uBlockOrigin / uAssets

Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.
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zmctrack #5696

Closed dimisa-RUAdList closed 4 years ago

dimisa-RUAdList commented 5 years ago

URL(s) where the issue occurs


Describe the issue

Advertisement embedded using zmctrack code.


https://i.imgur.com/MYiaLnh.jpg https://i.imgur.com/KpX7tXD.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Q9MjRi3.jpg https://i.imgur.com/dcPJFdm.jpg


mapx- commented 5 years ago

for dinamo.kiev.ua test

kiev.ua##+js(set-constant.js, String.prototype.charCodeAt, trueFunc)

first one to unbreak the video on the page

mapx- commented 5 years ago

test also

gagadget.com##+js(set-constant.js, String.prototype.charCodeAt, trueFunc)
ringside24.com##+js(set-constant.js, String.prototype.charCodeAt, trueFunc)
mapx- commented 5 years ago

I guess similar filter is working for okino as well (if does not break something else)

dimisa-RUAdList commented 5 years ago


bogachenko commented 5 years ago

narod.i.ua only firefox! @mapx- @okiehsch adblock

mapx- commented 5 years ago

I get no anti adb stuff

bogachenko commented 5 years ago

block the first inline script. Plz On the opera, it is normal, there is no anti-blocker, but in firefox it distorts the markup and boring bold text says "Disable Adblock", in 2 languages. in Russian (Russian text converted to base64-text) and English (eng no converted. you can see it in the code)

dimisa-RUAdList commented 4 years ago

Google Chrome 84.0.4147.135 uBlock Origin 1.29.0 default + RU AdList

Rules: 112.ua,4mama.ua,autoua.net,avtovod.com.ua,buhgalter.com.ua,businessua.com,censor.net.ua,dengi.ua,ditey.com,eknigi.org,enovosty.com,epravda.com.ua,eurointegration.com.ua,facenews.ua,football-ukraine.com,football24.ua,footballtransfer.com.ua,gagadget.com,gismeteo.ua,glavcom.ua,gorod.dp.ua,hvylya.net,i.ua,inforesist.org,internetua.com,isport.ua,kolobok.ua,kp.ua,kriminal.tv,lifedon.com.ua,liga.net,mama.ua,mport.ua,nashamama.com,newsyou.info,nnovosti.info,obyava.ua,okino.ua,ostro.org,~passport.i.ua,pogoda.meta.ua,pravda.com.ua,real-vin.com,ringside24.com,segodnya.ua,sinoptik.ua,smak.ua,socportal.info,strana.ua,stravy.net,telegraf.com.ua,tochka.net,tv.ua,tvgid.ua,udoktora.net,vesti.ua,vsetv.com,www.bigmir.net,zdorovia.com.ua,zn.ua##+js(set-constant, String.prototype.charCodeAt, trueFunc) no longer work.

Example: https://112.ua/mir/v-minske-prizemlilsya-samolet-tu-214-rossiyskoy-fsb-smi-546940.html Ukrainian ip required. You can use Hola.

This problem is not observed when using uBlock Origin 1.28.4.

ghost commented 4 years ago


mapx- commented 4 years ago

alternatives ?

  1. @@||112.ua^$ehide


  1. (could break something)
    ||112.ua^$csp=style-src *
    112.ua##body > svg
dimisa-RUAdList commented 4 years ago

The problem is observed only in version 1.29.0. Something is wrong with set-constant. There will be hundreds of alternative rules for all of the listed sites and will take many hours of work to compile. This is not an option.

okiehsch commented 4 years ago

Probably caused by this commit. https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/c33de41660de0b7c982a40f4bfde31f32180a2ee#diff-d7616deaf3a39e3f19f8d70d098bfe7a

mapx- commented 4 years ago

another idea, tested on 112.ua,4mama.ua,avtovod.com.ua

*##+js(acis, HTMLIFrameElement.prototype.contentWindow)

ghost commented 4 years ago

##+js(acis, HTMLIFrameElement.prototype.contentWindow)

Yes, it's working fine.

dimisa-RUAdList commented 4 years ago

This rule will break functionality. For example here: https://www.okino.ua/ - search is broken.

mapx- commented 4 years ago

test (search working fine on my side using this filter) *##+js(aopw, HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML)

gorhill commented 4 years ago

The question is how did this even work before. Investigating using https://112.ua/, I can see code in there that explicitly checks 'I'.charCodeAt(0) === 49, so the site detects when uBO overloads charCodeAt().

gorhill commented 4 years ago

I am stumped as to why the previous version of set-constant did not trigger the anti-blocker. Functionally it's essentially the same as the current one. Help in pinpointing the reason is welcome.

dimisa-RUAdList commented 4 years ago


test (search working fine on my side using this filter) *##+js(aopw, HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML)

Yes, the search works, but the detector is also triggered and ads are loaded.

mapx- commented 4 years ago


ghost commented 4 years ago

on my side

okino.ua##+js(aopw, HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML) okino.ua#@#+js(set-constant, String.prototype.charCodeAt, trueFunc)

2020-08-19_215959 2020-08-19_215959

dimisa-RUAdList commented 4 years ago

When using this rule, there will be a lot of empty spaces on the sites, and they do not always have the same color as the main background. And it is impossible to remove these empty spaces.

