uBlockOrigin / uBlock-issues

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Waiting for extension uBlock Origin... #461

Closed ChaosCom closed 5 years ago

ChaosCom commented 5 years ago



With the auto-update to uBlock Origin 1.18.8, I suddenly get the dreaded "Waiting for extension uBlock Origin..." message that some people already reported on rare occasions, where it seems that the extension is looping on a single core without doing anything (checked via task manager).

My "start page" (the default page in chrome that you see that contains a google search box and 8 of your most used urls) initially loads, but any search request or navigation to any site doesn't complete.

Opening a new tab results in a white page (not even the default page loads) with the only message in the status bar saying "Waiting for extension uBlock Origin...".

I can definitely confirm it's an ublock origin issue just by having created a profile that doesn't contain uBlock Origin, and can also "re-animate" my old profile by disabling the extension. Also, while the aforementioned message in the status bar is showing, I am not able to debug the extension nor force a halt in the debugger.

Is there a way to downgrade uB Origin to an older version, or even give some insight into this somewhat elusive issue (as it keeps re-surfacing for users every now and then) by forcing debugging?

A specific URL where the issue occurs


Steps to Reproduce

  1. [First Step]
  2. [Second Step]
  3. [and so on...]

Expected behavior:

[What you expected to happen]

Actual behavior:

[What actually happened]

Your environment

gorhill commented 5 years ago

created a profile that doesn't contain uBlock Origin

If you install uBO in that new profile, do you still have the problem?

Also, please provide Google Chrome version as requested.

uBlock-user commented 5 years ago

I tried with a new Profile, no such issue. google.com opens as expected.

Lack of STR and chrome version will not help the issue you face.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

I am pretty sure that kind of symptoms has been reported in the past when uBO updates. Usually forcing a restart of the browser worked. To be sure, disable the setting "Continue running background apps when Chromium is closed" should be un-checked ("Settings" => "Advanced" => scroll to the bottom).

Example: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1858#issuecomment-331643175.

uBlock-user commented 5 years ago

There's always some issue whenever a stable release is updated, just can't catch a break with that.

Latias4Ever commented 5 years ago

I'm using Chrome 53 (really outdated, I know, I have my reasons), and I'm having this issue since late last night, well after uBlock updated, it was working until then. Downgrading to 1.18.6 and even manually installing 1.18.8 worked, but I lost my settings since I did a manual install and can't backup my regular 1.18.8 settings,

I want to assume it's a filter/setting that's causing issues, especially since manually installing 1.18.8 and not having my regular settings works, but since I can't access my regular settings due to the hang, I can't fix it.

ChaosCom commented 5 years ago

I'm back from some tinkering. I installed the older version uBlock0_1.18.6.chromium in developer mode, and the extension was running fine at first ... that is, until I

  1. Updated the filter lists AND
  2. Restarted the browser.

Updating the filter list alone wasn't enough to make the older version loop, but after a restart the older version was hanging just like the 1.18.8 one - which makes me now suspect it's a filter rule. I had to manually trash the unpacked dev extension to make a screenshot of the lists that were updated: https://i.imgur.com/7wXNYI8.jpg

@gorhill and @uBlock-user: Is there a way of making ubO scan and report "fishy" rules from one of those lists ?

gorhill commented 5 years ago

I want to assume it's a filter/setting that's causing issues

Not possible really. Well, I will walk back on this, I do recall a case of awfully-crafted filter which caused a very bad regex internally -- it had a lot of wildcards in it.

The only hypothesis I can think of which could create an infinite loop in the code is that uBO's on-disk storage selfie got corrupted.

ChaosCom commented 5 years ago


"Continue running background apps when Chromium is closed" was always disabled for me. My Chrome version is v56.0.2924.87

gorhill commented 5 years ago

a screenshot of the lists that were updated

These are default filter lists, so I forced a hard cache purging (ctrl-shift-click purge caches button), restarted, forced an updated, restarted. At no point did I experience an infinite loop.

Since both of you are using relatively old versions of Chrome, this might be an issue specific to these. Are there portable versions of Chromium out there for Linux -- and especially from reliable source (I won't download/install from random sites).

gorhill commented 5 years ago

Also, are these 32-bit versions of Chrome/ium?

ChaosCom commented 5 years ago

I think you could try https://www.slimjet.com/chrome/google-chrome-old-version.php

ChaosCom commented 5 years ago


Yea, mine is Google Chrome 56.0.2924.87 (Official Build) (32-bit) Revision 0e9a9a6f3676ae439b78cd9b3f62b4193c3ac7d5-refs/branch-heads/2924@{#895}

gorhill commented 5 years ago

So you are using a 32-bit browser in a 64-bit OS... I wonder if this could be the issue. uBO uses typed arrays. Though this was also the case in previous versions, a new portion of code was converted to typed array in 1.18.8. Would it be difficult for you to use a 64-bit version of Chrome to see if this makes a difference?

