ua-i2cat / liveMediaStreamerWebGUI

A web GUI and REST interface for the liveMediaStreamer
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How can I mixer 2 RTMP input stream #6

Open haithanhnguyen opened 9 years ago

haithanhnguyen commented 9 years ago


In liveMediaStreamerWebGUI, I could not found RTMP or MPEG-TS input stream. (only RTP and RTSP input).

Please help me to config this tool to mix some RTMP or MPEG-TS input stream.

Thanks! image

davidcassany commented 9 years ago


I know it been a whole since you requested support, I am sorry for the delayed answer. As we are a non profit organization we don't have specific resources dedicated for support. Anyway, regarding your request, it is not immediate, but possible. The way to go would be to update the livemediastreamerwebgui in order to be compatible with the "development" branch of the livemediastreamer. After that it would be pretty simple/direct to switch the receiver filter in order to use the demux filter (based on libavformat), which is capable to capture RTMP and many different formats and protocols (as many as libavformat).

It is not a big work, but it is something that we do not have in our roadmap at the moment. If you aim to proceed yourself with the change I can advice you the best I can in order to help you, it is all about updating the Ruby web code.

Best regards, David

2015-10-28 11:21 GMT+01:00 haithanhnguyen


In liveMediaStreamerWebGUI, I could not found RTMP or MPEG-TS input stream. (only RTP and RTSP input).

Please help me to config this tool to mix some RTMP or MPEG-TS input stream.

Thanks! [image: image]

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