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Importing Rules File Extensions Allowed Changed Only shows ".bib" #251

Closed TheNightRider12 closed 4 years ago

TheNightRider12 commented 4 years ago



I installed Firefox Nightly freshly due to an unrelated issue. So it's a fresh install. Version; 77.0a1 (2020-04-24) (64-bit) When I went into uMatrix > My Rules > Import From File, I noticed that the only extension I can import is ".bib". I went to Firefox Stable and when I went through the same steps I got as extensions I can import ".bib", ".txt".

A specific URL where the issue occurs


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install Firefox Nightly
  2. Either Sign into your Firefox account to sync extensions or download uMatrix manually.
  3. Go into uMatrix Settings.
  4. Go into "My Rules".
  5. Click "Import from File".
  6. Observe the file extensions that you can import.
  7. For me it only says ".bib" and not ".txt"


https-strict: behind-the-scene false matrix-off: about-scheme true matrix-off: behind-the-scene true matrix-off: chrome-extension-scheme true matrix-off: chrome-scheme true matrix-off: moz-extension-scheme true matrix-off: opera-scheme true matrix-off: vivaldi-scheme true matrix-off: wyciwyg-scheme true noscript-spoof: true referrer-spoof: true referrer-spoof: behind-the-scene false

Supporting evidence

This is the "File Import" dialog box on Firefox Image from Firefox Nightly: https://puu.sh/FC1ET.png Image from Firefox Stable: https://puu.sh/FC1FO.png

Your environment

uBlock-user commented 4 years ago

That's a Windows dialog which uMatrix has no control over. Are you using some bibliography software which you also use to edit text files on your Windows device ?

gorhill commented 4 years ago

There is no bib anywhere in uMatrix code.

If you set accept to text/plain in the demo at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file, what do you get when you click "Browse..."?

TheNightRider12 commented 4 years ago


I get as the file extension format that I can open "BibTeX File (*.bib)". I do not have this issue on my laptop running the latest Nightly. So I will poke around my windows settings. But I do not have this issue on the stable version of Firefox.

TheNightRider12 commented 4 years ago

If it does matter, I am able to select the Dropdown menu for the extension of the files to look for to "All Files" and then import the text file from there. So that is an option for me that I can use until I figure it out.

gorhill commented 4 years ago

If you can reproduce this outside uMatrix, then the issue is not in uMatrix.