nordvpn and https://multinews.me/produit/1fichier-com/ now when clicking links.

ghajini commented 7 months ago

can't reproduce,share a link to see that

ave9858 commented 7 months ago

Using the link https://multiup.io/en/mirror/7b670e960e2d88a1e586d2235a1395ee/uBlock0_1.52.2.chromium.zip. You might need to change your IP, the redirect isn't consistent and seems to be on a timer for each IP.

ave9858 commented 7 months ago

Reproduced again by clicking on a link, using the browser back button, and repeating until I saw a redirect through https://multinews.me/produit/ipvanish. The exact URL seems to change a lot but seems to be always through multinews.me

ghajini commented 7 months ago

can't reproduce, make sure

ave9858 commented 7 months ago

I created a new Firefox profile + new install of uBlock Origin, purged caches and updated, navigated to the URL, disabled firefox tracking protection and was able to reproduce after a few attempts and changing my IP.

Looking at the network requests in dev tools shows that most of the time the browser navigates directly to the file hoster page, but sometimes the browser sends a POST request to https://multiup.io/ajax/add-download-for-link and then https://multinews.me/produit/nordvpn (or similar url), which will at first redirect to the ad page and then the file download page on subsequent requests.

ghajini commented 7 months ago

ok i can reproduce now, website restructured now

ghajini commented 7 months ago

@ave9858 might be race condition ,update lists

when that happens use

multiup.eu,multiup.io,multiup.org##+js(remove-attr, action, [action*="multinews"], stay)
multiup.eu,multiup.io,multiup.org##+js(ra, class, [class="hidden"], stay)
multiup.eu,multiup.io,multiup.org##+js(ra, type, [type="hidden"], stay)
ave9858 commented 7 months ago

With the latest filter updates I'm still sometimes seeing the issue, but its hard to reproduce. With the filters in your comment I haven't seen the issue, but that might be because the issue is not consistently reproducible.

Edit: Most of the time the download button works, but sometimes I see a POST to "https://multiup.io/ajax/add-download-for-link" and the page reloads instead of an ad.

Edit2: Tested without multiup.eu,multiup.io,multiup.org##+js(remove-attr, action, [action*="multinews"], stay) and I see the ad instead of the page reload.

Edit3: I'll try do debug the multiup scriptlet in uBO

ave9858 commented 7 months ago

Importing the multiup scriptlet as a userscript with Violentmonkey and disabling the filter with multiup.eu,multiup.io,multiup.org#@#+js(multiup) seems to fix the ad sometimes appearing.

nvm, I can reproduce the issue with the scriptlet loaded as a userscript, it just seems to happen less often

see below

ave9858 commented 7 months ago

Figured out how to reliable reproduce the error: click the download button icon. The click will be registered to <i class="fa fa-fw fa-download"> instead of the button, so the script won't intercept. image

ave9858 commented 7 months ago

I've uploaded code that should fix the ad redirect when clicking on the icon

ghajini commented 7 months ago


ave9858 commented 7 months ago

Another unblocked ad, on a page with no file like https://multiup.io/en/mirror/meowmeowmeow you'll sometimes be redirected to an ad page. image image

ave9858 commented 1 month ago

getting the UseNet.nl fake download again, adding multiup.io,multiup.org,multiup.eu##div:has(> .panel-featured-success.panel-featured-bottom.panel-featured-top.panel.text-center [alt="UseNet.nl"]) fixes