ChaosCom commented 5 years ago

But how does that explanation fit into the test I described earlier with uBlock0_1.18.6.chromium ? Or were you meaning to say that the additional portion was introduced with 1.18.x ? I'm still kinda leaning towards @Latias4Ever 's suspicion...

gorhill commented 5 years ago

I'm still kinda leaning towards @Latias4Ever 's suspicion...

Well one way to find out would be to enable one filter list at a time and see if the issue manifest when updating it.

Latias4Ever commented 5 years ago

I would love to try that, but the problem is the dashboard doesn't open up at all since the extension is constantly hanging.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

Ok, to recapitulate, @ChaosCom said here an hour ago that he could reproduce:

Updated the filter lists AND Restarted the browser

When the filter lists are updated, all the lists are parsed, compiled and the compiled lists are all reloaded, while at launch time the compiled filters are all loaded. If this was a filter causing the issue, it should happens just after updating all the lists, and we should be able to reproduce on our side.

What could help is to try to reproduce in a new profile, and select only one filter list at a time, and even with no list at all at first. This is time-consuming but given I can't reproduce on my side, I don't see any other way for moving forward.

uBlock-user commented 5 years ago

Google Chrome 56.0.2924.87

So to reproduce one will need that version ?

ChaosCom commented 5 years ago

@Latias4Ever @gorhill The problem with trying to reproduce a FILTER issue (if it really is a filter after all) is the potentially ever-changing environment of filter definition updates.

I have since my last message again thrashed and re-installed the older version uBlock0_1.18.6.chromium in developer mode, and tried to put gorhill's suggested method to the test of manually enabling and updating each single default filter list there was, interspersed with restarting the browser to see if it hangs. To my surprise, I am now left with a working version of 1.18.6 where all the default lists are updated correctly and the extension doesn't hang nor interfere at startup.

However! I am in the comfortable position of still having the untouched hanging 1.18.8 version on my system, so I went ahead and diffed the filter definition updates in the "assets" folders, and - perhaps unsurprisingly- the filter definitions are not 100% the same. In particular, the following 2 files changed in the last couple hours

Filters unbreak.txt The hanging version has the following additional rules in unbreak.txt: @@||dpm.demdex.net/id?*AdobeOrg&$xhr,domain=foxbusiness.com @@||smetrics.foxbusiness.com/id?*AdobeOrg&$xhr,1p ! https://github.com/abp-filters/abp-filters-anti-cv/issues/102#issuecomment-472241581 @@||static1.dmcdn.net/playerv5/*$script,domain=laprovence.com filters.txt The hanging version has differences in rule defintions: ! AdDefend !#if env_chromium airliners.de,auszeit.bio,autorevue.at,bafoeg-aktuell.de,berliner-kurier.de,berliner-zeitung.de,bikerszene.de,boersennews.de,bonedo.de,chefkoch.de,computerbild.de,deine-tierwelt.de,desired.de,dhd24.com,digitalfernsehen.de,donnerwetter.de,e-hausaufgaben.de,express.de,fanfiktion.de,finya.de,formel1.de,frag-mutti.de,freenet.de,fremdwort.de,frustfrei-lernen.de,fussballdaten.de,gameswelt.*,gartendialog.de,gartenlexikon.de,gewinnspiele.tv,gut-erklaert.de,haus-garten-test.de,hifi-forum.de,iban-rechner.de,inside-handy.de,juraforum.de,kindergeld.org,ksta.de,liga3-online.de,lz.de,messen.de,moviejones.de,mt.de,musiker-board.de,mz-web.de,naumburger-tageblatt.de,news.de,newsbreak24.de,nickles.de,nw.de,oeffentlicher-dienst.info,onlinemarketing.de,prad.de,psychic.de,quoka.de,rheinische-anzeigenblaetter.de,rimondo.com,rundschau-online.de,spielen.de,spieletipps.de,spielfilm.de,tichyseinblick.de,torgranate.de,transfermarkt.*,truckscout24.*,tvinfo.de,unicum.de,wallstreet-online.de,weltfussball.at,weristdeinfreund.de,weser-kurier.de,wetter.com,wetteronline.at,wetteronline.ch,wieistmeineip.*,wize.life,ze.tt##+js(addEventListener-defuser.js, /^(?:DOMContentLoaded|load)$/, =!0) kicker.de,kino.de,meinestadt.de,spieletipps.de##+js(set-constant.js, String.fromCharCode, noopFunc) clever-tanken.de,giga.de##+js(set-constant.js, Math.floor, noopFunc) lablue.*##+js(setTimeout-defuser.js, r(), 500) !#endif express.de,giga.de,kicker.de,kino.de,meinestadt.de,spieletipps.de##^script:has-text((window);) airliners.de,auszeit.bio,autorevue.at,bafoeg-aktuell.de,berliner-kurier.de,berliner-zeitung.de,bikerszene.de,boersennews.de,bonedo.de,chefkoch.de,clever-tanken.de,computerbild.de,deine-tierwelt.de,desired.de,dhd24.com,digitalfernsehen.de,donnerwetter.de,e-hausaufgaben.de,express.de,fanfiktion.de,finya.de,formel1.de,frag-mutti.de,freenet.de,fremdwort.de,frustfrei-lernen.de,fussballdaten.de,gameswelt.*,gartendialog.de,gartenlexikon.de,gewinnspiele.tv,giga.de,gut-erklaert.de,hifi-forum.de,haus-garten-test.de,iban-rechner.de,inside-handy.de,juraforum.de,kicker.de,kindergeld.org,kino.de,ksta.de,lablue.*,liga3-online.de,lz.de,meinestadt.de,messen.de,moviejones.de,mt.de,musiker-board.de,mz-web.de,naumburger-tageblatt.de,news.de,newsbreak24.de,nickles.de,nw.de,oeffentlicher-dienst.info,onlinemarketing.de,pff.de,play3.de,prad.de,psychic.de,quoka.de,quotenmeter.de,rheinische-anzeigenblaetter.de,rimondo.com,rundschau-online.de,spielen.de,spieletipps.de,spielfilm.de,t-online.de,tichyseinblick.de,torgranate.de,transfermarkt.*,truckscout24.*,tvinfo.de,unicum.de,wallstreet-online.de,weltfussball.at,weristdeinfreund.de,weser-kurier.de,wetter.com,wetteronline.at,wetteronline.ch,wieistmeineip.*,wize.life,ze.tt##^script:has-text(.doesContentMatch) vs ! AdDefend !#if env_chromium airliners.de,auszeit.bio,autorevue.at,bafoeg-aktuell.de,berliner-kurier.de,berliner-zeitung.de,bikerszene.de,boersennews.de,bonedo.de,chefkoch.de,computerbild.de,deine-tierwelt.de,desired.de,dhd24.com,digitalfernsehen.de,donnerwetter.de,e-hausaufgaben.de,express.de,fanfiktion.de,finya.de,formel1.de,frag-mutti.de,freenet.de,fremdwort.de,frustfrei-lernen.de,fussballdaten.de,gartendialog.de,gartenlexikon.de,gewinnspiele.tv,gut-erklaert.de,haus-garten-test.de,hifi-forum.de,iban-rechner.de,inside-handy.de,juraforum.de,kindergeld.org,kino.de,ksta.de,liga3-online.de,lz.de,messen.de,moviejones.de,mt.de,musiker-board.de,mz-web.de,naumburger-tageblatt.de,news.de,newsbreak24.de,nickles.de,nw.de,oeffentlicher-dienst.info,onlinemarketing.de,prad.de,psychic.de,quoka.de,rheinische-anzeigenblaetter.de,rimondo.com,rundschau-online.de,spielen.de,spieletipps.de,spielfilm.de,tichyseinblick.de,torgranate.de,transfermarkt.*,truckscout24.*,tvinfo.de,unicum.de,wallstreet-online.de,weltfussball.at,weristdeinfreund.de,weser-kurier.de,wetter.com,wetteronline.at,wetteronline.ch,wieistmeineip.*,wize.life,ze.tt##+js(addEventListener-defuser.js, /^(?:DOMContentLoaded|load)$/, =!0) kicker.de,kino.de,meinestadt.de,spieletipps.de##+js(set-constant.js, String.fromCharCode, noopFunc) clever-tanken.de,giga.de##+js(set-constant.js, Math.floor, noopFunc) lablue.*##+js(setTimeout-defuser.js, r(), 500) !#endif express.de,giga.de,kicker.de,kino.de,meinestadt.de,spieletipps.de##^script:has-text((window);) airliners.de,auszeit.bio,autorevue.at,bafoeg-aktuell.de,berliner-kurier.de,berliner-zeitung.de,bikerszene.de,boersennews.de,bonedo.de,chefkoch.de,clever-tanken.de,computerbild.de,deine-tierwelt.de,desired.de,dhd24.com,digitalfernsehen.de,donnerwetter.de,e-hausaufgaben.de,express.de,fanfiktion.de,finya.de,formel1.de,frag-mutti.de,freenet.de,fremdwort.de,frustfrei-lernen.de,fussballdaten.de,gartendialog.de,gartenlexikon.de,gewinnspiele.tv,giga.de,gut-erklaert.de,hifi-forum.de,haus-garten-test.de,iban-rechner.de,inside-handy.de,juraforum.de,kicker.de,kindergeld.org,kino.de,ksta.de,lablue.*,liga3-online.de,lz.de,meinestadt.de,messen.de,moviejones.de,mt.de,musiker-board.de,mz-web.de,naumburger-tageblatt.de,news.de,newsbreak24.de,nickles.de,nw.de,oeffentlicher-dienst.info,onlinemarketing.de,pff.de,play3.de,prad.de,psychic.de,quoka.de,quotenmeter.de,rheinische-anzeigenblaetter.de,rimondo.com,rundschau-online.de,spielen.de,spieletipps.de,spielfilm.de,t-online.de,tichyseinblick.de,torgranate.de,transfermarkt.*,truckscout24.*,tvinfo.de,unicum.de,wallstreet-online.de,weltfussball.at,weristdeinfreund.de,weser-kurier.de,wetter.com,wetteronline.at,wetteronline.ch,wieistmeineip.*,wize.life,ze.tt##^script:has-text(.doesContentMatch) The hanging version is missing (so probably irrelevant): 9anime.*##+js(set-constant.js, String.prototype.charAt, trueFunc) And finally, the hanging version has this at the end of filters.txt: ! https://github.com/abp-filters/abp-filters-anti-cv/issues/102 laprovence.com,supertoinette.com,viedemerde.fr##+js(abort-on-property-read.js, require) ! https://github.com/NanoMeow/QuickReports/issues/802 bitvin.org##+js(setTimeout-defuser.js, check, 1) ! https://github.com/NanoMeow/QuickReports/issues/804 zii10.*##+js(fuckadblock.js-3.2.0) ! https://github.com/NanoAdblocker/NanoFilters/issues/285 @@||idfl.top^$generichide idfl.top##[href="http://dewanmas.com/"] idfl.top##[href="http://menangvip.org/"] ! https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/5122 @@||playgroundmag.net^$generichide ! https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/5120 !#if !env_chromium !#if !env_firefox !#if !env_edge !#if !env_safari !#if !env_mobile @@||svonm.com/hd-main.js$script,domain=kicker.de|kino.de !#endif !#endif !#endif !#endif !#endif

Does anything of this look peculiar @gorhill ?

ChaosCom commented 5 years ago


Also, given that uBO stores filter definitions in the "assets" subfolder of your extension under C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\\1.18.8_0\assets where

: your windows profile name : find out via the chrome://extensions/ page for uBlock Origin you could try making your original extenion runnable (at least to be able to load into the dashboard to save your custom definitions) by moving / replacing with empty files the 2 filenames i mentioned in my post to gorhill (or possibly other files if those aren't the culprit).
ChaosCom commented 5 years ago

@gorhill I updated to the dev branch and the issue is gone.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

it seems that the extension is looping on a single core without doing anything (checked via task manager).

Do you mean by this that the CPU usage shows as 100% for uBO?

ChaosCom commented 5 years ago

@gorhill Well technically, it was showing as 12.5% because 4 cores * 2 (Hyperthreading) for me, so anything blocking a single core will show as 1/8 th = 12.5%... But yea, i verified via Chrome Task Manager that the Task "Extension: uBlock Origin" was eating all the cycles..

gorhill commented 5 years ago

If you open the dev tools for uBO (I am assuming you know how), then select the "Source" pane in dev tools, then force a restart of uBO, then create the condition of hung uBO, does pausing in the debugger succeed? I remember facing such situation during development and having the dev tools opened before the infinite loop allowed me to pause successfully.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

I updated to the dev branch and the issue is gone.

Nothing of significance changed in the dev build, at least nothing I can link to an infinite loop -- well except for uBO's filter lists in the package.

Latias4Ever commented 5 years ago

I've attempted to do as @ChaosCom suggested and moved the two mentioned files, but uBlock is still hanging. In fact, I disabled the manual installation of uBlock, and then re-enabled it, and it also started to hang, it only started working again after reinstalling it. This was the same manual installation from earlier today.

