uBlockOrigin / uBlock-issues

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The latest version of filter "Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN" isn't compatible with the proxy application Clash Meta #3400

Open VVaraiotoko opened 3 days ago

VVaraiotoko commented 3 days ago


URL(s) where the issue occurs.



Several days ago, I found there was breakage on GitHub pages. I thought it was the problem of my Internet connection, but later I tried disabling uBO, and GitHub became normal again. I turned on the logger and found many things from local IP address was blocked, so I unchecked the filter "Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN" and enabled uBO on GitHub and things got right again. I've used the filter for years, so I guess its latest update isn't compatible with some proxy applications, for example in my case, Clash Meta.

Logger output | | | | | | | | | |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- | | +1 | *$3p,strict3p,ipaddress=lan,from=~\|~\|~[::1]\|~[::]\|~local\|~localhost | -- | github.com | 3 | get | image | `https://github.githubassets.com/favicons/favicon.svg` | | +1 | ##.js-notice-dismiss[data-analytics-visible] | | github.com | | get | dom | `https://github.com/` | | +1 | ##.feed-right-sidebar > div:has(> div.js-notice) | | github.com | | get | dom | `https://github.com/` | | +1 | | | github.com | 3 | get | image | `https://github.githubassets.com/favicons/favicon.svg` | | +1 | | | github.com | 1 | get | image | `https://github.com/fluidicon.png` | | +1 | *$3p,strict3p,ipaddress=lan,from=~\|~\|~[::1]\|~[::]\|~local\|~localhost | -- | github.com | 3 | get | script | `https://github.githubassets.com/assets/notifications-global-54f34167118d.js` | | +1 | *$3p,strict3p,ipaddress=lan,from=~\|~\|~[::1]\|~[::]\|~local\|~localhost | -- | github.com | 3 | get | script | 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Screenshot(s) ![Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 21-42-40 GitHub](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d391bb19-e626-42c5-832e-0cf07069c9aa)


Details uBlock Origin: 1.60.0 Firefox: 131 filterset (summary): network: 268101 cosmetic: 272821 scriptlet: 54891 html: 2263 listset (total-discarded, last-updated): added: adguard-generic: 84581-4213, 37m adguard-mobile: 9823-59, 37m adguard-spyware-url: 1721-126, 37m adguard-spyware: 85377-1552, 37m block-lan: 64-2, never curben-phishing: 542-0, 37m adguard-social: 23169-50, 37m adguard-cookies: 32080-62, 37m ublock-cookies-adguard: 1785-28, 37m adguard-popup-overlays: 28075-960, 37m adguard-mobile-app-banners: 5512-28, 37m adguard-other-annoyances: 14660-481, 37m [11 lists not shown]: [too many] default: user-filters: 1-0, never ublock-filters: 40573-131, 42m Δ ublock-badware: 11262-6, 42m Δ ublock-privacy: 1270-22, 42m Δ ublock-unbreak: 2537-1, 42m Δ ublock-quick-fixes: 141-15, 42m Δ easylist: 85686-2198, 42m Δ easyprivacy: 53129-23637, 42m Δ urlhaus-1: 24860-0, 37m plowe-0: 3546-1492, 37m CHN-0: 25312-150, 37m filterset (user): [array of 1 redacted] userSettings: cloudStorageEnabled: true hiddenSettings: [none] supportStats: allReadyAfter: 281 ms (selfie) maxAssetCacheWait: 151 ms cacheBackend: indexedDB popupPanel: blocked: 71 network: github.com: 1 avatars.githubusercontent.com: 4 githubassets.com: 66 extended: ##.feed-right-sidebar > div:has(> div.js-notice) ##.js-notice-dismiss[data-analytics-visible]
gorhill commented 3 days ago

Can you try with the latest dev build to be sure the issue still exists?

VVaraiotoko commented 2 days ago

Can you try with the latest dev build to be sure the issue still exists?

I just installed and tested the latest dev build and am pretty sure the issue still exists if I enable the filter "Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN". It should be the filter's problem.

gorhill commented 2 days ago

The filters are fine, the issue seems to be that in your setup the IP addresses of the network requests are a local one. You can verify this by opening the dev console of a page with issue and looking at IP address of the network requests. If it is a local one, then you will have to either disable the "Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN", or set the advanced setting dnsResolveEnabled to false.

VVaraiotoko commented 2 days ago

The filters are fine, the issue seems to be that in your setup the IP addresses of the network requests are a local one. You can verify this by opening the dev console of a page with issue and looking at IP address of the network requests. If it is a local one, then you will have to either disable the "Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN", or set the advanced setting dnsResolveEnabled to false.

I am not a network engineer or a programmer. According to my limited knowledge, it seems that Clash Meta and many other proxy programs have to use local IP addresses to do the job. I also have to use proxy programs to gain a stable connection to GitHub and other international sites because of the GFW and they have worked fine with the LAN filter for years. I tried setting the advanced setting dnsResolveEnabled to false and it didn't work. The log and the screenshots are below. Guess I have to disable the filter.

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gorhill commented 2 days ago

have worked fine with the LAN filter for years

It's because the previous implementation for these filters was not comprehensive, with 1.60.0 it is really accomplishing the intended work (in Firefox).

tried setting the advanced setting dnsResolveEnabled to false and it didn't work

Might need to restart uBO, I suspect the cached DNS entries are still present after the setting is toggled.

VVaraiotoko commented 1 day ago

tried setting the advanced setting dnsResolveEnabled to false and it didn't work

Might need to restart uBO, I suspect the cached DNS entries are still present after the setting is toggled.

Just now I modified the advanced setting, quitted and restarted Firefox, visited GitHub and the problem persisted.

gorhill commented 1 day ago

Right, forgot that DNS resolution is one way the IP address is resolved so that the ipaddress= filters can act at onBeforeRequest time. Another complementary way is the IP address provided by Firefox's webRequest API through onHeadersReceived listener.

Looks like not using "Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN" is the only solution in your case.

stephenhawk8054 commented 1 day ago

I think a solution is bringing the plain-IP as domain filters outside of !#if !cap_ipaddress so any users who use proxy can still at least be protected against plain-IP cases after adding


as custom filter?

gorhill commented 1 day ago

The point of ipaddress was also to more efficiently match rather than using regex-based filters, one of which can't be tokenized.

The goal of "Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN" is to prevent network requests from LAN when browsing the wide internet, so if someone's setup is to proxy to local IP address then "Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN" is not a good fit -- it shouldn't be used.

I am assuming OP would have the same issue with NoScript when not trusting "LAN".

VVaraiotoko commented 6 hours ago

So what I can do for the time being is to disable "Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN", right?

gorhill commented 6 hours ago

Yes disable that list, it is incompatible with your setup. It's not just for the time being though. The only change I can entertain is to offer a way to set an advanced setting for that cap_ipaddress to evaluate to false such that the pattern-based filters in "Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN" are used instead.