uISP / uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p

A proper HID bootloader for nRF24LU1+
5 stars 2 forks source link

unable to build on mac, arch nrf24lu1p missing #1

Open zerog2k opened 6 years ago

zerog2k commented 6 years ago
hackpro:uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p jens$ make
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       /Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/tmp/edeploy.mk
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       /Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/tmp/deploy.mk
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       /Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/tmp/arch.mk
  -e \e[1;32m[INFO]-e \e[0m      Config changed, running silentoldconfig
  -e \e[1;36m[CHECK]-e \e[0m     bash
  -e \e[1;36m[CHECK]-e \e[0m     sed
  -e \e[1;36m[CHECK]-e \e[0m     awk
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       /Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/tmp/arch.kcnf
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       /Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/tmp/all-arch.kcnf
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       /Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/tmp/deploy.kcnf
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       /Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/tmp/all-deploy.kcnf
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       /Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/tmp/edeploy.kcnf
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       /Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/tmp/all-edeploy.kcnf
sed: illegal option -- r
usage: sed script [-Ealn] [-i extension] [file ...]
       sed [-Ealn] [-i extension] [-e script] ... [-f script_file] ... [file ...]
sed: illegal option -- r
usage: sed script [-Ealn] [-i extension] [file ...]
       sed [-Ealn] [-i extension] [-e script] ... [-f script_file] ... [file ...]
sed: illegal option -- r
usage: sed script [-Ealn] [-i extension] [file ...]
       sed [-Ealn] [-i extension] [-e script] ... [-f script_file] ... [file ...]
sed: illegal option -- r
usage: sed script [-Ealn] [-i extension] [file ...]
       sed [-Ealn] [-i extension] [-e script] ... [-f script_file] ... [file ...]
  -e \e[1;33m[VERSION]-e \e[0m   0.2-rc1, Insane Mushroom; git commit: a53b444c7350f70121d95120a7eede76f00f30e1  
sed: illegal option -- r
usage: sed script [-Ealn] [-i extension] [file ...]
       sed [-Ealn] [-i extension] [-e script] ... [-f script_file] ... [file ...]
* Restart config...
* Target platform settings
Target architecture
> 1. 8051 (ARCH_8051)
  2. arm (ARCH_ARM)
  3. avr (ARCH_AVR)
  4. gbz80 (ARCH_GBZ80)
  5. mips (ARCH_MIPS)
  6. msp430 (ARCH_MSP430)
  7. native (ARCH_NATIVE)
  8. pic32 (ARCH_PIC32)
choice[1-8]: 1
Pick an MCU family
> 1. STC 8051 family (ARCH_8051_STC)
  2. Atmel AT89 family (ARCH_8051_AT89)
choice[1-2]: 1
CPU Frequency in Hz (F_CPU) [16000000] 16000000
Memory model
  1. Small (MODEL_SMALL)
  2. Medium (MODEL_MEDIUM)
> 3. Large (MODEL_LARGE)
  4. Huge (MODEL_HUGE)
choice[1-4]: 3
XRAM size (bytes) (XRAM_SIZE) [128] (NEW) 2048
IRAM size (bytes) (IRAM_SIZE) [128] (NEW) 128
FLASH size (bytes) (FLASH_SIZE) [4096] (NEW) 4096
* Platform-specific libraries
STC IAP/ISP routines (LIB_STC_IAP) [N/y/?] (NEW) 
* stcdude
stcdude (DEPLOY_STCDUDE) [N/y] (NEW) 
# configuration written to .config
  -e \e[1;32m[INFO]-e \e[0m      Building antares library code and startup
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;33m[CC]-e \e[0m        delay-8051.rel
at 1: error 194: Bad integer argument for option --iram-size
make[3]: *** [delay-8051.rel] Error 1
make[2]: *** [delaylib//built-in.rel-recurse] Error 2
make[1]: *** [lib/built-in.rel-recurse] Error 2
make: *** [builtin] Error 2

then a second pass of running make, this time seems like nrf24lu1 headers missing

hackpro:uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p jens$ make
  -e \e[1;32m[INFO]-e \e[0m      Building antares library code and startup
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;33m[CC]-e \e[0m        delay-8051.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;36m[GEN]-e \e[0m       built-in.rel
  -e \e[1;32m[INFO]-e \e[0m      Building application code
  -e \e[1;33m[CC]-e \e[0m        main.rel
/Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/src/main.c:1:28: fatal error: arch/nRF24LU1p.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
/Users/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/src/main.c:1: warning 190: ISO C forbids an empty source file
make[1]: *** [main.rel] Error 1
make: *** [builtin] Error 2

not too familiar with antares.. should this be functional?

zerog2k commented 6 years ago

running on ubuntu 16.04 different but not better ;)

jens@spire:~/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p$ make
  [INFO]      Config changed, running silentoldconfig
* Restart config...
* Target platform settings
Target architecture
> 1. 8051 (ARCH_8051)
  2. arm (ARCH_ARM)
  3. avr (ARCH_AVR)
  4. gbz80 (ARCH_GBZ80)
  5. mips (ARCH_MIPS)
  6. msp430 (ARCH_MSP430)
  7. native (ARCH_NATIVE)
  8. pic32 (ARCH_PIC32)
choice[1-8]: 1
Pick an MCU family
> 1. STC 8051 family (ARCH_8051_STC)
  2. Atmel AT89 family (ARCH_8051_AT89)
choice[1-2]: 1
CPU Frequency in Hz (F_CPU) [16000000] 16000000
Memory model
  1. Small (MODEL_SMALL)
  2. Medium (MODEL_MEDIUM)
> 3. Large (MODEL_LARGE)
  4. Huge (MODEL_HUGE)
choice[1-4]: 3
XRAM size (bytes) (XRAM_SIZE) [128] (NEW) 
IRAM size (bytes) (IRAM_SIZE) [128] (NEW) 
FLASH size (bytes) (FLASH_SIZE) [4096] (NEW) 
* Platform-specific libraries
STC IAP/ISP routines (LIB_STC_IAP) [N/y/?] (NEW) 
* stcdude
stcdude (DEPLOY_STCDUDE) [N/y] (NEW) 
# configuration written to .config
  [INFO]      Building antares library code and startup
  [GEN]       built-in.rel
  [GEN]       built-in.rel
  [GEN]       built-in.rel
  [GEN]       built-in.rel
  [GEN]       built-in.rel
  [CC]        delay-8051.rel
at 1: error 194: Bad integer argument for option --iram-size
/home/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/antares/make/Makefile.build:78: recipe for target 'delay-8051.rel' failed
make[3]: *** [delay-8051.rel] Error 1
/home/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/antares/make/Makefile.build:69: recipe for target 'delaylib//built-in.rel-recurse' failed
make[2]: *** [delaylib//built-in.rel-recurse] Error 2
/home/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/antares/make/Makefile.build:69: recipe for target 'lib/built-in.rel-recurse' failed
make[1]: *** [lib/built-in.rel-recurse] Error 2
/home/jens/build/nrf/uHID-bootloader-nrf24lu1p/antares/toolchains/sdcc.mk:38: recipe for target 'builtin' failed
make: *** [builtin] Error 2
zerog2k commented 6 years ago

@nekromant I guess I'm trying to figure out where nrf24lu1p.h comes from. I looked in antares repo and cant find it there.. It doesnt match the platform headers I have seen on other sdcc/nrf24lu1p projects...

nekromant commented 6 years ago

Hmm, check the experimental branch of Antares. I haven't yet had can chance to switch this repo to cmake and update. I'll have a look this weekend.