uBlockOrigin / uAssets

Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.58k stars 691 forks source link

luxa.org: ads #23598

Closed juarez-spa3 closed 1 week ago

juarez-spa3 commented 1 week ago


URL address of the web page





Ad spaces

Other extensions used

TWP translate Bitwarden


Screenshot(s) ![b1](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/assets/153795294/8b8d44a6-06ed-4057-bef0-19b8a2257957) ![b2](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/assets/153795294/066ca9ca-8d4b-4d09-9850-1d6be05f00bc)


```yaml uBlock Origin: 1.57.2 Firefox: 125 filterset (summary): network: 136482 cosmetic: 48632 scriptlet: 23911 html: 2035 listset (total-discarded, last-updated): added: ublock-annoyances: 6892-36, never default: user-filters: 0-0, never ublock-filters: 38088-109, 9m ublock-badware: 8576-0, 9m ublock-privacy: 884-2, 9m ublock-unbreak: 2325-2, 9m ublock-quick-fixes: 193-18, 9m easylist: 87391-161, 9m easyprivacy: 50859-65, 9m urlhaus-1: 13825-0, 9m plowe-0: 3731-1160, 9m filterset (user): [empty] userSettings: [none] hiddenSettings: [none] supportStats: allReadyAfter: 4267 ms maxAssetCacheWait: 479 ms cacheBackend: indexedDB popupPanel: blocked: 12 network: clarity.ms: 1 googlesyndication.com: 5 gstatic.com: 1 yandex.com: 4 yandex.ru: 1 extended: ##ins.adsbygoogle[data-ad-slot] ```
stephenhawk8054 commented 1 week ago
luxa.org##.MuiContainer-root:has(> ins.adsbygoogle)


@juarez-spa3 For ads placeholders, please report to https://github.com/easylist/easylist/issues next time