uNetworking / uWebSockets.js

μWebSockets for Node.js back-ends :metal:
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Auto compression for HTTP and use zstd #1039

Open uasan opened 3 months ago

uasan commented 3 months ago


I think this topic has already been raised, but once again I want to describe how important it is for real performance.

Most HTTP responses need to be compressed, now this has to be done on the Node side, this is not effective, and Chrome already supports the new compression method zstd: https://chromestatus.com/feature/6186023867908096 Safari and Firefox also plan to implement it.

It is ideal for fast (faster than gzip) stream compression, but Node does not have normal zstd streaming libraries. If uWS implements compression on its side and will check the client Accept-Encoding header, if its value contains zstd then compress zstd, if not then gzip.

This is something that will really speed up all existing servers that use uWS, thank you.

uNetworkingAB commented 3 months ago

Eventually something like this (at least gzip given that zlib which we already depend on, has gzip support) could be added but in what way is not decided (could be automatic like you propose, or just a helper layer, or completely separate). Automatic is kind of promoting inefficient use, as you could in many case pre-compress the file and store it compressed and uncompressed on disk and then serve it based on headers. Then you would have 0 cost server side. So making it in a way that promotes efficient use is key.

uasan commented 3 months ago

Yes, of course, I had that an explicit method was needed, for example something like this: response.isCompresed(true | false) by default there should be no compression.

This method will make it possible not to use compression in Node.js, this will be very useful, over time zstd can be added later

joshxyzhimself commented 4 weeks ago

if not zstd, brotli can be used too for certain file types.

personally i see this more like a plugin / helper as it's dependent on variable things like

some considerations


e3dio commented 4 weeks ago

I use a middleware like this:

app.get('/example.js', serveFile('src/example.js'));

app.get('/public/:file', serveDir('public'));

serveFile sets up a file watcher, runs brotliCompress from node:zlib on any file changes, stores the raw bytes and compressed bytes in ram, serves correct file according to request headers and sets Etag header. Might publish that code along with some other helpers

drag0n-app commented 1 week ago

I'm really looking forward to how this new feature can help me be more productive at work.