I've updated the filters after reinstalling, and it's still working for now.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

You can not modify files in the package, this will cause the browser to see uBO as a tainted package. All the data is stored through extension API chrome.storage.local, you are not going to find this inside uBO package -- uBO has no access to the file system.

Latias4Ever commented 5 years ago

In that case, I'm not sure what I can do. I've attempted to open the Dev Tools for the hanging uBO, but the window doesn't even open, the extension is fully frozen.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

@Latias4Ever Just to be sure I understand: you do not get the hang with 1.18.9b0, you do get the hang with 1.18.8 -- using the same uBO installation, i.e. using the same settings/lists? I am getting confused with all the various information.

Latias4Ever commented 5 years ago

I'll go and describe all the steps I've taken:

My 1.18.8 from the Web Store, the one I've had since first installing, is hanging since late last night.

The manual 1.18.8 installation was done earlier today, about 4 hours ago, it started to hang after I disabled it to attempt @ChaosCom's suggestion (and re-enabling the Web Store installation) and re-enabled it. I reinstalled this again, and it's working right now.

I haven't installed 1.18.9b0 at all yet.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

it started to hang after I disabled it to attempt @ChaosCom's suggestion (and re-enabling the Web Store installation)

How do you know the manual installation hung if you also enabled the Chrome Web Store installation (the one with the problem) at the same time?

Latias4Ever commented 5 years ago

I disabled the Web Store installation, and then disabled and re-enabled the manual installation.

Latias4Ever commented 5 years ago

Updating it to say it happened again after a test. I disabled the manual installation, re-enabled the Web Store installation, then disabled the Web Store installation, and re-enabled the manual installation. The manual installation started to hang, Web Store is still hanging. I'm installing 1.18.9b0 now to see if the issue remains on this version. Note that I didn't do anything since my last post, so this was only several hours after I manually installed.

lzap commented 5 years ago

Upgraded to google-chrome-stable-59.0.3071.86-1.x86_64 on Fedora 29 yesterday and I am experiencing the same issue. Removed uBlock for now, this heled.

Latias4Ever commented 5 years ago

@gorhill Another update, the manual installation has started to hang on its own after starting up Chrome today. This was with 1.18.9b0. I believe this was caused by the fact Chrome disabled the extension for being a manual installation, until I told it I didn't want to uninstall it.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

Could you try 1.18.4 instead of 1.18.6? I am wondering if this could be related to the new Public Suffix List code in 1.18.6.


gorhill commented 5 years ago

I am going to run an old version of Ubuntu from a USB stick to investigate with an old version of Chromium.

ThinkLoudly commented 5 years ago

Chrome v51 user here. Having the same issue. Thank you for your efforts @gorhill

uBlock-user commented 5 years ago

Keeping this open so users need not to open new issues in the tracker.

Latias4Ever commented 5 years ago

I installed 1.18.6 earlier after I made my last post. I just experimented by disabling and re-enabling it, it started to hang again. I've done as suggested and installed 1.18.4 now. Since this happens only when I try it a few hours after reinstalling, I'll only be able to give an update later.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

As said above, 1.18.6 is essentially the same as 1.18.8, hence why I suggested you use 1.18.4.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

By the way, so far I have narrowed the issue to selfie loading. A selfie is generated ~7 minutes after lists are updated. So reloading uBO after a selfie is created causes the issue.

Latias4Ever commented 5 years ago

A few hours have passed, and I've done the experiment once again, I've disabled and re-enabled 1.18.4, and even reloaded it, it hasn't frozen at all. I believe it might be selfie loading, I'll attempt this again at another time to verify if it's still working.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

This is what is causing the issue: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=268991.

Now I have to find out in which version this was fixed, the bug entry does not tell.

Edit: This was fixed in Chromium 60.

uBlock-user commented 5 years ago

Would you be bumping min. version to 60 ?

gorhill commented 5 years ago

It's tempting given that from this issue we can tell nobody using an older version of Chromium is using the dev build of uBO -- the issue here would have been caught before stable release if this was the case.

shaft17 commented 5 years ago

Now it's closed or? I don't update my Chrome version from v52 because of the Direct Write issue. Does this mean, I have to stick to 1.18.4 - which is still working?

androidacy-user commented 5 years ago

@shaft17 it's closed because it was fixed in a commit

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Lambik commented 5 years ago

I have the same on my raspberry pi (fully apt-get update & upgraded). Its chromium is: Version 56.0.2924.84 Built on Ubuntu 14.04, running on Raspbian 8.0

I rebooted the thing to be sure to kill chromium, and I let the webpage load for several minutes, and it worked after a while, so it might be the selfie thing.

Just joining the conversation to show why some people are on old versions of chrome/chromium :-)