uBlockOrigin / uAssets

Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.
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[Anti adblock] https://dropgalaxy.in/fkqlb29nxfdk #8769

Closed blazesprings closed 2 years ago

blazesprings commented 3 years ago

URL(s) where the issue occurs


Describe the issue

The webpage detects adblock





All default settings


JobcenterTycoon commented 3 years ago

Possible fix: @@||services.vlitag.com$script,domain=dropgalaxy.com

blazesprings commented 3 years ago

Sorry @JobcenterTycoon I applied the above code but still I get the adblock screen+timer image

JobcenterTycoon commented 3 years ago

Ok for Chrome this works: @@||services.vlitag.com$script,domain=dropgalaxy.com @@||tag.vlitag.com$script,domain=dropgalaxy.com

But the timer cant be bypassed. And they update the anti adblock really fast so its not consistent

uBlock-user commented 3 years ago

anti-adb script --

$(window).load(function() {
    if (window.location.hostname == "dropgalaxy.com") {
        function ab2str(buf) {
            return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buf))
        function str2ab(str) {
            var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length * 2);
            var bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);
            for (var i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) {
                bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i)
            return buf
        var headddhtml = document.head.innerHTML;
        var outhtml = document.documentElement.outerHTML;
        var viptags = '';
        viptags += '[rand=' + $("#rand").val() + ']';
        viptags += '[id=' + $("#fileid").val() + ']';
        viptags += '[dropgalaxyisbest=' + $("#dropgalaxyisbest").val() + ']';
        viptags += '[adblock_detected=' + $("#adblock_detected").val() + ']';
        viptags += '[downloadhash=' + $("#downloadhash").val() + ']';
        viptags += '[downloadhashad=' + $("#downloadhashad").val() + ']';
        var dd = $(outhtml).filter('.adsbygoogle').each(function(i, e) {
            viptags += e['outerHTML']
        $(outhtml).filter('script').each(function(i, e) {
            var ccc = $(this).filter('script').attr("src");
            if (typeof ccc !== 'undefined') {
                if (ccc.indexOf('https://dropgalaxy.com/') == -1) {
                    viptags += '[scr=' + ccc + ']'
        var bufff = str2ab(viptags);
        var unit = new Uint8Array(bufff);
        var unitstr = unit.toString();
        var unitstr = unitstr.replace(/2/g, "004");
        var unitstr = unitstr.replace(/3/g, "005");
        var unitstr = unitstr.replace(/7/g, "007");
        var unitstr = unitstr.replace(/,0,0,0/g, "");
        var randd = $("#rand").val();
            type: "POST",
            url: "https://tmp.dropgalaxy.in/gettoken.php",
            data: {
                rand: randd,
                msg: unitstr
            success: function(result) {
            error: function(result) {}

credits to @AdamWr for de-ofuscating it.

avotoko commented 3 years ago

It looks like some changes have been made to the site.


URL(s) where the issue occurs


Describe the issue

The anti-adblock message appears and I cannot proceed.


step-1 [step 1] click [Free Download] button.

step-2 [step 2] redirect message shown and redirected to google.

step-3 [step 3] click [Techssting -] on google.

step-4-ng [step 4] anti-adblock message appears and I cannot proceed.




filters to resolve the issue. Since these filters are mostly just accepting the requests of the site side, I'm withdrawing my offer as a solution. I will just report that anti-adblock did not appear after passing these requests. I'll leave a post as it may help with a legitimate solution ||glogoowo.net/pfe/current/tag.min.js$xhr,redirect-rule=noopjs,domain=dropgalaxy.com ||cloudfront.net^$xhr,redirect-rule=noopjs,domain=techssting.com techssting.com#@#.showads @@||pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js$script,domain=techssting.com @@||tpc.googlesyndication.com/simgad/*$image,domain=techssting.com @@||pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/*/show_ads_impl_$script,domain=techssting.com

ghajini commented 3 years ago

Antiadblock https://dropgalaxy.in/po8xcn2x2ztq

firefox a


ghajini commented 3 years ago

Adblock detected https://dropgalaxy.in/txroo6ka7egs IMG_20210517_050755

JobcenterTycoon commented 3 years ago

@@||adservice.google.*/adsid/integrator.js$script,domain=dropgalaxy.*|techssting.com @@||techssting.com^$ghide

works for me

Mennaruuk commented 3 years ago

@@||adservice.google.*/adsid/integrator.js$script,domain=dropgalaxy.*|techssting.com @@||techssting.com^$ghide

works for me

I tried this on both https://dropgalaxy.in/txroo6ka7egs and https://dropgalaxy.in/po8xcn2x2ztq, and anti-adblock is gone. image

ghajini commented 2 years ago

Adblock detection https://dropgalaxy.in/d9pk321i9crb from https://financemonk.net/ IMG_20210921_171247

avotoko commented 2 years ago

On my end, I jumped from dropgalaxy.in to financemonk.net only once at first, but after that I always jump from dropgalaxy.in to dropgalaxy.com. dropgalaxy.com detects adblock.


The site recently changed the way it detects adblock. The following filters work for me.

avotoko commented 2 years ago

The site behaves differently than yesterday. The filter I posted last time doesn't work. Seems to need further investigation.

rickninja765 commented 2 years ago

The site behaves differently than yesterday. The filter I posted last time doesn't work. Seems to need further investigation

Yeah Same happened with me.

okiehsch commented 2 years ago

I get redirected to financemonk.net. Is it the same domain for everyone here?

ghajini commented 2 years ago

yes, antiadblock on that domain

uBlock-user commented 2 years ago

So they're swapping only domains ?

okiehsch commented 2 years ago

Yes, they used techsting for a while and now financemonk. https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/commit/85a8c2ae7b15fc97d7ee751c1d5b29a702177ae2

JobcenterTycoon commented 2 years ago

Ads on techyneed.com coming from tmp.dropgalaxy.in/advertisement but blocking this will trigger anti adblock even with noopframe redirect


Working filter:


ghajini commented 2 years ago


Ads at techyneed.com Screenshot_20211011-183914-384

blazesprings commented 2 years ago

Check the link: https://dropgalaxy.in/tmq142h4u0sk Category: Anti-adblock Browser: Chrome 96.xx Extension or program: Ublock Origin 1.38.6 image