uBlockOrigin / uAssets

Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ALL youtube.com issues (closed - Oct 2023) #7636

Closed romulasry closed 8 months ago

romulasry commented 3 years ago

URL(s) where the issue occurs


Describe the issue

When I click on a different time in some videos it says an error has occurred and the video stops playing. ### Screenshot(s)

Screenshot from 2020-07-04 17-59-08



-Enabled AdGuard Base


I don't see any setting that would cause any issues with youtube.

Edit: Was a DNS issue for me just FYI.

uBlock-user commented 3 years ago


BlockTube breaks json-prune scriptlet, so avoid using that.

perks commented 3 years ago

@uBlock-user none of those recommendations actually work for blocking video ads correct? Using latest dev-version on Chrome with updated filters.

uBlock-user commented 3 years ago

@perks You shouldn't be seeing any ads in the first place, the filters are already in place. Test on default settings + all other extensions disabled.

perks commented 3 years ago

@uBlock-user using an incognito window all extensions disabled, I manually allowed only ublock origin from extension settings in incognito mode, go to youtube video and see both a preroll video ad as well as midroll ads.

this was done after a fresh uninstall - restart chrome - install - restart chrome

with the logger open interesting enough there is no change in logging info when ads begin to play, these are the only lines that appear on video load and they are blocked

Edit: I am in the UK if that matters at all

Logger output ``` +1 ||googlesyndication.com^ -- tpc.googlesyndication.com 3,1 image https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/gen_204?id=sodar&v=32&t=1&e=7&li=v_h. ``` ``` +1 ||googlesyndication.com^ -- tpc.googlesyndication.com 3,1 script https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/bg/af9_AYAUWqr__ic4rQkfhaIMSYGv-wt3HLeyS1PvA9Y.js ```
krystian3w commented 3 years ago

Try remove filters to disable "Google GDPR" and "Sign into YT" pop-ups.

Yuki2718 commented 3 years ago

Reports are arising on Reddit too, so I guess they actually changed something - it has always been like this, some user report but we can't reproduce. https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/l98tw2/ublock_origin_blocking_youtube_comments/ https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/l9zwd0/ublock_does_not_remove_youtube_pre_roll_ads/

perks commented 3 years ago

@krystian3w sorry, which filters should I disable?

krystian3w commented 3 years ago

copied form https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/wiki/solutions#wiki_youtube.

The most safe are close both pop-ups with manual clicks.

Yuki2718 commented 3 years ago

@krystian3w He uses default setup, apparently.

krystian3w commented 3 years ago

Defalut ≠ I hide the fact that I copied something to defuse the GDPR popup/login walls

perks commented 3 years ago

@krystian3w @Yuki2718 yes I am using the default setup, my issue is not with consent/login walls but rather with the video pre and midroll ads

If the ads are not showing up in the logger when they appear it could be some new delivery system youtube has done

Yuki2718 commented 3 years ago

@perks Please clarify the URL you see ads and if you're logged into YT or not. The logger output won't help. It may possibly be helpful to export HAR file on URL you see ads and share it (open dev tools by F12, choose Network tab and then directly paste and visit the URL to address bar):

Screenshot ![HAR](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58900598/106475982-e52cad00-64e9-11eb-8045-471d0c91b255.png)
krystian3w commented 3 years ago

Google planning run audio ads invisible/unreadable by network sniffers: https://www.instalki.pl/aktualnosci/internet/44987-youtube-reklamamy-dzwiekowe.html


perks commented 3 years ago

@Yuki2718 Ads are shown both if logged in or logged out @krystian3w this does not seem to be related to video preroll ads

I've attached a screen shot so that the preroll ad is visable

Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 3 11 40 PM

Attached is the HAR starting when the video is clicked from the search page, leading into the ad playing:


perks commented 3 years ago

Interesting in the HAR log you can see the following request which contains the www.grammarly.com ad I'm not sure if this is useful:

