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pambi.tech: scam #24304

Closed calix6729 closed 2 months ago

calix6729 commented 2 months ago


URL(s) where the issue occurs.



This is not an scam website, pleae remove it from the filters, there are no bots spaming the website is just a crypto community

Other extensions used



Screenshot(s) ![GRN1RFiXoAAq75a](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/assets/174214863/ac0e2984-fa8f-4d0b-a039-20fd7b30cfbc) https://gyazo.com/6bf920d5c4a03e257c4cad7e7ed297bc


Details ```yaml ```
Jeinsx commented 2 months ago

This is not a scam site, it's a crypto community site to know news and stay tuned about their token activities.

Yuxinexe commented 2 months ago

I have been looking at the website in a totally ecceptic way, and I already have a conclusion. It is impossible that it is a website to scam, as they never ask for personal data of users such as: passwords, emails, or bank details such as credit or debit cards. It is simply a website that serves as a news portal for its crypto community.

droidh3ll commented 2 months ago

I have been looking at the website in a totally ecceptic way, and I already have a conclusion. It is impossible that it is a website to scam, as they never ask for personal data of users such as: passwords, emails, or bank details such as credit or debit cards. It is simply a website that serves as a news portal for its crypto community.

This website is indeed a phishing domain. The website prompts you for your wallet for unknown purposes and is not associated with any of the brands that appear on it.

JobcenterTycoon commented 2 months ago

Removed for now.

https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/11113a8997e75c983a81297de7b71a1e9807b8e0c079a398c8b0ef743048a5f4/detection 0 VT detections.

Additional proofs are needed.

droidh3ll commented 2 months ago

Removed for now.

https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/11113a8997e75c983a81297de7b71a1e9807b8e0c079a398c8b0ef743048a5f4/detection 0 VT detections.

Additional proofs are needed.

None of the brands appearing on it are associated as seen here. Users who fall into this domain are likely to lose their crypto assets.

calix6729 commented 2 months ago


https://x.com/StarNestweb3/status/1806311404640837782 https://x.com/0xgen_io/status/1805892834056458249 https://x.com/GameSpace_Web3/status/1805875500013043734 https://x.com/ONTOWallet/status/1805845842227871794

Just few examples of few examples of the partners, there are many more in https://x.com/pambicoin

droidh3ll commented 2 months ago


https://x.com/StarNestweb3/status/1806311404640837782 https://x.com/0xgen_io/status/1805892834056458249 https://x.com/GameSpace_Web3/status/1805875500013043734 https://x.com/ONTOWallet/status/1805845842227871794

Just few examples of few examples of the partners, there are many more in https://x.com/pambicoin

Those domains are unrelated to the ones shown on the website. Meaning that it's, indeed, deceptive.

calix6729 commented 2 months ago

One of the team members already answererd to that https://x.com/FerUrdanetaDev/status/1807116198506574235 the account that you are mention is not objective

Yuxinexe commented 2 months ago

I was looking at that "Needs connection to your wallet", I did it, and it really has nothing out of the ordinary, if we look at other websites that do the same thing, (Like prom.io) they only ask people for authorization to connect the wallet, but they don't ask permissions for other things like making purchases or sales with your wallet. It says it explicitly when you connect your wallet and read the permissions they ask for.

I see that the reason you need to connect your wallet to the website, is because the organizers are working on an Airdrop for users who complete easy tasks, so that when they complete them, they release the rewards to the wallets that participated. I really don't see anything out of the ordinary with this website.

shootlazer commented 2 months ago

It seems a bit suspicious that most of the accounts defending this domain were created today. Beware.

calix6729 commented 2 months ago

I know, I just created my account because I didn´t have one and I wanted to take out the web from that list, the other account are people from the community, you are able to search all the twitter account that are sharing the link and you will be able to see that we are real people, just click on the profiles https://x.com/search?q=pambi.tech%2Fairdrop&src=typed_query&f=top

Yuxinexe commented 2 months ago

It seems a bit suspicious that most of the accounts defending this domain were created today. Beware.

My account was not created today, I am being completely unbiased and telling what I see in detail.

Yuxinexe commented 2 months ago

Removed for now. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/11113a8997e75c983a81297de7b71a1e9807b8e0c079a398c8b0ef743048a5f4/detection 0 VT detections. Additional proofs are needed.

None of the brands appearing on it are associated as seen here. Users who fall into this domain are likely to lose their crypto assets.

Oh, I see, apparently they call this website a "Scam" for having supposed partners claiming that they have never had any relation with the crypto project. Well, at first I said "Oh, now I understand why they say it's a scam", I took longer than expected, but doing a lot of research, I found one of the developers talking about it, (Post here) it was difficult, but finally I understood what they meant in this post made by one of the developers.

This person made it clear, that the only thing they are looking for is to form an official and formal partnership with those companies, that's why they put them in "partnering with" and not in "our partners". I went to the official X (Twitter) account of the PAMBII project, and apparently they have already made many partnerships with many companies and very high level, like this one.

Looking at it all in the most objective way possible, they probably would have used other words for the issue of the partners, but well, this guy named Fernando Urdaneta clarified the situation, now I understand it.

droidh3ll commented 2 months ago

I don't speak Spanish, so I had to translate everything, but finally I understood what they meant in this post made by one of the developers.

It's kinda funny, because a simple Google search shows that not only you do speak spanish, Andrés Mora, but you also seem to be one of the people involved with this site.

The brands already stated that the use of their logos is unauthorized, so it's a deceptive site and the use of Coin98, RhinoFi, TrustWallet, Secure3, Galxe, LiFi and LayerBank logos is misleading.

Yuxinexe commented 2 months ago

According to Fernando's comments, these logos are only partners they aspire to reach, in order to achieve official partnerships. That is why it does not say "partnership with" and not "Our partners".

JND94 commented 2 months ago

@JobcenterTycoon Please don't fall for a raid of new created accounts and a guy (Yuxinexe) who's clearly involved in the "project", see link of his twitter account above. This is an already proven pump and dump scam and creator is going to face various collective lawsuits. https://twitter.com/CryptoRugMunch/status/1806140521041318289 https://twitter.com/Cryptobruj/status/1806376205752643633

Jeinsx commented 2 months ago

Tha account linked above has desmostrated to have something personal against the creator by accussing him of horrible things by using altered wikipedia info and old news that the creator himself demostrated were fake and that he won the trials by prooving he was innocent. https://x.com/CryptoRugMunch/status/1806390314837450911

Also there is prooves that the owner of that account "cryptorugmunch" doesn't want to seek the thruth since the creator of the token "Dalas" tried to tell him the other side of the story and give prooves of his innocence, but "CRM" didn't want to let him defense himself and instead just banned him from his tg group. https://x.com/DalasReview/status/1806408006898266287

mapx- commented 2 months ago

Highly controversial => I'll convert it in discussion