uPhyca / gradle-android-aspectj-plugin

A Gradle plugin which enables AspectJ for Android builds.
Apache License 2.0
279 stars 55 forks source link

Dagger 2 integration #20

Closed WojciechKo closed 8 years ago

WojciechKo commented 9 years ago

Using this plugin with Dagger 2 causing error:

Error:Execution failed for task ':MyApp:compileDebugAspectj'.
> Dagger_MyApp_Component cannot be resolved

Dagger_MyApp_Component is class generated by Dagger 2.

When I'm using this instead of plugin it works fine. Maybe you could use this to fix plugin:

final def log = project.logger
final def variants = project.android.applicationVariants
variants.all { variant ->
    if (!variant.buildType.isDebuggable()) {
        log.debug("Skipping non-debuggable build type '${variant.buildType.name}'.")
    JavaCompile javaCompile = variant.javaCompile
    javaCompile.doLast {
        String[] args = ["-showWeaveInfo",
                         "-inpath", javaCompile.destinationDir.toString(),
                         "-aspectpath", javaCompile.classpath.asPath,
                         "-d", javaCompile.destinationDir.toString(),
                         "-classpath", javaCompile.classpath.asPath,
                         "-bootclasspath", project.android.bootClasspath.join(File.pathSeparator)]
        log.debug "ajc args: " + Arrays.toString(args)
        MessageHandler handler = new MessageHandler(true);
        new Main().run(args, handler);
        for (IMessage message : handler.getMessages(null, true)) {
            switch (message.getKind()) {
                case IMessage.ABORT:
                case IMessage.ERROR:
                case IMessage.FAIL:
                    log.error message.message, message.thrown
                case IMessage.WARNING:
                    log.warn message.message, message.thrown
                case IMessage.INFO:
                    log.info message.message, message.thrown
                case IMessage.DEBUG:
                    log.debug message.message, message.thrown