uBlockOrigin / uBlock-issues

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in Chrome when Windscribe is enabled the user agent header is changed to Firefox #1539

Closed Trip69 closed 3 years ago

Trip69 commented 3 years ago



[Description of the bug or feature]

In the latest chrome with WindScribe installed in Incognito mode with only Windscibe allowed but NOT enabled the user-agent header is changed to Firefox "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0" -

If in inconito mode with nothing allowed the user agent is reported as expect - blah blah Chrome

A specific URL where the issue occurs


[A specific URL is MANDATORY for issue happening on a web page, even if it happens "everywhere"]

Steps to Reproduce

  1. install windscribe
  2. open dev tools, network, check request headers user-agent
  3. find it is being reported as Firebox.

Expected behavior:

user agent should be unchanged

Actual behavior:

user agent isi being changed to firefox even with the extension not on - enabled but not active, black W icon not green

Your environment

uBlock-user commented 3 years ago

uBO doesn't change any headers, nothing to do with uBO.

uBlock-user commented 3 years ago

uBlock Origin version: Err Windscribe - Free Proxy and Ad Blocker v3.2.4

Fake extension, current stable version is v1.34.0