uBlockOrigin / uBlock-issues

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Show filter list line number and go to filter line when link is clicked #620

Open sebast889 opened 5 years ago

sebast889 commented 5 years ago



It can sometimes be confusing to figure out which filters are causing blocks/allows from the logger and strict blocking page. Just an example ||domain.com^$~image and other similar negated filters and the new $all filters don't actually show up exactly in the logger and strict blocking pages.

It would better if the logger entry and strict blocking page show line number next to the filter list name and if the filter list link is clicked for it to automatically go to the line with the corresponding filter. This makes it easier to figure out what is the exact filter causing the blocks/allows.

uBlock-user commented 5 years ago


uBO interprets this rule as per the network request type, that's why it doesn't show up in the logger.

sebast889 commented 5 years ago

I know that. This request is to make it easier to find the actual written filter that is causing the block/allow, rather than what is finally interpreted by uBO.

krystian3w commented 5 years ago


this is also translated into:

@@||domain.com^$image? https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/388

gwarser commented 5 years ago


Block all connections, except image


If something is blocked and it is image then allow it.

garry-ut99 commented 1 year ago

It's a duplicate (or related...) of already declined issue: