uBlockOrigin / uAssets

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revanced.to: breakage #23569

Closed daniels220 closed 1 week ago

daniels220 commented 1 week ago


URL(s) where the issue occurs.



ReVanced seems to have two websites, revanced.app as seen in the filter list but also revanced.to. The filters need to specify domain=~revanced.app|~revanced.to or revanced.to breaks with all CSS and JS blocked.

Other extensions used

Lots, but none relevant as the issue is very obviously with the filter and disabling just the one filter fixes the site.


Screenshot(s) Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 12 32 56 AM Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 12 33 17 AM


Details ```yaml uBlock Origin: 1.57.0 Chromium: 124 filterset (summary): network: 162593 cosmetic: 141644 scriptlet: 48168 html: 0 listset (total-discarded, last-updated): removed: easylist: null plowe-0: null added: adguard-cookies: 29435-51, 2d.42m adguard-generic: 81475-5018, 2d.41m adguard-mobile-app-banners: 5186-7, 2d.41m adguard-other-annoyances: 14201-65, 1d.8h.26m adguard-popup-overlays: 27272-980, 1d.8h.26m adguard-social: 22890-156, 2d.42m adguard-spyware: 88706-31663, 2d.41m adguard-spyware-url: 1507-119, 2d.41m block-lan: 61-0, 19d.23m ublock-annoyances: 6967-1119, 49m Δ ublock-cookies-adguard: 1086-0, 8h.36m default: user-filters: 0-0, never easyprivacy: 50859-23, 49m Δ ublock-badware: 8528-0, 49m Δ ublock-filters: 37849-620, 49m Δ ublock-privacy: 881-0, 49m Δ ublock-quick-fixes: 272-0, 49m Δ ublock-unbreak: 2268-1, 49m Δ urlhaus-1: 12835-0, 7h.18m filterset (user): [empty] trustedset: added: [array of 12 redacted] userSettings: [none] hiddenSettings: [none] supportStats: allReadyAfter: 891 ms (selfie) maxAssetCacheWait: 110 ms cacheBackend: indexedDB popupPanel: blocked: 6 network: github.com: 6 ```
MasterKia commented 1 week ago

ReVanced seems to have two websites, revanced.app but also revanced.to

Do you have a credible source for this?

JobcenterTycoon commented 1 week ago

The download link is real but the site contains malicious ads. Pretty sure its not a official site, the site owner just want to get a piece of the cake.

At the moment there is only one VT detection https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/fa2d76c5b85103e6d1a7642bed24a7fba0c0c27581cbbfa746460eb1feed7f6f

daniels220 commented 1 week ago

I stand corrected, I suppose. I did wonder a little—I've seen things like this before that AFAICT weren't malicious, but the thought did cross my mind that something fishy might be going on.

Ideally there would be better UX for things like this—right now it just looks like "this website is broken, and disabling uBlock fixes it".

erikk333 commented 1 week ago

.to is not managed by the revanced project.

erikk333 commented 1 week ago

Screenshot_2024-05-06-17-18-44-674_app revanced manager flutter This are all revanced's social media accounts and online things. The .to website also refers to a telegram that is called revanced.io, also not Linked in tbe screenshot above. The team is pretty clear about having one website. Then there is the fact that at https://revanced.to/faq under the question what is revanced.to? is explicitly stated that It is not affiliated to revanced . They also share third party magisk modules and pre build apps from j-hc and Noname exe . Then later on in the faq is the last question:

Why did revanced.io change the domain extension? We changed the domain extension due to complaints we received from the official Revanced team. Kindly visit the update page to know more info


Revanced.to is a continuation of revanced.io it's not official and prior domain got suspended due to comaplains