uBlockOrigin / uMatrix-issues

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uMatrix breaks youtube functions in watch2gether. #123

Closed Ryonez closed 5 years ago

Ryonez commented 5 years ago



When trying to add a youtube video url to watch2gether room or try to search for a youtube video in a room, no results are returned for you to play.

The only way to get it to work so far is to uninstall uMatrix, disabling the extension it will not work.

This is consistently replicable.

A specific URL where the issue occurs

Any room at: https://www.watch2gether.com

Then try to add a youtube url or search a video here: image

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to any room at https://www.watch2gether.com
  2. Then try to add a youtube url or search a video here: image


Non default rules:

watch2gether.com googlevideo.com * allow
watch2gether.com suggestqueries.google.com script allow
watch2gether.com www.googleapis.com xhr allow
watch2gether.com youtube.com * allow
watch2gether.com youtube.com frame allow
watch2gether.com ytimg.com * allow

Supporting evidence

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA4aaSzqT9s Chrome Console output (SUCCESSFUL load) image

Firefox console output (FAILED) image

Firefox uMatrix logger output: image

Your environment

uBlock-user commented 5 years ago

Do not post issues regarding broken sites.

uMatrix is a browser firewall, you're expected to be able to unbreak any breakage caused by the ruleset.




Ryonez commented 5 years ago


Umm, sorry?

Please re-read the submitted info. I spend 4 hours trying things such as:

So before closing shit and pissing off, read the submitted info. Even a casual look will show you that uMatrix itself isn't logging that it's blocking anything. And the fact that the ruleset works on chrome.

As such, this is submitted as a problem with uMatrix itself, not the ruleset or the site.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

Disabling the extension

How did you accomplish this?

Also, did you read About "the page is still broken after I created all necessary rules"?

Ryonez commented 5 years ago

How did you accomplish this?

In the about:addons page, each extension has a button to disable it, and to remove it. uMatrix also supports the options button, so that's enabled as well: image

Also, did you read About "the page is still broken after I created all necessary rules"?

Yup, that linked stood out to me on the documentation page. The only thing I couldn't account for from the list was regarding "behind-the-scene scope". However that was because I couldn't find where those settings where. Overall though, I hadn't made any changes to it and it sounds like the default is it's disabled.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

If you disable uMatrix from about:addons, then this means the issue is not with uMatrix. Check that Firefox's own content blocker is not interfering.

Ryonez commented 5 years ago

If you disable uMatrix from about:addons, then this means the issue is not with uMatrix. Check that Firefox's own content blocker is not interfering.

The issue goes away though when uMatrix is uninstalled.

I've just checked on the dev firefox after removing uMatrix. With no changes to the default content blocker settings, the youtube functions work.

Something about uMatrix is triggering the issue.

I'd like to piont out again that disabling uMatrix doesn't fix it, only removing it does.

Another interesting note, after installing uMatrix, it takes a minute or two before the youtube function breaks again.

gorhill commented 5 years ago

I had no problem make it works -- but I simply needed to disable "Referrer spoofing" for that site (along with a few obvious allow rules) for the Youtube search to work.

Ryonez commented 5 years ago

I had no problem make it works -- but I simply needed to disable "Referrer spoofing" for that site (along with a few obvious allow rules) for the Youtube search to work.

That appears to have done it, though why I don't know why.

That setting is enabled on Chrome. And it shouldn't matter when the extension is disabled, none of the rules should be being applied.

I will thank you, you got it. How did you figure that out? Did I miss something?

gorhill commented 5 years ago

Did I miss something?

We pointed at you twice for help on how to figure such breakage: About "the page is still broken after I created all necessary rules":

Did you verify that one or more per-scope switches are also interfering?

The logger was telling you that REFERER header was modified -- though you posted a truncated version of it.

extension is disabled, none of the rules should be being applied.

And that is the case. Again, in the link above, it says:

Did you try to bypass the browser cache when you forced a reload of the page?

The browser cache is outside of uMatrix control, even more so after you disable completely uMatrix. I do prominently warn that uMatrix is for advanced users.

Ryonez commented 5 years ago

I do prominently warn that uMatrix is for advanced users.

Yeah, but it's not rocket science and it is behaving inconstantly.

The logger was telling you that REFERER header was modified -- though you posted a truncated version of it.

I've told it to spoof the referrer again, and seeing no errors or warnings complaining about this.

The browser cache is outside of uMatrix control, even more so after you disable completely uMatrix.

Yup, that was what was interfering still even after disabling it.

Now, I'm not going to say I didn't fuck up. I clearly need to bypass the cache more when using this tool. But can you please point out where "The logger was telling you that REFERER header was modified -- though you posted a truncated version of it." is please? I'm staring at it in the screenshot and the fresh logs, and I can't see it.

gorhill commented 5 years ago


uBlock-user commented 5 years ago

That setting is enabled on Chrome.

Websites behave differently on a specific browser and may serve different pages, so there's no point in making a comparision with Chrome.

I linked you enough documentation which you obviously didn't read before posting otherwise you could have figured it out on your own instead.

My ruleset for unbreaking --

no-workers: www.watch2gether.com false
referrer-spoof: www.watch2gether.com false
www.watch2gether.com www.googleapis.com xhr allow
Ryonez commented 5 years ago

Websites behave differently on a specific browser and may serve different pages, so there's no point in making a comparison with Chrome.

Kinda fair enough, though it worked and I couldn't see why it shouldn't in firefox.

I linked you enough documentation which you obviously didn't read before posting otherwise you could have figured it out on your own instead.

That is frankly insulting, especially as I went through all of that as part of the prerequisites: image

A combination of no logger errors (Which after being shown it by @gorhill I have managed to find) as well as why I didn't when I was looking at the logger along with missing the bypass cache when toggling that setting is why I didn't narrow it down myself Maybe you should document the "behind-the-scene scope" because that's not in there. I took the time to test, and missed one thing along with the logger not displaying the error at the time. It happens, and insulting me mistakes that aren't really obvious is bloody rude.

Now with the missing error with the logger, it only shows on the initial tab load. Not even a refresh bypassing the cache will trigger it again:

This is the initial tab load: image

This is what happens with a refresh that bypasses the cache: image

Even with the referrer-spoof enabled, that error does not show up again.

Now on the otherhand, I get it. It was a site issue in the end. But from a user standpoint after spending hours of searching and testing, only to end up here, then to spend more time going through the checklist and not being able to find it at the time, having something you spent so much time putting together just to have it closed is frustrating, especially when you just link all the stuff I went through before.

Thank you @gorhill for your patience. I do understand while I was frustrated, you guys probably were as well at the "noob". Thank you for going though and having a look from your side, I now have an additional check if things go weird again.

uBlock-user commented 5 years ago

That is frankly insulting, especially as I went through all of that as part of the prerequisites:

I took the time to test, and missed one thing along with the logger not displaying the error at the time. It happens, and insulting me mistakes that aren't really obvious is bloody rude.

NO, not insulting, but rather letting you know that you didn't go through the entire wiki at least once or so you wouldn't have missed it. No need to get angry or feel insulted.

I closed it because we don't deal with broken sites here, but gorhill still helped you out, even though there's no reason to help as uMatrix is only for advanced users who are willing to fix site breakage on their own, this is understood when you and all other users install this extension.

This isn't a customer care support system for everyone to post their site breakage issues, just because they missed something or didn't the read the entire wiki at least as expected, but people still post sometimes so they're closed and left for people to figure for themselves or ask for help on reddit. Next time you experience site breakage, ask for help on reddit, that's is what it's true purpose is anyway. We have gone off topic enough, so closing this for good.