        "_priority": "High",
        "_resourceType": "xhr",
        "cache": {},
        "request": {
          "method": "GET",
          "url": "https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?html5=1&video_id=n7xmnqBxQ6U&cpn=2ADdy7-6_YkoxxsA&eurl&ps=desktop-polymer&el=adunit&hl=en_US&aqi=GhoYYLzoMrPW7_UPp6uHwAY&sts=18655&lact=191&cbrand=apple&cbr=Chrome&cbrver=88.0.4324.96&c=WEB&cver=2.20210128.02.00&cplayer=UNIPLAYER&cos=Macintosh&cosver=10_15_7&cplatform=DESKTOP&adformat=15_2_1&break_type=1&encoded_ad_playback_context=CA8QAhgBKgtXaGdLeUl4akhOb0IXR2hvWVlMem9NclBXN19VUHA2dUh3QVlgAXU-rnc_gAGw6gGKAyMwATgGShMIvN3PovzI7gIVM-u7CB2n1QFoUgQQAUgBaAFwLJADrZeKi4wM&iv_load_policy=1&endscreen_ad_tracking=%7B%22endscreenClick%22%3A%20%5B%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleadservices.com%2Fpagead%2Faclk%3Fsa%3DL%26ai%3DC8YyrGhoYYLzoMrPW7_UPp6uHwAbzsrf-Xq2XiouMDLCQHxABIABgu76ug9AKggEXY2EtcHViLTYyMTk4MTE3NDcwNDkzNzGgAf_bisgDqAMEqgSNA0_Q9sZCremb3qBAvV4T3TqEh34V3g20nst8Bc3KqYSaNxdwdcGHzE7M-t_wmSoLe3ltfX4UXZLjewOAEoskyUIfHvHVtk-9nxfuKhUgt5GLqLcY8AUN9p-45LrbzhfUYS4-k5CatOqlVAKhKtImU-qnRSiMuf0bIqqOfNetO2vMdM5CxCcipyg7OQtPmMCfKMIDvI8tJmaDsE-AWK-GcCJLtRs1Ye7vWRk-YdX0iN9KcnKtg4R9SJdpzbnt2ccDbqUR4hjzBSDPAdsjvgdem23xu4R_m4tVtDpgo5j3g-AG21vWGNhx2K-r5HDPRyxSXWEXv_nQE7s8bqXGNOM6tA-IKCE5iUFZk8yqUXmvHLiXeq_946ejqy3BajzDrvdAVB7oo4QWvuJ32Jmb9LZhjEF10zttVY6AUh1BQ6hGhjdKr2WJlYnKSFGWLYNN2GfQixCSlFPBlfzFNcUxD7lktd2YR-DRpB3qrxCREGcQJOmjZ0JK_inOn67J38rZC6OorveIhiqQ1ejziUf2_dygBlSAB-zW5z-QBwSoB4QIqAeo0huoB7YHqAfgzxuoB-nUG6gHttcbqAfw2RuoB4HGG6gHmM4bqAfeBqgHq8UbqAfezhuSCAtuN3htbnFCeFE2VagIAdIIBwiAwYAQEAHyCB9jYS15dC1ob3N0LXB1Yi05MjAxNzUxOTE3MDI2ODMwsQlhLOmzt9B2RcgJGJgLAaELPhrRKFlP5lG6CxkIARABGAYgASgBMAFAAUgBYABoAHABiAEA0AsTuAwBuBP___________8BsBQBwBXJgIBA2BUBkBYBmBYBoBcB%26ae%3D1%26num%3D1%26cid%3DCAASFeRoXJGO7h8Q0fR8baF6Yq5F4xzgnA%26sig%3DAOD64_0aGZriDx_nLbCHjYm8F4Y89nhzrg%26adurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.grammarly.com%2F%253Futm_source%253Dyoutube%2526utm_medium%253Dcpc%2526utm_campaign%253DTOF%2526utm_content%253Dclearlyandconcisely30%2526gclid%253DEAIaIQobChMIvN3PovzI7gIVM-u7CB2n1QFoEAEYASAAEgI4XvD_BwE%26label%3Dvideo_endscreen_click%26ctype%3D18%26ms%3D%5BCLICK_MS%5D%22%5D%7D&autoplay=1&width=640&height=360&content_v=WhgKyIxjHNo&living_room_app_mode=LIVING_ROOM_APP_MODE_UNSPECIFIED",
Yuki2718 commented 3 years ago

@perks Thanks. I also see ads on right side which is somewhat strange, can you pick that element either by picker or right-click > Inspect? I want to make sure all the current filters are working. The request you posted is blocked by EL rule ||youtube.com/get_video_info?*adunit$~third-party. Oh, and you forgot URL - I mean an actual full URL of the page.

perks commented 3 years ago


Oh my bad! here is the url I am using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhgKyIxjHNo

And here is the SS:

Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 3 37 52 PM
Yuki2718 commented 3 years ago

@perks Thank you so much! Yes, that ad too is not blocked by the current filter. Well, actually it should have been blocked by youtube.com##.ytd-companion-slot-renderer so something must be wrong. Some filters are not correctly enforced. Please upload full screenshots of the logger output filtered by Blocked.

perks commented 3 years ago

@Yuki2718 Nothing appears in the logger, except for the google syndication blocks image

Yuki2718 commented 3 years ago

@perks Then it's not a filter issue - I have no idea about the cause, but you have to investigate it by yourself as we can't access your computer.

krystian3w commented 3 years ago

Maybe your "1Passsword X Manager" break pages...

I recommend use Bitwarden.

gwarser commented 3 years ago

Any idea what this can be?


,null,null,"","","CgtTU1JyMHRlMVlTRSjN0uiBBg%3D%3D","Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36,gzip(gfe)",1,"2.20210224.06.00","X11","",null,null,null,"https://www.youtube.com/sw.js_data",[]

This is downloaded from https://www.youtube.com/sw.js_data tabless.

Now restoring session with YT tab loads paused video ad which loads completely and then paused video appears. Sometimes one or two blank "skip ads" screens appear.


+32 /log_event? --  www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/log_event?alt=json&key=AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8
+22 ||www.youtube.com/sw.js_data$xmlhttprequest,domain=www.youtube.com  --  www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/sw.js_data
+18 /log_event? --  www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/log_event?alt=json&key=AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8
+18 ||www.youtube.com/sw.js_data$xmlhttprequest,domain=www.youtube.com  --  www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/sw.js_data
+18 ||www.youtube.com/sw.js_data$xmlhttprequest,domain=www.youtube.com  --  www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/sw.js_data
+18         www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/app_shell
+18 /log_event? --  www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/log_event?alt=json&key=AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8
+18 ||www.youtube.com/sw.js_data$xmlhttprequest,domain=www.youtube.com  --  www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/sw.js_data
+18         www.youtube.com 0,1 script  https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/f1c5e957/jsbin/serviceworker-kevlar-appshell.vflset/serviceworker-kevlar-appshell.js
+17         www.youtube.com 0,1 script  https://www.youtube.com/sw.js
+14 /log_event? --  www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/log_event?alt=json&key=AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8
+4          www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/s/player/4fe52f49/player_ias.vflset/en_US/annotations_module.js
+0          www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/f1c5e957/cssbin/www-main-desktop-player-skeleton.css
+0          www.youtube.com 0,1 xhr https://www.youtube.com/s/player/4fe52f49/www-player-webp.css

Surprisingly ||www.youtube.com^$csp=worker-src: 'none' does not help.

||www.youtube.com/sw.js$script,domain=www.youtube.com blocked workers after clearing cookies and few restarts.

"Skip ad" still here.

Ok, this is probably caused by delayed startup - suspendTabsUntilReady is not 100% reliable solution.

Hmmm, https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/player/ad_break?key=XXXXXXXXXXXXx isn't blocked.

base.js ``` SK = function(a, b, c, d) { c = void 0 === c ? {} : c; var e = c.wq , f = c.Wc; d = void 0 === d ? "" : d; c = a.player.getVideoData(1); var h = a.player.T().mj , l = { AD_BLOCK: a.i++, AD_BREAK_LENGTH: e ? e.durationSecs : 0, AUTONAV_STATE: sla(a.player.T()), CA_TYPE: "image", CPN: c.clientPlaybackNonce, DRIFT_FROM_HEAD_MS: 1E3 * a.player.ol(), LACT: yp(), LIVE_INDEX: e ? a.l++ : 1, LIVE_TARGETING_CONTEXT: e && e.context ? e.context : "", MIDROLL_POS: f ? Math.round(f.start / 1E3) : 0, MIDROLL_POS_MS: f ? Math.round(f.start) : 0, VIS: a.player.getVisibilityState(), P_H: a.player.La().Wf().height, P_W: a.player.La().Wf().width, YT_REMOTE: h ? h.join(",") : "" } , m = Op(Np); Object.keys(m).forEach(function(r) { null != m[r] && (l[r.toUpperCase()] = m[r].toString()) }); "" !== d && (l.BISCOTTI_ID = d); d = {}; Mp(b) && (d.sts = "18683", (e = a.player.T().Ca) && (d.forced_experiments = e)); b = Jp(g.en(b, l), d); a.player.getVideoData(); d = b.split("?"); if (2 !== d.length) return wm(Error("Invalid AdBreakInfo URL")); e = g.q(d); d = e.next().value; h = e.next().value; e = {}; f = a.player.T(); var n = null === c || void 0 === c ? void 0 : c.oauthToken; if (n && Lp() && (e.Authorization = "Bearer " + n, g.U(f.experiments, "get_midroll_info_use_client_rpc"))) { var p = nla(); ola(p, n) } h = Ep(h); return g.U(f.experiments, "get_midroll_info_use_client_rpc") ? (p = a.player.ek(p), a = tla(a, b, l, c.isMdxPlayback), //--->> g.RK(p, a, "/youtubei/v1/player/ad_break")) : g.oD(f) ? vt(d, { excludeXsrf: !0, format: "RAW", headers: e, method: "POST", postParams: h, timeout: a.u, withCredentials: !0 }) : vt(b, { excludeXsrf: !0, format: "RAW", headers: e, method: "GET", timeout: a.u, withCredentials: !0 }) } ```

json-prune for some reason does not remove playerAds in these.

json ``` { "responseContext": { "serviceTrackingParams": [ { "service": "CSI", "params": [ { "key": "yt_ad", "value": "1" }, { "key": "c", "value": "WEB" }, { "key": "cver", "value": "2.20210224.06.00" }, { "key": "yt_li", "value": "0" }, { "key": "GetAdBreak_rid", "value": "0xcaa2a4b69987ed78" } ] }, { "service": "GFEEDBACK", "params": [ { "key": "logged_in", "value": "0" }, { "key": "e", "value": "24003348,23983572,24004880,23918597,23974884,23744176,23994474,23986713,23968386,23890959,23996751,24001036,23970530,23857949,23991263,23986015,23987676,23974595,23997210,1714257,23944779,23992808,24008159,23946420,23983297,24007901,23882502,23996624,24006795,23891346,23940238,23884386,23966208,23858057,24007005,23940248,23969934,23934970,23976578,23804281,23891344,23999567,24008856,24000882" } ] }, { "service": "GUIDED_HELP", "params": [ { "key": "logged_in", "value": "0" } ] }, { "service": "ECATCHER", "params": [ { "key": "client.version", "value": "2.20210224" }, { "key": "client.name", "value": "WEB" } ] } ], "mainAppWebResponseContext": { "loggedOut": true }, "webResponseContextExtensionData": { "hasDecorated": true } }, "adThrottled": false, "trackingParams": "CAAQt7EBIhMI7ajQ_fWK7wIVFJJ8Ch07PwpA", "playerAds": [ { "adPlacementRenderer": { "config": { "adPlacementConfig": { "kind": "AD_PLACEMENT_KIND_COMMAND_TRIGGERED", "hideCueRangeMarker": true } }, "renderer": { "actionCompanionAdRenderer": { ```
romulasry commented 3 years ago

Still having problems with some youtube videos not loading at all. Any idea when a fix will be pushed to firefox?

ImperatorStorm commented 3 years ago

Working on my end

romulasry commented 3 years ago

Version 1.34.0 ublock orgin stopped working on some youtube videos ~ 2 days ago.

romulasry commented 3 years ago

Just purged cache same issue. Uninstalled and reinstalled same issue.

Auto-update filter lists Parse and enforce cosmetic filters Ignore generic cosmetic filters 82,674 network filters + 87,689 cosmetic filters from: My filters 0 used out of 0 Built-in (5/5) uBlock filters 28,260 used out of 28,292 uBlock filters – Badware risks 1,294 used out of 1,295 uBlock filters – Privacy 126 used out of 126 uBlock filters – Resource abuse 72 used out of 72 uBlock filters – Unbreak 1,516 used out of 1,516 Ads (1/3) EasyList 65,241 used out of 65,433 Privacy (1/2) EasyPrivacy 22,484 used out of 22,582 Malware domains (1/2) Online Malicious URL Blocklist 7,021 used out of 7,021 Annoyances (1/7) AdGuard Annoyances AdGuard Social Media Anti-Facebook EasyList Cookie Fanboy’s Annoyance 57,435 used out of 57,585 Fanboy’s Social uBlock filters – Annoyances Multipurpose (1/3) Peter Lowe’s Ad and tracking server list 3,557 used out of 3,558 Regions, languages (0/33) Custom Import...

gwarser commented 3 years ago

Blocking cookies in browser for consent.youtube.com seems to work for full page redirection consent message.

