Closed ShingoukiSon closed 6 years ago
@okiehsch there is another one /^https?:\/\/([0-9a-z\-]+\.)?(9anime|animeland|animenova|animeplus|animetoon|animewow|gamestorrent|goodanime|igg-games|kimcartoon|memecenter|readcomiconline|toonget|toonova)\.[a-z]{2,4}\/(?!([Ss]cripts|[Uu]ploads|[Ii]mages|assets|combined|content|cover|img|static|thumbs|wp-content|wp-includes))(.*)/$first-party,script
that is breaking at the very least,
Edit: Does anyone know what easylist is doing? They keep adding these insane regexps that consistently break sites.
They are trying to fix the bebi-reinsertion
script and in the process breaking some sites.
I will just disable them from now on, I have better things to do then to check all these sites for breakage.
Replace the bracketed [...] placeholders with your own information.
URL(s) where the issue occurs
Describe the issue
[uBlock blocks the episode selecter, the server choosing and the search bar]
[ ]
[If i eliminate uBlock from my Add-ons, install it again and restart the browser, it would work like it used to for about an hour.]