ua-parser / uap-python

Python implementation of ua-parser
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Investigate (& report?) performances on JIT runtimes #207

Open masklinn opened 8 months ago

masklinn commented 8 months ago
masklinn commented 1 month ago

All benching done with samples/useragents.txt (75158 lines, 20322 unique).

NOTE: "legacy" has a clearing cache of size 200.

parser cache (n=200) cpython 3.12 pypy 7.3.17 graalpy 24.1.0
legacy clearing 29.00s (386us/line) 156.56s (2083us/line) 106.12s (1412us/line)
basic 33.53s (446us/line) 221.14s (2942us/line) 117.09s (1558us/line)
basic lru 29.19s (388us/line) 220.40s (2933us/line) 72.96s (971us/line)
basic s3fifo 24.18s (322us/line) 146.93s (1955us/line) 55.65s (740us/line)
basic sieve 24.37s (324us/line) 127.61s (1698us/line) 55.43s (737us/line)
regex 1.31s (17us/line) 1.47s (20us/line) 7.15s (95us/line)

A few observations:

[^1]: LRU should be better than the clearing cache at 200, but it makes sense that the layered approach of the new API would have some additional overhead, so coming out to a wash on cpython makes sense [^2]: important caveat, somehow Graal manages to work with a ton of concurrency, I assume the GC is concurrent but I don't understand what else it's doing: on my machine, on bench --bases legacy basic regex --cachesizes 200 --caches none lru s3fifo sieve, GraalPy times to 1175.69s user 8.45s system 283% cpu 6:57.58 total while pypy times to 925.28s user 3.32s system 100% cpu 15:27.14 total, so graal uses nearly 30% more CPU total but it nearly fully loads 3 cores, so ends up executing the test suite a bit more than twice as fast (some configurations go even higher e.g. basic with no cache basically runs at 400%)[^3] [^3]: as it turns out that's got nothing to do with "tons of concurrency", it's that it's concurrently trying to JIT the regexes but the regex patterns of uap-core completely defeat TRegex's JIT compiler, as a result disabling regex compilation yields the same timings (or slightly better) at 100% CPU usage

masklinn commented 3 weeks ago