Wondering if some scriptlet can block reading cookies on this page. I'm unsuccessful in my attempts to create working filter.

uBlock-user commented 3 years ago

@gwarser on consent.youtube.com or on youtube.com ?

gwarser commented 3 years ago

On consent.youtube.com.

If someone is using Firefox Containers, it must be configured from "Page Info" dialog (Ctrl+I), because of special syntax of the address.

Breaks comments? https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/mh2su3/any_filter_that_stops_before_you_continue_to/ It was fine yesterday!

krystian3w commented 3 years ago

I can repoduce:

https://consent.youtube.com/m?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutube.com%2F&gl=DE&pc=yt&hl=de&src=1 - GDPR/cookie wall.

krystian3w commented 3 years ago

AdGuard can block cookies:



||consent.youtube.com^$cookie,domain=consent.youtube.com ||consent.google.*$cookie,domain=consent.google.*

gwarser commented 3 years ago

AdGuard can block cookies:

uBO should be able remove cookie header in new version (consent.youtube.com##^responseheader(set-cookie)), but I think YT is checking in JS by testing if document.cookie is doing something??? This is something we should check.

krystian3w commented 3 years ago

youtube.com##^responseheader(set-cookie) - IMO no help and block checking document.cookie may need use stack (abort-on-stack-trace) of fail due big race-condition to run injected any scriptlet.

Nomes77 commented 3 years ago

Maybe it is a good time to introduce blocking of cookies with "$cookie"?

gwarser commented 3 years ago

Maybe it is a good time to introduce blocking of cookies with "$cookie"?

I'm afraid it will work like youtube.com##^responseheader(set-cookie). Will not help in this case.

krystian3w commented 3 years ago

Guests can't read comments, so AdGuard made clicker in "Accept".

Yuki2718 commented 3 years ago

Guests can't read comments, so AdGuard made clicker in "Accept".

uBO won't add clicker scriptlet just for consent modal.

mat926 commented 3 years ago

This addon conflict with the Blocktube extension, where I am still getting the Skip Ad button.

Yuki2718 commented 3 years ago

This addon conflict with the Blocktube extension, where I am still getting the Skip Ad button.


krystian3w commented 3 years ago

Blocktube may need update method to don't break json-prune.

gwarser commented 3 years ago

Good troubleshooting checklist: https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/mdu47e/ublock_origin_no_longer_works_on_yt_for_me_pls/gsbksqw/

krystian3w commented 3 years ago

Still possible generate FP if ads is on 1 of 100 played videos.

mat926 commented 3 years ago

Good troubleshooting checklist: https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/mdu47e/ublock_origin_no_longer_works_on_yt_for_me_pls/gsbksqw/

yes I already know it's Blocktube causing the problem . it's one of those extensions I can't live without , either that or I need to find an alternative thats compatible with uBlock

gwarser commented 3 years ago

Any idea how to override or mask navigator.cookieEnabled read-only property?

krystian3w commented 3 years ago

Typo in name "an" vs "ne".

uBlock-user commented 3 years ago

@gwarser ##+js(set, navigator.cookieEnabled, false) works ?

krystian3w commented 3 years ago

In console yes, but maybe have race-condtion (still possible have redirect to consent.google. / consent.youtube.com):


Also generate "no" on https://www.whatismybrowser.com/detect/are-cookies-enabled

Legacy readOnly.js also fail to disable "cookie-wall" and whatismybrowser test.

uBlock-user commented 3 years ago

It's not supposed to work because the property is readyOnly,, but works on google's consent overlay and for whatismybrowser.com test 🙃

gwarser commented 3 years ago

@uBlock-user nothing worked for me on Firefox. For a moment @krystian3w gave me a hope, I checked again and still nothing.

gwarser commented 3 years ago

??? How it works on whatismybrowser.com but not on consent.youtube.com? Checked in console. Some CSP?