Example: https://www.gismeteo.ua/

dimisa-RUAdList commented 4 years ago

I think gorhill will find a solution.

mapx- commented 4 years ago

@dimisa-RUAdList you should add @@||video.112.ua.cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=112.ua for FF (cname) => video broken

and now test this other filter: *##+js(acis, XMLHttpRequest)

empty spaces only in chrome ..

dimisa-RUAdList commented 4 years ago


you should add @@||video.112.ua.cdn.cloudflare.net^$script,domain=112.ua for FF (cname) => video broken

Ok: https://hg.adblockplus.org/ruadlist/rev/69d0aaf37c24#l1.12

and now test this other filter: *##+js(acis, XMLHttpRequest)


empty spaces only in chrome ..

Unfortunately, Firefox is not the most widely used browser.

mapx- commented 4 years ago

@dimisa-RUAdList the empty spaces are there in chrome even without any new filters, right ? so, it's a specific gismeteo issue, the filters are working fine for all other pages on your side ?

mapx- commented 4 years ago

however, for sinoptik.ua is working *##+js(aopr, HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML) but not: *##+js(acis, XMLHttpRequest)

dimisa-RUAdList commented 4 years ago

Empty spaces are not only on the gismeteo site, they are everywhere. When using version 1.28.4, they are not.

dimisa-RUAdList commented 4 years ago

Empty spaces appear only if the advertising code zmctrack has worked. At the same time, a shadow-root appears, which makes it impossible to remove empty spaces.

Example: https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2020/08/20/7263568/, screen

liamengland1 commented 4 years ago

How does that fix it?

dimisa-RUAdList commented 4 years ago

Everything has already been fixed. Update to version 1.29.2.

DavidGH commented 4 years ago

My filter list and code zmctrack

! CODEWISE.com; ad platform; Codewise Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.; Robert Gryn; Krakow,PL ||apidata.info/js ||cdn.magnuum.com/system/banners/assets/000///original/$image ||cdn.magnuum.com/assets/image_missing.png

! gamingadult.com(codewise.com) ||www.gaming-adult.com/----*$document

! ZeroPark.com(codewise.com); ad platform; PL /zp-redirect?target=$document,subdocument ||feed.zeropark.com/zeroclick? .com/zcvisitor/----?campaignid=$popup,document ||.zeroredirect11.com/zcredirect?visitid ||score.zeroclickfraud.com/r? ||s.zmctrack.net/z|$xmlhttprequest ! http://n8-r2d2.zmctrack.net/fb44OGEMVFxXDwIMAAlUXANaWAhUXFEJAA1UCVVZWF5YCgAMVw4dYRoaDF0VUA5cQwJDXwRMPlkTXw5WQxRDXABMABpbQ0NbDlUMURUaWxpXCQVaAllRAVYIVwhZDFcOBAw-ECFYJWAsCDQUMWQpWCVUIVA8FDgIOQxRDSkMCWUUcWVcMWQ5VAAMMV1pXDlMOVQpWDFYPUg8FC1FcUghSCwQLUF1VCVEMVAgADVFZAghRWwUIUVxXCAMOWVoDAABaVQBXWllZVQwDDlcAVwxTWlUOVg5WClIMBQ9RD1ILUlwECFALVQtRXVQJAAxRCAINUVkFCFFbVwgDXFkIAw4AWlUAV1pZAFVa-A1lXDFcOUwBVDFZaVg5SDgUKUQw ||.zmctrack.net/ ||click.zmctrack.net/c/redirect?hash=$popup,document /redirect?target=BASE64aHR0cDovL&rm=$popup,document $image,domain=global-surveys-platform.com ||cdn.superstriker.net/assets/.png $image,domain=business.clubshop.com @@.com/images/closemodal.png /zcvisitor/----?campaignid=----$subdocument ?utm_source=pops&utm_campaign=20$subdocument

! [VOLUUM.com(codewise.com); ad platform; PL; upd:] ||t.cwkuki.com/cs/?sspId= ||m.amazingapps.club/zp-redirect? ||trackvoluum.com/zp-redirect? ||voluumtrk.com/zp-redirect?$document ||voluumtrk3.com/?CampaignID ||voluumtrk3.com/impression/?CampaignID ||redirectvoluum.com/redirect?target=BASE64aHR0$popup,document /redirect?target=BASE64aHR0&ts=&hash=&rm=D|$popup,document ||voluumtrk.com/?sourceid=&match=ron&carrier=wifi&mob_pf=windows&country=&cpc=0. ||voluumtrk.com/? ||voluumtrk.com/impression/? ||local-finders.com/?source=&s1=&PLACEMENT_ID$document ||local-finders.com//lpp/?voluumdata=BASE64 ||easy-sexxx.com/xmt///?voluumdata !http://4158b498-85b2-49c6-b058-2b894155510e.au-competitions.com/lp/wg/rs_05/tiles/au/2a/? ||.au-competitions.com/ ||.localvouchers.xyz/lp/ ||.cz-vyhra.xyz/ ||.cy-vraveio.xyz/ ||r.pcgamer.site/?id=&placement=&country=&clickid=$document !http://voluum.hot-dealz.accountant/95c5957a-82df-4c28-95e0-f3bea4f3aade? ||trackvoluum.com/?token=&placement=&country=&clickid=&src= !||professional.pcgamer.site/loa/page-1a/?voluumdata=BASE64&token=&placement=&country=&clickid=&src= ||voluum^$document,popup &voluumdata=BASE64$document,popup ?voluumdata=BASE64$document,popup ||voluumtrk.com^$document,popup ||track.trkvluum.com^$document,popup