Open kbalajijan1 opened 8 years ago
Below is the HTML code which is got from Mosaico's viewModel.exportHTML().
Just for cross-check, I applied this code directly in but the output is similar to above the screenshot of Premailer.
I applied the same code in and it works fine as expected.
May I know are you using Premailer and it works fine to you or you use something else?
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Hello - we do use Premailer ourselves. It does have issues and generates output that is a little different than Mosaico's output. Unless Mosaico open-sources their custom css inlining function, we have no choice but to use other people's which may output less than ideal results.
BTW The block you are using in your photo with the 166x130 image - that works fine in Outlook with the image shown to the left of the paragraph. But it does shows the mobile device version (image above the paragraph) in Gmail.
The main reason we don't opensource our inliner is because it would require a lot of work to make it standalone and the license of the dependencies would not met our mosaico license, too.
So the plan is to implement the inliner in the client in javascript: unfortunately we're currently busy on other projects and the time we dedicate to mosaico is not enough to deal with this in the short-term.
In our php backend we use a "selective" inliner and we inline only the styles marked with a data-inline="true" attribute: this let the template author have more control on what is inlined and what is not. In the opensource js inliner we bundle in this project, instead, we simply use "Stylizer" inliner "as is" and we never tested a lot its results.
Unfortunately, as I wrote elsewhere, the "inlining" is not an "hard science": you can't simply inline using a "specification" so every author decided to solve "unsolvable issues" its own way. When you do inlining you alter the result and you probably break something: the right mix is very "subjective".
Unfortunately I think there is no opensource inliner for CSS written in javascript that can run in the browser and "do the right thing" right now, so we have to write one (possibly leveraging mensch for css parsing).
Thank you. The issue is, Premailer processes the style tags which don't have data-inline attribute also.
Is there any way like we should send html to the backend with style tags which have only data-inline="true" attribute and after processing the backend we should be able to add back the styles which don't have data-lnline="true" attribute.
I'm not sure the ONLY issue is the data-inline support. Maybe there are also issues in the way inlining is done.
I keep repeating that inlining is a very weird thing and there is no one "scientific" way to do it right, so every implementor do this its own way and produces different, often unexpected, results.
BTW, to give it a try with premailer I would do this:
1) replace any <style...>
(and theri </style>
) with no "data-inline" to <replaced-style
tag (so that premailer won't see them)
2) send the email to premailer
3) replace back the <replaced-style>
tags to <style>
Sounds easier than "removing" stuff and remembering where you have to put them back.
Just one example
.a { color: red; }
.b { color: rgba(255,255,0,.4); }
<div class="a b" style></div>
The inliner can put both "color: red; color: rgba(255,255,0,.4);" or just keep the "color: rgba(255,255,0,.4);" .. in the first solution you get a very large result, but the second one is more correct because browsers not supporting rgba won't fallback to red, otherwise.
There are more complex cases, but this is the first I remember made me waste a lot of time debugging one template.
Thank you. Changing the style tag is a good idea.
I agree with you about the complexity of in-lining. I will find time to do my own in-lining.
I went again to Premailer and analyzed the problem. Actually it converts the media queries into inline styles. Hope Mosaico doesn't use media queries inside data-line style tag.
Bago - replacing style with no data-inline with something else before sending to premailer is a good idea. I can look into adding this feature into the php backend.
After I managed to get Premailer working, I face exactly the same issue as kbalajijan1. It is hard to believe that it replacing style with no data-inline will solve the issue. So we are now somehow stuck ...
Problem occurs with template: versafix-1 but not with tedc15.
being dependent on an external web service is tough anyhow. But it seems that versafix-1 has some problems with Premailer.
Would be interesting if these issues also exist with At least this would be something which we could try to make compatible with mosaico.
One more option is
I tried with I works with versafix-1 template. But it yields another error:
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Attribute http-equiv redefined in Entity, line: 3 in /home/www/mosaico/vendor/inlinestyle/inlinestyle/InlineStyle/InlineStyle.php on line 83
I don't know if this is an issue of mosaico. The post header looks like this, so it seems that mosaico is making the error.
html:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""><head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
Nevertheless, if you wish, I could prepare a pull-request with this integration.
I will be looking into adding support for alternate premailers / style inliners next.
Will you please bring back the integration done by today? I don't want continue with my fork.
Still looking for a CssInliner that want cause me troubles, any suggested solutions?
Hi, you could look in my fork the css inliner integration there works properly.
i don't know why Marvin does not handle pull requests.
Does download work properly to you. It doesn't work at my end.
Please find below the screen shot of mosaico and my localhost.
Could you give me some solutions?